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Van Marwijk, R.; Lengkeek, J., Experiencing Nature – The Recognition of the Symbolic Landscape within Research and Management of Visitor Flows 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 280-281
Backhaus, N.; Müller, U., What Does Sustainable Development Look Like? Visions of Two Swiss Unesco Regions 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 277-279
Wirth, V.; Sterl, P.; Pröbstl, U., The Tourists’ View on Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 273-274
Tuulentie, S.; Mettiäinen, I., Local Participation in the Development of Tourist Centres in the Peripheral Regions of Finnish Lapland 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 271-272
Lewis, N., How Social ‘Demand’ Overlaps in Forest Management A Sociological Analysis of the Relation between Forest and Society in France (1960-2005) 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 268-270
Junker, B.; Buchecker, M., Recreation Interests and Participation in River Restoration Projects 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 266-267
Finger-Stich, A.S.; Tanner, A.C., Tourism Development and Local Actors’ Engagement for Sustaining Alpine Forests 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 264-265
Lexer, W.; Brandenburg, C.; Heckl, F.; Muhar, A.; Reimoser, F.; Zink, R., Participatory Processes and Participatory Research – A Tool for Conflict Identification and Development of Management Decisions 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 261-263
Spiess, H.; Mönnecke, M.; Wasem, K.; Kümin, D., Local Recreational Areas: Accounting for Peoples’ Needs in the Development and Selection of Planning Instruments 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 253-258
Mast-Attlmayr, U., Cederberg Environs Spatial Planning in the Western Cape, South Africa 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 246-252
Henkens, R.J.H.G.; Jochem, R.; Pouwels, R.; Visschedijk, P.A.M., Development of a Zoning Instrument for Visitor Management in Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 243-245
Degenhardt, B.; Buchecker, M., Landscape Planning for Nearby Outdoor Recreation – Implications from an Exploratory Interview Study 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 241-242
Buchecker, M.; Frick, J., Local Residents’ Relationship towards their Nearby Outdoor Recreation Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 239-240
Trebicky, V.; Cihar, M., Analysis of Nature-Based Tourism in the Sumava National Park, Czech Republic: 1997-2004 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 233-237
Rao, R.J., Management of Ecotourism in National Chambal Sanctuary, India 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 230-232
Kun, Z.; Van Der Donk, M., The Pan Parks Sustainable Tourism Strategy as a Tool for Nature-Based Tourism Development in and around Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 228-229
Kretschmer, H., Nature-Based Activities on Urban – Green Requirements of Nature-Based Activities in an Urban Environment 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 226-227
Gokhelashvili, R.; Azniashvili, L., Birdwatching and Protected Areas of Georgia 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 223-225
Drexler, D.; Bihunová, M.; Mariotti, B., Comparison of Forest Recreation and Nature Tourism in Hungary, Italy and Slovakia Based on the First Outputs of the COST E33 Action 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 219-222
Sayan, S.; Ortaçesme, V., Recreational Carrying Capacity Assessment in a Turkish National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 211-216
Kanoje, R.S., Managing Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Van Vihar National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 205-210
Lawson, S.R.; Plotkin, K., Understanding and Managing Soundscapes in National Parks: Part 3 – Computer Simulation 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 203-204
Manning, R.E.; Newman, P.; Pilcher, E.; Hallo, J.; Valliere, W.; Savidge, M.; Dugan, D., Understanding and Managing Soundscapes in National Parks: Part 2 – Standards of Quality 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 201-202
Newman, P.; Manning, R.E.; Pilcher, E.; Trevino, K.; Savidge, M., Understanding and Managing Soundscapes in National Parks: Part 1- Indicators of Quality 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 198-200
Kobayashi, A.; Aikoh, T.; Yamaki, K., A Study on Procedures to Establish Standards Concerning Trail Management in Sub-Alpine Zones of Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 196-197
Itami, R.M., Level of Sustainable Activity: Moving Visitor Simulation from Description to Management 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 193-195
Hausser, Y.; Travis, T.; Finger-Stich, A., Beyond Carrying Capacity in Recreation Management: In Search of Alternatives 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 191-192
Emphandhu, D.; Yemin, T.; Pattanakiat, S.; Tantasirin, C.; Ruschano, R.; Chettamart, S.; Nasa, M., Recreation Carrying Capacity Analysis at Khao Leam Ya – Mu Ko Samed National Park, Thailand 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 183-190
Chuo, H.-Y., The Adoption of Social Carrying Capacity for the Management of Theme Park Settings 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 179-182
O’Connor Gotra, S.H.; Boyle, K.E., Sustainable Trail Management, Definitions and a Management Model 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 173-178
Whittingham, S., Integration – Resource Protection and Memorable Visitor Experiences in the Lake Louise Community of Banff National Park 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 170-171
Sheedy, C., Memorable Visitor Experiences Lead to Relevance and Sustainibility 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 167-169
Lipton, D., Healthy Parks for People 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 165-166
Gertsch, F.; Jager, E., Parks Canada’s Framework for Recreational Activities 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 163-164
Voth, A., Overcoming National Park Conflicts by Regional Development: Experiences from the Doñana Area in Southern Spain 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 155-160
Mose, I.; Weixlbaumer, N., Protected Areas as a Tool for Regional Development? 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 149-154
Mignotte, A., Walking towards Concerted Management of Hiking-Path Networks: A Well Engaged but Tricky Challenge for French Alpine Protected Areas 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 147-148
Lintzmeyer, F.; Siegrist, D.; Hass, S., Key Success Factors for Nature-Based Tourism in Protected Areas of the Alps 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 145-146
Job, H.; Metzler, D.; Woltering, M., Large Scale Protected Areas + Tourism = Regional Development? 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 140-144
Carabias-Hütter, V.; Kümin, D.; Siegrist, D., Fostering Sustainable Regional Development with Indicator Based Certification Procedures 2006 Exploring the Nature of Management MMV 3 - Proceedings 137-139