MMV 2010 - Wageningen, Netherlands
May 30 - June 03
Hosting Institution
Alterra, Wageningen
Dr. Martin Goossen
The first MMV conference was held in Vienna, Austria, in winter 2002, the second in Rovaniemi, Finland, in spring 2004, the third one in Rapperswil, Switzerland, in autumn 2006 and the fourth one in Montecatini Terme in Italy. MMV conferences are motivated by the growing concern that increasing recreational use of protected areas is approaching the limits of ecological and social carrying capacities in many parts of the world. Four preceding conferences had great success, making MMV a regular meeting for scientists and managers. MMV5 will be organized in an urbanized country, the Netherlands.
Keynote Speakers
- Matthijs Schouten, Netherlands: Professor of nature and landscape conservation at University College Cork and University College Galway (Ireland); chair of restoration ecology at Wageningen University
- Harry Boeschoten, Netherlands: Director concern staff State Forest Service
- Ignace Schops, Belgum: Director National Park Hoge Kempen
International Steering Committee
- Arne Arnberger - University of Natural Resources & Applied Life Sciences, Austria
- David Cole - Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, USA
- Terry Daniel - University of Arizona, USA
- Don English - United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, USA
- Wolfgang Haider - Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Marcel Hunziker - Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape Research, Switzerland
- Robert E. Manning - School of Natural Resources, University of Vermont, USA
- Andreas Muhar - University of Natural Resources & Applied Life Sciences, Austria
- Ulrike Pröbstl - University of Natural Resources & Applied Life Sciences, Austria
- Dominik Siegrist - University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil, Switzerland
- Tuija Sievänen - Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland
- Seija Tuulentie - Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland
- Tetsuya Aikoh - Hokkaido University, Japan
- MMV 5 - Conference Proceedings (PDF, 10,6 MB)
- MMV 5 Website