Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Absher, J.; English, D.; Burns, R., |
Customer service metrics as a basis for segmentation of forest recreationists |
2010 |
Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world |
MMV 5 - Proceedings |
61-62 |
Absher, J.D.; Graefe, A.R.; Burns, R.C., |
Monitoring Public Reactions to the U.S. Forest Service Recreation Fee Program |
2006 |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
50-51 |
Absher, J.D.; Graefe, A.R.; Kyle, G.T., |
A reassessment of the encounter – norm – crowding relationship for reservoir-based recreation |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
101-101 |
Adachi, H., Gokita, R., Terasaki, T., |
A study of “The impressive experience” in Japanese national parks |
2012 |
The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges |
MMV 6 - Proceedings |
304-305 |
Ahas, R. |
Mobile positioning as an innovative tool in visitor management and monitoring |
2014 |
The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation |
MMV 7 - Proceedings |
13-15 |
Aikoh, T., Gokita, R. |
Status of, issues with, and manager attidutes toward visitor monitoring in Japans national parks |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
334-335 |
Aikoh, T., Wang, M.; Gokita, R.; Shoji, Y. |
Trends and awareness of foreign visitors in national parks – a case study of national parks Japan |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
408-410 |
Andrew, R.; Burns, R.; Hentz, A.; Schwarzmann, D., |
Monitoring remote aquatic protected area use with remote methods during a pandemic: Innovation as necessity |
2021 |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
MINA fagrapport |
238-239 |
Ankre, R. |
Snowmobiling and free riding in the Jamtland mountains, Sweden |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
87-89 |
Ankre, R., Fredman, P., Lindhagen, A., |
Visitor monitoring from a management perspective – Experiences from Sweden |
2012 |
The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges |
MMV 6 - Proceedings |
28-29 |
Ankre, R.; Petersson Forsberg, L.; Emmelin, L., |
Silence – an article of short supply in outdoor recreation? Handling noise conflicts in Swedish planning |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
399-403 |
Ankre, R.; Wall-Reinius, S., |
Accessible recreational areas? A pilot study on disabilities, experiences and the outdoors |
2021 |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
MINA fagrapport |
312-313 |
Ankre,R. |
Methodological challenges in nature-based tourism surveys – the use of self-registration cards in Swedish mountain areas |
2014 |
The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation |
MMV 7 - Proceedings |
193-194 |
Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Deussner, R., Stanzer, G., Hein, T., Preiner, S., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R., |
How effective are planned buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on an urban national park? – A combined visual discrete choice and agent-based modeling approach |
2012 |
The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges |
MMV 6 - Proceedings |
46-47 |
Arnberger, A., Schneider, I.E., Cottrell, S., Ebenberger, M., Schlueter, A., Eder, R., Von Ruschkowski, E., Venette, R.C., Snyder, S., Gobster, P. |
Visitors’ trade-offs between physical and social factors of bark beetle impacted recreational forests |
2016 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
192-194 |
Arnberger, A.; Eder, R., |
Monitoring of recreation use in Austrian UNESCO Biosphere Reserves – the case of the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve |
2021 |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
MINA fagrapport |
206-207 |
Arnberger, A.; Eder, R., |
Over- and undercrowding in the urban context: A comparison among Viennese green spaces |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
66-66 |
Arnberger, A.; Eder, R., |
Assessing User Conflicts in an Urban Forest by Long-Term Video Monitoring |
2006 |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
361-362 |
Arnberger, A.; Eder, R.; Allex, B.; Sterl, P.; Burns, R.C., |
Exploring relationships between visitor motives, satisfaction, recreation quality and attitudes towards protected area management in the Gesaeuse National Park, Austria |
2010 |
Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world |
MMV 5 - Proceedings |
63-64 |
Arnegger, J., Schaaff, C., Gokhelashvili, R. |
Supporting Georgia’s Protected Areas: Linking Conservation and Local Development |
2016 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
61-63 |
Bay-Larsen, I.; Bjøru, R.; Eilertsen, S.M.; Fedreheim, G.E., |
Integrated Conservation Processes – A Tool for Reducing Conflicts in Area Conservation Processes |
2006 |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
124-128 |
Beunen, R. |
Innovation in Protected Area Governance: Competing Models and Their Impact in Different Places |
2016 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
5-6 |
Bissix, G.; Firth, R. |
Reconciling Smal Scale Protected Area designation with Local and Traditional Land Uses: two Nova Scotia cases |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
220-222 |
Bizarro, S., Nogueira Mendes, R.M., Santos, T., Juliao, R.P. |
Monitoring Outdoor recreation in Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Portugal |
2016 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
140-142 |
Bizarro, S.; Nogueira Mendes, R.; Santos, T.; Juliao, R. |
Multicriteria analysis a proposal of revitalization of the ancestral trails of the Serra da Estrala Natural Park (PNSE) |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
144-146 |
Bodnár, R., |
Landscape as a motivating factor for tourists |
2010 |
Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world |
MMV 5 - Proceedings |
144-146 |
Bodnár, R., |
Vandalism and its prevention possibilities in the region of Lake Balaton |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
337-342 |
Bodnár, R., |
Economic and Social Effects of the Development of Recreation and Environmentally Sound Tourism through the Example of a Hungarian National Park |
2006 |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
383-384 |
Bodnár, R., |
The effect of the tourism of the Hortobágy National Park on the surrounding settlements – lesson of a questionnaire survey |
2004 |
Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management |
MMV 2 - Proceedings |
382-385 |
Brandenburg, C.; Lexer, W.; Heckl, F.; Muhar, A.; Reimoser, F.; Zink, R.; Bartel, A., |
Nobody knows the trouble they cause? The behaviour of forest users and their knowledge about wildlife disturbance |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
343-343 |
Buckley, R., |
Tourism as a Conservation Tool |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
19-25 |
Buckley, R.; Pickering, C.; Castley, G.; Growcock, A., |
Recent Recreation Ecology Research in Australia |
2006 |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
84-88 |
Burns, R., |
A comparison of 5 western US Wild and Scenic River users: Trip characteristics, opinions and satisfaction levels |
2012 |
The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges |
MMV 6 - Proceedings |
296-297 |
Burns, R.; Andrew, R.; Schwarzmann, D.; Moreira, J., |
Estimating marine sanctuary public use: Preliminary results from a US National Ma-rine Sanctuaries pilot project |
2021 |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
MINA fagrapport |
234-235 |
Burns, R.; Graefe, A.; Absher, J.D., |
Segmenting US Forest recreationists: river users, front country users and wilderness users |
2010 |
Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world |
MMV 5 - Proceedings |
65-66 |
Burns, R.; Graefe, A.; English, D., |
Visitor measuring and monitoring challenges on remote national forests: The case of Alaska, USA |
2008 |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
134-134 |
Burns, R.C. |
Use of various of data in decision making: A transportation case study in Seattle, Washington, USA |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
269-270 |
Burns, R.C.; Moreira, J. |
Development of a systematic visitor monitoring program for Brazil Parks and Protected Areas |
2018 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
413-414 |
Burns, R.C., English, D. |
Testing the use of wild game cameras for US Forest Service recreational visitor monitoring in Oregon/Washington, USA |
2016 |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
245-247 |
Burns, R.C.; Graefe, A.R., |
Outdoor Recreationists in Oregon and Washington: A Comparison of Recreationists’ Perceptions of Experience Satisfaction Across Two US Pacific Northwest States |
2006 |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
52-53 |