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Author Dalley, J.
Title Tranquility mapping: A tool for the equitable allocation of soundscapes in protected areas Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 451-453
Keywords MMV8
Abstract It is well recognised that advanced industrialised societies have become progressively ‘noisy’ over time. This has led to the health and wellbeing benefits of tranquil spaces becoming increasingly recognised – and valued – around the world. Indeed, the search for tranquil environments is often the chief reason people give for escaping urban settings for ‘natural’ environments. Tranquillity in natural environments is a combination of both ‘natural’ landscapes – and ‘natural’ soundscapes. The preservation and conservation of natural environments therefore requires the management of not just natural landscapes and ecosystems, but also their associated soundscapes. Natural soundscapes are finite: at any place and time the soundscape is 100% ‘natural’ unless affected by ‘unnatural’ human-caused sounds. Therefore, the primary challenge to preserving and conserving natural soundscapes in protected areas is the management of unwanted human-caused sound – or ‘anthropogenic noise’.
Call Number Serial 4003
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Author Yamamoto, K., Saka, T.
Title Monitoring visitor use and awareness in Sanriku Reconstruction National Park: Towards eco-based disaster risk reduction Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 448-450
Keywords MMV8
Abstract On Friday at 2:46 pm Japan standard time, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred at the level of the Japan Trench, approximately 130 km east of Sendai. The sea floor was lifted up, causing a major tsunami that inundated 516 km2 of the eastern coastline of Japan. Together, the earthquake and tsunami resulted in around 16,000 deaths and approximately 2,600 missing people (Renaud and Murti (eds.) 2013, Japan National Police Agency 2016). In order to support the revitalization of the Sanriku area, the Sanriku Reconstruction National Park was created after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. However, large construction projects provoked adverse reactions in the tsunami-hit areas. For example, a giant conveyor belt is bringing mud to raise the ground level in Rikuzentakata City and some researchers have pointed out resulting negative effects on the ecosystem. In the case of Sri Lanka, dumping of debris from the cleanup into waterways and wetlands created pollution and drainage problems that hampered long-term recovery after the Indian Ocean tsunami (Sudmeier-Rieux and Ash 2009). These kinds of negative impacts have occurred in the aftermath of disasters and it is very important to pay close attention to the post-disaster recovery period and also to address how to strengthen the function of protected areas in eco-based disaster risk reduction. In addition to this viewpoint, this research focuses on visitor use, including visitor consciousness that can offer information on the value of a national park. Not only visitor use but also the consciousness of visitors, such as interest in disaster risk reduction and expected countermeasures, are thought to change gradually after a disaster but very little research has focused on such types of changes in psychological states.
Call Number Serial 4002
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Author Wyttenbach, M., Graf, R.F., Sigrist, B., Karlen, B., Rupf, R.
Title Mountain biking and wildlife – disturbance experiments with roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Switzerland Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 444-447
Keywords MMV8
Abstract In addition to being the main habitat of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), forests provide diverse and outstanding settings for recreational activities such as hiking, horse riding and mountain biking (Jacsman, 1990). The effects of new patterns of recreational use such as night rides with bright floodlights are hotly discussed topics associated with the management of recreational forests. Animal ecology so far has mainly focused on spatio-temporal behaviour of individuals in undisturbed remote areas, while research on human behaviour mainly focused on visitor conflicts in highly frequented recreational forests (Arnberger, 2006). Therefore, our knowledge about the effects of new recreational activities on wildlife is currently insufficient. We studied the effects of mountain biking events on the immediate spatio-temporal reaction and subsequent habitat use of roe deer. Furthermore, we compared the effect of on-trail mountain bike events with other disturbance events that occurred off-trail such as hunting, orienteering and on site observations.
Call Number Serial 4001
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Author Mameno, K., Shoji, Y., Kubo, T., Aikoh, T., Tsuge, T.
Title Estimating preferences for pricing policies in Japanese national parks using best-worst scaling Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 436-438
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand preferences of the general Japanese public for pricing policies in the national park system applying the best-worst scaling (BWS) approach. One remarkable feature of Japanese national parks is that the most of costs for park services have traditionally financed not by visitors but by general taxpayers. Recently, however, the Japanese government has faced a serious financial shortage, each national park faces revenue shortfalls. In the near future, we need some fundamental changes in Japanese parks system on pricing policies. We have to know general Japanese citizens’ preferences for them.
Call Number Serial 3999
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Author Thapa, K.
