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Author (up) Van den Berg, J. pdf  url
  Title Online visitor monitoring in Dutch nature reserves and National Parks Type
  Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 130-133  
  Keywords MMV8  
  Abstract The Netherlands is a delta area and is a haven for a large share of the European habitats. Out of roughly 200 European habitattypes the Netherlands houses almost 50 habitattypes on just a very small part of Europe that is densely populated. Staatsbosbeheer – commissioned by the government – manages a considerable share of all nature reserves and National Parks in the Netherlands. Staatsbosbeheer is promoting outdoor-recreation at as many sites as possible. We had to collect – in a very short time – data regarding our visitors per site. As we are provincial organised the data had to be collected likewise. We wanted to do this for a great number of the most visited sites per province. The collection of the data had to be uniform and without any effort for our local rangers. So we decided to perform online visitor research.The data we wanted to collect should be usuable in ranking our most visited sites and had to increase our knowledge of visitors as well. The key performance indicators we decided to collect regarding each individual nature site were meant to form an objective set of data leading to insights that informs our decision-making.  
  Call Number Serial 3900  
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