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  Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Tyrvainen, L.; Neuvonen, M.; Pyky; R.; Ojala, A.; Borodulin, K. Nature for physical activities promotion- role of green infrastructures in Finland 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 360-362 details   pdf url
Fredman, P.; Vidar, J.; Tyrvainen, L.; Siegrest, D.; Lindberg, K. Prominent trends in nature-based tourism – An international comparison 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 181-183 details   pdf url
Oian, H.; Fredman, P.; Sandell, K.; Saeforsdottir, A.D.; Tyrvainen, L.; Sondergeard Jensen, F., Visitor influx and sustainable tourism development – paradoxes and dilemnas in the Nordic countries 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 23-25 details   pdf url
Kajala, L.; Konu, H.; Mikkola, J.; Neuvonen, M.; Tapainen, M.; Tyrvainen, L., Exploring trends of visitation: 20 years of visitor monitoring in Finnish national parks 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 258-259 details   pdf url
Konu, H.; Tyrvainen, L., Tourism firms perceptions on payments for ecosystem services model – Case: Landscape and Recreation Value Trade 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 150-151 details   pdf url
Tyrvainen, L.; Sepponen, A.; Lankia, T.; Neuvonen, M., The role of outdoor recreation during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on recreational behavior and attitudes towards nature in Finland 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 98-99 details   pdf url
Neuvonen, M.; Tyrvainen, L.; Lankia, T.; Sepponen, A., The importance of nature during the COVID-19 pandemic – experiences of national outdoor recreation demand inventory in Finland 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 92-93 details   pdf url
Tyrvainen, L., Neuvonen, M., Silvennoinen, H. Contribution of nature areas to residents’ health in urban and suburban areas in Helsinki, Finland 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 486-488 details   pdf url
Kangas, K., Tolvanen, A., Tarvainen, O., Nikula, A., Nivala, V., Tyrvainen, L., Tuulentie, S., Huhta, E., Jakalaniemi, A. A novel GIS –based approach to reconcile the needs for nature conservation, tourism and recreation 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 267-269 details   pdf url
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