Title Assessing economic impact of national park visitation in Nepal Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 439-441
Keywords MMV8
Abstract International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has categorized Protected Areas into six categories depending on management objectives. National park (IUCN category II) is the large natural or near-natural areas protecting large-scale ecological processes with characteristic species and ecosystems, which also have environmentally and culturally compatible spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational and visitor opportunities (Dudley, 2008). Thus, national park provides opportunities for recreation and tourism besides conservation of biodiversity and ecological processes. . Tourism and Recreation which forms part of the cultural ecosystem services provide benefits to local, regional and international community in the form of nature visit, wilderness experience and economic contribution.
Call Number Serial 4000
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Author Visintin, F., Marangon, F., Spoto, M.
Title Accounting the value4money of Marine Protected Areas Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 433-435
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Protected Areas (PAs) both terrestrial and marine are financed by public funds. Since the last 2014 the Italian Ministry of the Environment is asking Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to report the public resource management and especially to assess the worth produced by MPAs at the local level. For this purpose, starting from the economic accounting, environmental benefits and costs have been valuated and integrated building the Protected Area environmental accounting model. The model approach complies with the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (EU, 2011) and the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services Initiative (EU, 2014) carried out at European level aiming to promote the integration of environmental benefits into accounting and reporting systems at EU and national level. The research on which this paper reports illustrates the model highlighting what and how much value the MPAs are able to create from the money allocated by government and funding bodies. In the Methodology section, the method is outlined and the environmental accounting model is given. In the following section the results are described. The last section provides an analysis of the results and draws the conclusions.
Call Number Serial 3998
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Author Began, M., Visnic, T., Bozic, S., Vasiljevic, Dj.
Title Degradation of in situ geosites caused by anthropogenic factors – analysis of tourists’ attitudes Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 427-428
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Geological diversity values are extremely vast, but are also most reasons for its degradation. Only at the beginning of the XXI century, with the popularization of science, the role of geological heritage started to be accepted and the need for its protection recognized in developing countries, such as Serbia. However, the papers available are mainly engaged with the essence of geoconservation and its basic steps: geosites inventory, examining their values and threats and suggesting the best solution or geoconservation method, etc. The authors returned to revise the part that concerns the study of the very threatening factors. Threatening factors can be divided into those arising from natural processes and those arising from anthropogenic activities – more numerous, but weaker.
Call Number Serial 3996
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Author Melichar, J., Braun Kohlova, M., Kaprova, K.
Title Optimal pricing of recreation in the Czech protected areas Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 430-432
Keywords MMV8
Abstract With growing number of visitors in wilderness areas, the burden on touristic infrastructure increases together with the nature protection expenses. The management of protected areas is not able to fully cover these costs and their economy is partially or completely dependent on state subsidies. The pricing of recreation is one of the options how to manage the number of visitors entering the protected area, and how to enhance the budgetary self-sufficiency of the protected areas. The contribution presents the model of the optimal entrance fees and potential revenues for the system of landscape protected areas and national parks in the Czech Republic. The model was transformed into a parametrized software tool available to the managements of Czech protected areas.
Call Number Serial 3997
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Author Tomic, N.
Title Exploring the potential for geotourism development in the Danube region of Serbia Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 425-426
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The Danube region in Serbia is home to numerous geological and geomorphological features as well as paleonthological remains of mammoths and other animals that testify to the long and vivid history of this area. Parts of the Middle and Lower Danube in Serbia contain most of the rich natural and cultural (mainly archaeological) heritage dating back to prehistoric times as well as the remains from the Roman and Medieval period. Throughout history, it has been a place where different cultures and civilizations have flourished over a long period of time. All of these paleontological and prehistoric remains of mammoths and early man as well as numerous later civilizations and their achievements are simply woven in this space which has been continously inhabited for nearly a million years.
Call Number Serial 3995
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Author Miljkovic, Lj., Miljkovic, Dj., Lukic, T., Bozic, S., Stojstavljevic, R., Bjelajac, D., Micic, T.
Title Protected natural areas and geoheritage of Homolje – an overview Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 422-424
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Homolje is one of the most outstanding geomorphological areas of Eastern Serbia, surrounded by Beljanica Mountain on the South, Homoljske Mountains on the North, Black summit on the East and Gornjacke Mountains on the West. According to Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia, Homolje represents an area of protected natural values with specific geo and biodiversity of national importance. The Central Registry of protected natural assets of Homolje encompasses the following natural assets: The Spring of Zagubica (The Mlava Spring), Homolje intermittent (rhythmic) spring, The Krupaj Spring, Uvala Busovata, The Osanicka River Gorge and The Samar Karst Bridge.
Call Number Serial 3994
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Author Siljkovic, Z., Musa, S.
