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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Kan, E., Oljaboy, S., Inna, R., Jens, W., Rustam, M. A New Concept for Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Uzbekistan: The Case of the Lower Amudaryastate Biosphere Reserve 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 64-65
Kaneko, M.; Kosuga, C.; Jukrana, R.; Vogel, M. Promotion of outdoor environmental education based on the monitoring of local environment in Sabah, Malaysia 2014 The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation MMV 7 - Proceedings 86-87
Kangas, K., Tolvanen, A., Juutinen, A Nature-based tourism, protected areas and mining in Finnish Lapland 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 375-376
Kangas, K., Tolvanen, A., Tarvainen, O., Nikula, A., Nivala, V., Tyrvainen, L., Tuulentie, S., Huhta, E., Jakalaniemi, A. A novel GIS –based approach to reconcile the needs for nature conservation, tourism and recreation 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 267-269
Kangas, K., Tolvanen, A., Tyrväinen, L., Tuulentie, S., Nikula, A., Kyttä, M., Socioecological tools for the planning of tourist destinations in Kainuu, Finland 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 348-349
Kangas, K.; Siikamäki, P.; Koivuniemi, P.; Sulkava, P.; Tolvanen, A.; Norokorpi, Y., Are There Too Many Visitors in National Parks? A Campsite Analysis in Two Finnish National Parks 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 458-459
Kangas, K.; Siikamäki, P.; Luoto, M.; Ihantola, A., Does tourism affect bird populations in protected areas? 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 344-346
Kanoje, R.S., Managing Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Van Vihar National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 205-210
Kaprova, K., Melichar, J. Modelling the recreation demand for natural areas in the Czech Republic 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 96-98
Kaprova, K.; Melichar, J.; Kohlovd, M. A synthesis of recreation values of European forested areas and implications for national benefit transfers 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 262-263
Kaprová,K.; Melichar,J.; Urban,J. Investigating public preferences for forest recreation attributes: combined scenic beauty and discrete choice model 2014 The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation MMV 7 - Proceedings 225-226
Karacsonyi, J.; Karacsonyi, Z., Solutions for a new challenge in the field of visitor flows: paragliding and nature protection 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 490-490
Karácsonyi, Z.; Aradi, C.; Lisztes, L., From the Beginning Until the World Heritage Title: The Tendencies and Management of Visitor Flows at the Hortobágy National Park 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 421-422
Karlsdottir, B.; O'Brien, L., How mobile apps can draw families to the forest 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 324-325
Karlsson, I., Swedish-Norwegian regional cooperation increases access to outdoor recreation for people with disabilities 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 222-223
Karoles,K.; Maran,K. More than ten years of visitor monitoring in Estonian state forests 2014 The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation MMV 7 - Proceedings 195-196
Kasama, S.; Matstuda, Y. A study on the patterns of outdoor public spaces in tourist destinations that make the sight attractive 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 443-446
Keane, R.J., Monitoring and modelling of visitor use on access land across Rombalds Moor, Ilkley, England 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 288-290
Keirle, I., Observation as a Technique for Establishing the Use made of the Wider Countryside: a Welsh Case Study 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 40-45
Keirle, I., An importance-performance study of visitor opinions concerning access into the countryside of Ceredigion 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 252-255
Keirle, I.; Stephens, M., Do walkers stay on footpaths? An observational study of Cwm Idwal in the Snowdonia National Park 2004 Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management MMV 2 - Proceedings 143-148
Kelemen-Finan, J.; Salak, B.; Zuna-Kratky, T.; Pröbstl-Haider, U. Developing a tourism zoning concept for the cross-border Morava-Dyje floodplains based on species sensitivity and stakeholder participation 2014 The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation MMV 7 - Proceedings 52-54
Keller, R., Sounds like Norway: a review of research needs and future paths 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 272-272
Kernen, R.; Furrer, M.; Rupf, R.; Wernli, M., Visitor monitoring in the Protected Area Aletsch Forest 2010 Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world MMV 5 - Proceedings 291-293
Kerouaz, F. How to sustainably manage recreational fishing: a meta analysis of technical regulation instruments 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 400-401
Keßel, A.; Klüpfel, H.; Meyer-König, T.; Schreckenberg, M., A Concept for Coupling Empirical Data and Microscopic Simulation of Pedestrian Flows 2002 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 1 - Proceedings 199-204
Ketterer, L., Siegrist, D., Governance and sustainable tourism in World Heritage sites – Can sustainable tourism serve as a tool for improved protection of UNESCO World Heritage sites? 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 60-61
Kharel-Sharma, R., Linking Forestry and People in an Urban Landscape, a Participatory Approach – Case Studies from West London 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 460-460
Kim, H.; Ito, R.; Shoji, Y.; Aikoh, T., Evaluation of crowding acceptability in national recreation area using field and web-based surveys: A case study in Shiretoko World Heritage site 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 194-195
Kim, H.; Shoji, Y.; Tsuge, T.; Aikoh, T.; Kuriyama,K. Understanding the demand for ecosystem services provides by park and green spaces: using the partial profile choice experiment 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 353-355
Kim, J.; Lee, J., Do the participants truly prefer an outdoor education? – A study on indoor forest education online programs in the COVID-19 era 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 44-45
King, K., Get off my land! Managing youth leisure in multiple natural environments 2012 The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges MMV 6 - Proceedings 254-255
Kiser, B.C.; Lawson, S.R.; Itami, R.M., Using Computer Simulation Modeling to Monitor the Multiple Dimensions of Wilderness Solitude in Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 309-310
Kissling, M., The impact of experimental trampling on the biodiversity of beech forests: basic knowledge for the management of urban forest for recreation 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 491-491
Klanjscek, J., Gecek, S., Marn, N., Legovic, T., Klanjscek, T. Relating daily change of visitor number to crowding perception and overall satisfaction in Nature Park Telascica, Croatia 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 305-307
Klanjscek, J.; Gecek, S.; Sakic, K.; Klanjscek, T. Quantifying effects of signs on visitor flow in NP Krka 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 274-275
Klanjscek, T., Klanjscek, J., Gecek, S., Caric, H., Legovic, T. Quantifying effects of tourist activities on the environment, tourists, and park services in nature protected areas 2016 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 8 - Proceedings 465-468
Klaphake, A., Are Admission Fees for Large Urban Historic Parks Feasible and Fair? Empirical Results from a Survey in the Prussian Palace Gardens in Berlin and Potsdam 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 395-396
Klein, D.; Turk, S.; Graf, C. Frequency of preschool childrens outdoor physical activity and relation to body mass index and motor performance 2018 Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK MMV 9 - Proceedings 447-449
Kling, K. G., Balancing values of accessible nature-based tourism, nature conservation and the visitor experience 2021 The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations MINA fagrapport 318-319