MMV 2021 - Lillehammer, Norway

August 16th-19th, 2021


Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the local steering group for MMV10 in Norway has decided to organise MMV10, scheduled for 16-19 August 2021 as a full-digital conference.

The decision is taken in close dialogue with the international steering committee for the MMV conference series and main domestic sponsors for MMV10 in Norway.

The main reasons for this decision is to reduce uncertainty for participants in planning their attendance, and secure a quality content of the conference, as well as to avoid economic risk. The scientific plans and content, including keynote speakers and sessions will remain the same. The local hosts will also aim to develop digital social events and excursions.

Another consequence will be a lower conference fee. The fee is not yet set, but will be posted as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of abstracts is unchanged and is 31st March 2021. Deadlines for registration will also be updated.

The conference webpage will gradually be updated during the coming weeks. Follow our webpage and sign up for the newsletter.

MMV 10 Website