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Author (up) Sitarz, M.; Kauzal, P.; Kot, M.; Krol, M.; Matysek, M.; Rabiasz, J.; Zieba, A.; Kozica, T. Z., pdf  url
  Title Sewage management in remote protected areas: high mountain challenge Type
  Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 58-69  
  Keywords MMV10  
  Abstract Protected areas around the world have to deal with the problem of tourist pressure. Providing access to the most valuable natural areas has a great impact on the environment. This task is especially difficult in the core zones of the protected areas which are remote and far from the urbanized zones. One of the many identified threats associated with the intense tourist traffic is sewage pollution (Lebersorger et al. 2010, Weissenbacher 2008, Andreottola 2003). In the Tatra National Park the problem of sewage pollution becomes more and more crucial over the years. The reason of that is gradually rising number of tourists (almost 4 million of tourists in 2019 and 2020) who visit not only tourist trails and other specially dedicated areas but also trespassing the fragile natural habitats. In mountain shelters, located in the core zone and mostly in remote areas generally biological wastewater treatment plants are used, which very often hardly deal with the enormous amount of sewage. What is more faecal contamination occurs also nearby the tourist trails. As a result this situation is causing pressure on the nature, including the pollution of streams and ponds. Around the world there are many different solutions regarding the sewage management. The aim of this research is to gather and analyse these solutions in order to recommend the best options for the protected areas, especially remote.  
  Call Number Serial 4224  
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