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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Poe, A.; Gimblett, R.H.; Goldstein, M.I.; Guertin, P., Evaluating Spatiotemporal Interactions between Winter Recreation and Wildlife Using Agent-Based Simulation Modeling on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 311-312
Puustinen, J.; Pouta, E.; Neuvonen, M.; Sievänen, T., National Park Characteristics, Regional Setting and Visitor Flows 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 78-79
Ramírez-Quintana-Carr, A.-I.; Brito-Palacios, H., Measuring Public Interest and the New Environmental Paradigm in the Transformation of a Public Park into a Protected Area “Los Colomos” Forest, Guadalajara, Mexico 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 372-373
Rammo, M.; Maran, K.; Almik, A.; Karoles, K., Visitor and Environmental Impact Monitoring as Basis for Sustainable Nature Tourism in Estonian Recreational Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 62-63
Rao, R.J., Management of Ecotourism in National Chambal Sanctuary, India 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 230-232
Reichhart, T.; Arnberger, A.; Muhar, A., Assessing Trail Use Conditions Using Still Renderings and 3D Computer Animation 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 340-341
Reimann, M.; Lamp, M.-L., How Involvement and Economical Benefits can Change Local Residents’ Attitudes of Nature Conservation and Tourism: Karula National Park, Estonia 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 397-398
Rettie, K., Shaping Culture in Nature: Human Use Management in Canada’s Mountain National Parks 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 374-375
Robinson, J.A.; Leung, Y.-F., Visitor Use and Impact Monitoring: An Adaptive Design Model 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 472-473
Ruoss, E.; Strehler Perrin, C., How to Achieve Nature Protection Involving Local People 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 474-475
Rupf-Haller, R.; Wernli, M.; Filli, F., Visitor Counting with Acoustic Slab Sensors in the Swiss National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 72-77
Saranet, S.; Tanakanjana, N., Conflict between Local Villagers and Elephants (Elephas maximus) at Kuiburi National Park, Thailand 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 476-477
Sayan, S.; Ortaçesme, V., Recreational Carrying Capacity Assessment in a Turkish National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 211-216
Scherrer, P.; Smith, A.J.; Dowling, R.K., Managing Visitor Impacts along Australia’s Remote Kimberley Coast – The Forgotten Dimension of Balancing Country 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 419-420
Schroeder, S.; Fulton, D., Coping With Recreation Conflict: How User Group and Value Conflicts Predict Recreation Coping and Satisfaction 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 376-377
Sheedy, C., Memorable Visitor Experiences Lead to Relevance and Sustainibility 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 167-169
Sheppard, D., The New Paradigm for Protected Areas: Implications for Managing Visitors in Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 33-45
Siegrist, D.; Clivaz, C.; Hunziker, M.; Iten, S., Introduction 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 13-14
Siikamäki, P.; Törn, A.; Tolvanen, A., Environmental Impacts of Recreational Horse Riding in Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 112-114
Skov-Petersen, H., Genesis of Trails in Nature: Monitoring of Visitors’ Effect on Nature 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 115-116
Spiess, H.; Mönnecke, M.; Wasem, K.; Kümin, D., Local Recreational Areas: Accounting for Peoples’ Needs in the Development and Selection of Planning Instruments 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 253-258
Stastna, P., The Current Problems with the Historical Existence of Chalets in the Core Zone of the Krkonose Mts. National Park, Czech Republic 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 478-480
Steiner Ly, Y.; Plattner, M., “Naturschutzdienst BL”: Experiences from a New Project in the Canton of Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 481-482
Strehler Perrin, C.; Gmür, P.; Achermann, M.; Alfter, P., Quantitative and Qualitative Monitoring of Public Attendance in Natural Preserves on the Southern Shore of Lake Neuchâtel (CH): A Necessary Tool to Manage Public Information and Prevent Infractions 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 483-484
Svajda, J., Visitor Monitoring in Tatra National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 485-486
Taczanowska, K.; Muhar, A.; Arnberger, A., Exploring Spatial Behaviour of Individual Visitors as Background for Agent-Based Simulation 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 313-314
Takahashi, M.; Yamaki, K., Visitor Conflicts and their Resolution for Forest and Park Management in Jozankei National forest, Japan 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 423-424
Talora, D.C.; Magro, T.C.; Schilling, A.C., Trampling Impacts on Coastal Sand Dune Vegetation in Southeastern Brazil 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 117-122
Tanakanjana, N., Exploring Recreation Diversity in Thailand: A Nation-Wide Study of Nature-Based Recreation Resources and Behavior 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 342-346
Tanakanjana, N.; Arunpraparut, W.; Pongpattananurak, N.; Nuampukdee, R.; Chumsangsri, T., Decision Support System for Sustainable Management Planning of Nature-Based Recreation Areas in Thailand 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 487-491
Tejedo, P.; Benayas, J., Is Maritime Antarctic Ready for the Impacts of Commercial Tourism? 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 492-498
Trebicky, V.; Cihar, M., Analysis of Nature-Based Tourism in the Sumava National Park, Czech Republic: 1997-2004 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 233-237
Tuulentie, S.; Mettiäinen, I., Local Participation in the Development of Tourist Centres in the Peripheral Regions of Finnish Lapland 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 271-272
Unbehaun, W.; Pröbstl, U.; Haider, W., Winter Sport Tourism – Victim under Conditions of Climate Change?!? 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 399-400
Van Marwijk, R.; Lengkeek, J., Experiencing Nature – The Recognition of the Symbolic Landscape within Research and Management of Visitor Flows 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 280-281
Van Marwijk, R.; Taczanowska, K., Types of Typologies – From Recreationists & Tourists to Artificial Agents 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 499-501
Vaske, J.J.; Taylor, J.G., Visitor and Resident Acceptability Norms towards Wolf Management Actions 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 409-410
Visschedijk, P.; Pröbstl, U.; Henkens, R., MASOOR in the Alpine Areas: Agent-based Modelling as a Tool for the Management Planning in Natura 2000 Sites 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 425-426
Vistad, O.I., Visitor Monitoring in Norwegian National Parks? If so: How Will it Find a Position in the Present Situation with Low Funding, Biological Hegemony, Expanding User Interests and Indistinct Management Priorities? 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 80-81
Voth, A., Overcoming National Park Conflicts by Regional Development: Experiences from the Doñana Area in Southern Spain 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 155-160