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Author (up) Heikinheimo, V.; Toivonen, T., pdf  url
  Title Critical comparison of social media and other user-generated geographic information as a source of visitor information – lessons learned in the SoMeCon-project Type
  Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 294-295  
  Keywords MMV10  
  Abstract Up-to-date information about outdoor recreation experiences is important for the planning and management of national parks and other outdoor destinations. User-generated data such as geotagged social media posts and GPS-tracks shared via sports applications have emerged as potential new data sources to complement on-site counters and surveys. There are considerable amounts of geographic information available from digital platforms and mobile devices representing the movements, activities and preferences of visitors, and these data have been increasingly used for studying visits to national parks and green spaces..This presentation draws together our findings from the Social Media Data for Conservation Science -project SoMeCon (2016-2021). Our main objectives were to 1) gain methodological understanding about social media and other user-generated data sets as a source of geographic information, and 2) to provide new information about the spatial and temporal patterns of human activities in national parks and green spaces. We compared social media data to official visitor statistics from Finnish and South African national parks, and social media to other sources of user-generated geographic information (sports app data, mobile network data, PPGIS data) from urban green spaces in Helsinki, Finland.  
  Call Number Serial 4331  
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