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Author Title Year Publication Volume (up) Pages
Pflüger, Y., Value based decision making process for strategic visitor management in the Natura 2000 area Lech River Valley, Tyrol 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 299-304
Pouta, E.; Sievänen, T.; Neuvonen, M., Profiling recreational users of national parks, national hiking areas and wilderness areas in Finland 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 347-354
Pröbstl, U., Visitor Monitoring as a prerequisite of assessments in Natura 2000 sites 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 248-255
Raitio, H., Opening address 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 4-4
Rammo, M.; Karoles, K.; Maran, K.; Jansen, J.; Almik, A.; Rammo, R., Visitor Surveys and Visitor Impact Monitoring in Recreational Areas in State Forests of Estonia 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 397-399
Roovers, P.; Dumont, B.; Gulinck, H.; Hermy, M., Visual obstruction of herb vegetation, defining standards for natural barriers 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 400-403
Ryglova, K.; Turcinkova, J., Image as an Important Factor of Destination Management 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 355-359
Shapochkin, M.S.; Kiseleva, V.V.; Syriamkina, O.V.; Nikitin, V.F., Mapping the Intensity of Recreation Impact in the NP Losiny Ostrov, Moscow 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 45-50
Shoji, Y.; Yamaki, K., Visitor Perceptions of the Inscription on the World Heritage List: The Use of Stated Choice Methods 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 305-310
Siegrist, D., Sustainable tourism and large protected areas – analysis models and success criteria of a sustainable tourism management using the example of the Alps 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 311-317
Sievänen, T.; Tuulentie, S., Preface 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 3-3
Skov-Petersen, H.; Jensen, F.S., Assessing recreation in the Danish nature – present experiences, towards a future monitoring system 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 58-64
Sterl, P.; Wagner, S.; Arnberger, A., Social Carrying Capacity of Canoeists in Austria´s Danube Floodplains National Park 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 256-263
Szilágyi, Z., Regulation of Visitor Activities in the DINP 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 202-207
Taczanowska, K., The Potentials for Developing Cross-border Tourism between Poland and Slovakia in the Tatra Mountains 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 404-407
Takahashi, M., Actual condition and problem of visitor use in Jozankei National Forest, Japan 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 65-68
Thapa, B.; Confer, J.J.; Mendelsohn, J., Trip motivations among water-based recreationists 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 208-212
Tolvanen, A.; Rämet, J.; Siikamäki, P.; Törn, A.; Orell, M., Research on ecological and social sustainability of nature tourism in northern Finland 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 264-270
Türk, S.; Jakob, E.; Krämer, A.; Roth, R., Outdoor recreation activities in nature protection areas – situation in Germany 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 171-177
Van Den Berg, C.; Van Bree, F.; Cottrell, S., PAN Parks implementation process: cross cultural comparison – Bieszczady & Slovenski Raij National Parks 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 222-229
Van Wagtendonk, J.W., Simulation modeling of visitor flows: where have we been and where are we going? 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 127-134
Vilas Bôas, R.; Davide, A.C.; Andrade, C.M.R., Visitors of Parque Florestal Quedas do Rio Bonito, Lavras (Mg), Brazil: A Management Planning Based on Profile, Perceptions, Needs and Motivations 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 213-220
Yamaki, K.; Shoji, Y., Classification of trail settings in an alpine national park using the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum approach 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 318-323
Yuan, M.; McIntyre, N.; Payne, R.J.; Moore, J., Development of a Spatial Values-Based Recreation Planning Framework for Canadian Crown Lands 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 93-99
Zarnoch, S.J.; English, D.B.K.; Kocis, S.M., A Model for Evaluating Dispersed Outdoor Recreation Use Estimation 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 100-105
Absher, J.D.; Graefe, A.R.; Burns, R.C., Monitoring Public Reactions to the U.S. Forest Service Recreation Fee Program 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 50-51
Aikoh, T., Monitoring Trampling Impacts in the Disposal of Human Waste at Campsites and Visitors’ Attitudes to a Carry-out System 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 436-437
Amzil, L.; Berriane, M., Tourism in Biosphere Reserves: Genesis of a Territorial Issue Case of Ida-ou-tanane, in the High Atlas Mountain (South-West of Morocco) 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 438-439
Arnberger, A.; Eder, R., Assessing User Conflicts in an Urban Forest by Long-Term Video Monitoring 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 361-362
Backhaus, N.; Müller, U., What Does Sustainable Development Look Like? Visions of Two Swiss Unesco Regions 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 277-279
Barros, M.I.A.; Magro, T.C., Visitors to the Highlands of Itatiaia National Park, Brazil, and their Perceptions of Visitor Impacts 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 102-106
Bay-Larsen, I.; Bjøru, R.; Eilertsen, S.M.; Fedreheim, G.E., Integrated Conservation Processes – A Tool for Reducing Conflicts in Area Conservation Processes 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 124-128
Bernath, K.; Roschewitz, A., Sample Selection Bias in Visitor Surveys: Comparative Results of an On-Site and an Off-Site Survey Assessing Recreational Benefits of Forests 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 381-382
Beunders, N.M.A., Visitor Management and Destination Management as Tools for Sustainable Regional Development 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 129-134
Bodnár, R., Economic and Social Effects of the Development of Recreation and Environmentally Sound Tourism through the Example of a Hungarian National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 383-384
Brandenburg, C.; Ziener, K., Conflict Strategies as a Task for the Management of Protected Areas – Shown at the National Park Donau-Auen 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 403-404
Buchecker, M.; Frick, J., Local Residents’ Relationship towards their Nearby Outdoor Recreation Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 239-240
Buckley, R.; Pickering, C.; Castley, G.; Growcock, A., Recent Recreation Ecology Research in Australia 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 84-88
Burns, R.C.; Graefe, A.R., Outdoor Recreationists in Oregon and Washington: A Comparison of Recreationists’ Perceptions of Experience Satisfaction Across Two US Pacific Northwest States 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 52-53
Campbell, M.J., Monitoring Trail Use with Digital Still Cameras: Strengths, Limitations and Proposed Resolutions 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 317-321