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Machida, R.; Aikoh, T.; Take, M.; Matsushima, H.; Yasushi, S.; Mikami, N.; Mitarai, Y., Volunteer activities for semi-natural grassland conservation in Japan and the impact of COVID-19 on these activities 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 64-65 details   pdf url
Smith-Christensen, C., VMAST – the UNESCO World Heritage Visitor Management Assessment & Strategy Tool 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 214-215 details   pdf url
Roovers, P.; Dumont, B.; Gulinck, H.; Hermy, M., Visual obstruction of herb vegetation, defining standards for natural barriers 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 400-403 details   pdf url
Ruede, D.; Krüger, F.; Garms, M., Visits counting from point data to area and period estimates 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 276-277 details   pdf url
Arnberger, A., Schneider, I.E., Cottrell, S., Ebenberger, M., Schlueter, A., Eder, R., Von Ruschkowski, E., Venette, R.C., Snyder, S., Gobster, P. Visitors’ trade-offs between physical and social factors of bark beetle impacted recreational forests 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 192-194 details   pdf url
Aikoh, T., Ohba, K., Shoji, Y., Kubo, T., Visitors’ attitudes toward introducing a new visitor management program into a brown bear habitat in Japan 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 308-309 details   pdf doi
Aikoh, T.; Kikuchi, K.; Shoji, Y., Visitors’ attitudes to the collection of voluntary fees in national parks in Japan 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 201-202 details   pdf url
Dehnhardt, A.; Kalisch, D., Visitors’ attitude towards climate change adaptation strategies for ski tourism areas in a German low mountain range – Results from a visitor survey in Oberwiesenthal, Erzgebirge 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 223-224 details   pdf url
Barros, M.I.A.; Magro, T.C., Visitors to the Highlands of Itatiaia National Park, Brazil, and their Perceptions of Visitor Impacts 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 102-106 details   pdf url
Vilas Bôas, R.; Davide, A.C.; Andrade, C.M.R., Visitors of Parque Florestal Quedas do Rio Bonito, Lavras (Mg), Brazil: A Management Planning Based on Profile, Perceptions, Needs and Motivations 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 213-220 details   pdf url
Schagner, J.P.; Arnberger, A.; Eagles, P.F.J.; Kajala, L.; Leung, Y.F.; Spenceley, A.; Desguinet, M.; Gosal, A.; Signorello, G.; Engelbauer, M.; Bertsky, B.; Engels, B. Visitors number for protected and nature areas: a global data sharing initiative 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 264-267 details   pdf url
Goossen, M.; Uphus, L. Visitors counting combining new technologies; PIR and LoRa with Arduino 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 116-117 details   pdf url
Kohori, T.; Yamamoto, K.; Tamashima, Y., Visitors awareness and behavior regarding donations for Mount Ibuki conservation: A comparative study between climbers and car users 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 34-35 details   pdf url
Vistad, O.I., Visitors and Managers: Differing Evaluations Concerning Recreational Impacts and Preferences for Management Actions? 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 380-383 details   pdf url
Folmer, A., Visitor’s experiences with wildlife in protected nature areas 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 217-218 details   pdf url
English, D.B.K.; Kocis, S.M.; Arnold, J.R.; Zarnoch, S.J.; Warren, L., Visitor Use of USDA Forest Service Recreation Areas: Methods and Results from the National Visitor Use Monitoring Effort 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 246-251 details   pdf url
Robinson, J.A.; Leung, Y.-F., Visitor Use and Impact Monitoring: An Adaptive Design Model 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 472-473 details   pdf url
Rammo, M.; Karoles, K.; Maran, K.; Jansen, J.; Almik, A.; Rammo, R., Visitor Surveys and Visitor Impact Monitoring in Recreational Areas in State Forests of Estonia 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 397-399 details   pdf url
Arnberger, A.; Brandenburg, C., Visitor Structure of a Heavily Used Conservation Area: The Danube Floodplains National Park, Lower Austria 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 7-13 details   pdf url
Schaub, J. Visitor structure in the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park (Hesse, Germany) 2014 The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation MMV 7 - Proceedings 21-22 details   pdf url
Melville, S.J., Visitor Satisfaction Surveys and the Development of Access Standards for National Nature Reserves in England 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 64-71 details   pdf url
Hurtado, M.; Burns, R.; Andrew, R.G.; Schwarzmann, D.; Moreira, J.C., Visitor satisfaction and crowding at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 230-230 details   pdf url
Ghelichipour, Z.; Muhar, A., Visitor risk management in core zones of protected areas: First results from a survey of European park administrations 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 107-111 details   pdf url
Shoji, Y.; Yamaki, K., Visitor Perceptions of the Inscription on the World Heritage List: The Use of Stated Choice Methods 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 305-310 details   pdf url
Nasa, M.; Emphandhu, D.; , Visitor perception of crowding at Doi Inthanon summit, Doi Inthanon National Park 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 157-159 details   pdf url
Czachs,C.; Brandenburg,C. Visitor monitoring with time lapse trail cameras 2014 The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation MMV 7 - Proceedings 303-305 details   pdf url
Jensen, T., Visitor Monitoring of Eight Recreational and Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 456-457 details   pdf url
Kernen, R.; Furrer, M.; Rupf, R.; Wernli, M., Visitor monitoring in the Protected Area Aletsch Forest 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 291-293 details   pdf url
Svajda, J., Visitor Monitoring in Tatra National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 485-486 details   pdf url
Krzan, P., Krol, M., Zieba, S., Sitarz, M., Zwijacz Kozica, T., Zieba, A., Ziobrowski, S. Visitor monitoring in practices. Few examples from the Tatra National Park (Poland) 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 288-289 details   pdf url
Vistad, O.I., Visitor Monitoring in Norwegian National Parks? If so: How Will it Find a Position in the Present Situation with Low Funding, Biological Hegemony, Expanding User Interests and Indistinct Management Priorities? 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 80-81 details   pdf url
Haukeland, J.V., Dybedal, P., Visitor Monitoring in a World Heritage Area – The West Norwegian Fjordsnærøyfjorden and Geirangerfjorden 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 33-35 details   pdf url
Ankre, R., Fredman, P., Lindhagen, A., Visitor monitoring from a management perspective – Experiences from Sweden 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 28-29 details   pdf doi
Rose, M.; Victoria, P., Visitor monitoring during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 80-81 details   pdf url
Pröbstl, U., Visitor Monitoring as a prerequisite of assessments in Natura 2000 sites 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 248-255 details   pdf url
Burns, R.; Graefe, A.; English, D., Visitor measuring and monitoring challenges on remote national forests: The case of Alaska, USA 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 134-134 details   pdf url
Pekny, R.; Leditznig, C., Visitor Management in the Wilderness Area Dürrenstein, Lower Austrian Kalkalpen 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 84-88 details   pdf url
Lykkja, H. Visitor Management in the West Norwegian Fjords – Bridging the Gaps between Disciplines,Sectors and Administrative Levels 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 36-38 details   pdf url
Liechti, T.J.; Burger, T.R.; Zantop, S.A., Visitor Management in a Floodplain Area near Zurich 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 461-462 details   pdf url
Emphandhu, D. Visitor Management forResource Conservation in Community-based Ecotourism,Thailand 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 379-381 details   pdf url
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