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  Author Title Year (up) Publication Volume Pages Links
Colson, V.; Lejeune, P., A regional travel model for predicting the number of visitors in forests: application to the Walloon region 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 417-421 details   pdf url
Cottrell, S.P., Perceptions, attitudes and perceived benefits of local residents about tourism development in and around European Protected Area Network Parks 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 72-76 details   pdf url
Duke, D.; Quinn, M., Methodological considerations for using remote cameras to monitor the ecological effects of trails users: lessons from research in Western Canada 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 441-445 details   pdf url
Eder, R.; Kahler, A.; Arnberger, A., Assessment of a passive infrared counter with a remote data transfer facility 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 480-482 details   pdf url
Eisenhut, A.; Haller, R.; Raper, J., How does topography influence the use of the mobile guide WebParkSNP in the Swiss National Park? 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 433-437 details   pdf url
Elmazi, L.; Gorica, K., Economic effect of alternative tourism. Events and festivals 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 368-372 details   pdf url
English, D.B.K.; Zarnoch, S.J.; Bowker, J.M., Trap shyness in onsite visitor surveys; evidence from the U.S 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 135-138 details   pdf url
Erkkonen, J.; Kajala, L., The role of recreation demand and supply information in monitoring outdoor recreation sustainability 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 139-143 details   pdf url
Figueiredo, E., Quiet struggles – conflicts between residents, visitors and protected and recreational areas’ administrations 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 26-32 details   pdf url
Fredman, P.; Ernerfeldt Burman, L., Outdoor recreation in change. A Swedish program on outdoor recreation research 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 483-483 details   pdf url
García-Ventura, D.; Tejedo, P.; Muñoz-Santos, M.; Benayas, J., Potential interpretation index: a tool for assessing landscape diversity from pathways 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 510-510 details   pdf url
Ghelichipour, Z.; Muhar, A., Visitor risk management in core zones of protected areas: First results from a survey of European park administrations 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 107-111 details   pdf url
Goossen, M., What do people want in National Landscapes 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 211-211 details   pdf url
Griffin, T.; Moore, S.A.; Darcy, S.; Crilley, G., Developing a national approach to visitor data collection, management and use for protected areas: thoughts from Australian research and practice 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 305-309 details   pdf url
Grigel, F.P., Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: visit types across Canada’s National Parks 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 310-314 details   pdf url
Haider, W.; Riley, J.; Mostegl, N., The Sea-to-Sky playground: individual outdoor recreation and commercial recreation on public land in winter 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 277-277 details   pdf url
Hennig, S., The recreation perspective. A recreationalists typology on visitors and their behaviour by the example of Berchtesgaden National Park 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 183-187 details   pdf url
Hunziker, M.; Schletti, D., How to involve retailers into sensitization of end-users for ecologically responsible behavior – results of a snow-shoe-seller survey 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 116-120 details   pdf url
Itami, R.M., Level of sustainable activity: bottom up vessel traffic management 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 155-159 details   pdf url
Jochem, R., Building the model right and building the right model: Verification and validation of the recreation simulation model MASOOR 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 160-160 details   pdf url
Jodlowski, M., Climbing management in protected areas of southern Poland 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 484-484 details   pdf url
Jodlowski, M.; Depta, L.; Wójcik, P., Climbing impact on the relief and vegetation of the Tatra National Park 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 85-85 details   pdf url
Kahler, A.; Arnberger, A., A comparison of passive infrared counter results with time lapse video monitoring at a shared urban recreational trail 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 485-489 details   pdf url
Kalisch, D.; Klaphake, A., The dilemma of recreational use versus nature protection – Responses from National Park authorities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 404-408 details   pdf url
Kangas, K.; Siikamäki, P.; Luoto, M.; Ihantola, A., Does tourism affect bird populations in protected areas? 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 344-346 details   pdf url
Karacsonyi, J.; Karacsonyi, Z., Solutions for a new challenge in the field of visitor flows: paragliding and nature protection 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 490-490 details   pdf url
Keirle, I., An importance-performance study of visitor opinions concerning access into the countryside of Ceredigion 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 252-255 details   pdf url
Kissling, M., The impact of experimental trampling on the biodiversity of beech forests: basic knowledge for the management of urban forest for recreation 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 491-491 details   pdf url
Koscak, M., Slovenia: a case-study in sustainable rural development for agriculture and tourism 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 257-261 details   pdf url
Kruger, L.E., Affinity to place and serious leisure: implications of amenity migration for nearby recreational and protected areas 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 256-256 details   pdf url
Lee, J.-H.; Bürger-Arndt, R., A comparative study of offers for recreation in nature parks in Germany and in recreation forests in Korea 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 86-88 details   pdf url
Leung, Y.-F.; Hsu, Y.-C.; Lue, C.-C.; Lu, D.-J., Does recreation ecology have a place in East Asia? Some insights from Taiwan 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 54-54 details   pdf url
Lewis, A.R., Sustainable camping at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia: overcoming methodological challenges 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 278-282 details   pdf url
Li, C.-L.; Hsu, Y.-C.; Lue, C.-C.; Absher, J.D., Re-examine the measure of values Cross-culturally: the case of recreation visitors in Hong Kong and Taiwan 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 177-182 details   pdf url
Ligtenberg, A.; Van Marwijk, R.; Moelans, B.; Kuijpers, B., Recognizing patterns of movements in visitor flows in nature areas 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 422-427 details   pdf url
Lupp, G.; Konold, W., Landscape preferences and perception in Mueritz National Park (Germany) 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 373-377 details   pdf url
Luthe, T.; Roth, R., Extended vulnerability of ski tourism to global change 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 89-92 details   pdf url
Magro, T.C.; Santiago, C.D.M.; Robim, M.D.J., Finding a balance: applied ecology is not a second-class research 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 55-56 details   pdf url
Mahat, T.J.; Koirala, M., Assessing nature of visitors flow and revenue generation at the Central Zoo of Nepal 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 231-231 details   pdf url
Mann, C.; Arnberger, A., Crowding in European forests: Status quo and implications for forest management and research 2008 Management for Protection and Sustainable Development MMV 4 - Proceedings 67-67 details   pdf url
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