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  Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Bhatt, P.; Pickering, C., Spatial and temporal patterns of visitation: Insights from Flickr images of Chitwan National Park, Nepal 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 262-263 details   pdf url
Teles da Mota, V.; Pickering, C., Mapping visitation across thousands of kilometres of beaches using social media data 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 174-175 details   pdf url
Mangachena, J.; Pickering, C., Why are some species more popular with wildlife tourists: Insights from South Africa. 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 134-135 details   pdf url
Irwin, J.; Morrison, C.; Castley, G.; Pickering, C., People engaging with biodiversity in urban parks: insights from citizen science and social media for birds 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 46-47 details   pdf url
Pickering, C., Barros, A., Dario Rossi, S., Hernando, A. What have we learned in the past 12 years about Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas? Current knowledge and future research directions. 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 183-186 details   pdf url
Pickering, C., Leung, Y-F. What’s the latest research on mountain biking in protected areas?: Results from the special issue of the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 168-169 details   pdf url
Ballantyne, M., Pickering, C., Impacts of trail networks on rare and threatened plant communities in Australia 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 366-367 details   pdf doi
Pickering, C., Castley, G., Richardt, K., Informal trails fragmenting endangered remnant vegetation in Australia 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 364-365 details   pdf doi
Leung, Y., Pickering, C., Cole, D., Informal trails and fragmentation effects: A conceptual and research overview 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 360-361 details   pdf doi
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