Title Papuk Geopark and the tourism activity Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 416-418
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Papuk Geopark can be described as an area with distinct natural and socio-economic features giving it its unique characteristics. Its vertical stratification is composed of parts of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere and definitely social sphere. Consequently, geographical space differs from the biosphere since biosphere is only its integral part and the features created by human activity are incorporated within it. Taking in regard geospatial characteristics, both its features and functions one may conclude geological diversity is a unique system, distinct in its content and functionality, recognizable as a definite location. It reflects the state of the environment as the location where all living beings reside and are conditioned by the geospatial diversity. Geodiversity does not relate only to geographic physical features.
Call Number Serial 3992
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Author Vrsaljko, A., Troselj, I., Markovic, N.
Title Landscape Diversity of the National Park Paklenica as Paradigm of Tourism Development Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 419-421
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Paklenica National Park was established in 1949. The Park territory forms a part of Dinaric karst, one of the most impressive karst units in the world, marked by distinctive geological, geomorphological and hydrological features. The tourist offer of the National Park is extraordinarily interesting to foreign visitors, the number of whom is, according to the research included in this final paper, 77%. The types of tourism such as adventure ecotourism, wildlife tourism and nature based tourism are well implemented in the Park. For that reason, this paper dealt with the visitors’/tourists’ perceptions on valorisation of the landscape particularities as the paradigms of the development of specific types of tourism.
Call Number Serial 3993
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Author Musa, S., Misilo, M., Siljkovic, Z.
Title Geodiversity as a fundamental determinant in distinguishing geoparks in Southeast Europe Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 413-415
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The problem of defining geodiversity in the broader area of South-eastern Europe seems to result in the unwillingness of their getting proclaimed and nominated into the European network. The question of evaluation and general research of geo-diversity and seclusion of Geoparks in SE Europe is burdened with many problems. Among the first is a problem of lack of recognition of the importance of the same. Although the question of Geoparks is “typical geographical” (as regards space as a subject of study in geography) it is just ignored by geographers. Some of the most important reasons for this situation in the field of research of geological diversity and seclusion of Geoparks are: different approaches to the concept of geo-diversity (narrower and a broader approach to defining), partly the failure to recognize the meaning of seclusion and protection of the most valuable parts of geological diversity (geoheritage) and political and administrative problems, which in some countries of South Eastern Europe are very pronounced, etc.
Call Number Serial 3991
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Author Zega, M., Grmovsek, A.
Title Protecting & Evaluating Geoheritagein Slovenia – Today’s Issues & Challenges Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 412-412
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Although Slovenia is a small country, it boasts with well-preserved diversity in natural and cultural resources.Many merits go to the first conscious and forward-looking individuals, which at the end of 19th century came up with theideaof protecting the worthiest parts of nature, one example isThe proposition for protection of the Triglav lakes valley, handed by A. Belar in 1908 to Austro-Hungarian government. Today, the worthiest parts of nature on the territory of Slovenia are protected under the Nature Conservation Act (NCA)and other accompanying regulations.NCA acknowledges two pillars of nature conservation: (1) natural valuable features protection preservation,and (2) biodiversity. Preservation of biodiversity is mostly provided through Natura 2000network and analogous approaches, while protection of natural valuable features covers the entire natural heritage in Slovenia. In nature these represent: palaeontological sites, karstic and glacier phenomena, waterfalls, lakes, forests, botanic parks… By the NCA they are sorted indifferent categories: geological, geomorphological, hydrological, dendrological, zoological, botanical, ecosystemic, designed and valuable landscape, minerals and fossils.
Call Number Serial 3990
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Author Hose, T.A.
Title Re Cycling and Geotourism: an adventure approach to appreciating physical landscapes Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 408-411
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Europe’s present-day rich legacy of geological material in museums, universities, archives and libraries – its cultural geoheritage – is a consequence of its citizens’ 400 years of geological inquiry (Hose 2016a). Its recognised geosites and geomorphosites and their associated landforms, rocks, minerals and fossils (or geodiversity) – its natural geoheritage – populate both the historic and modern geological literature (Hose 2016b). The recognition that many of the literatures’ geosites and geomorphosites, and from which the specimens in the collections had been gathered, were lost, degraded or were no longer accessible led, from the mid-20th century, to the development of geoconservation measures to protect what was left (Hose 2008). Further, the recognition geology in general and geoconservation in particular were poorly regarded and understood by the public geologists and others, from the late 20th century, developed geotourism provision (Hose 2011, 2012), latterly with an emphasis on geoparks, indeed, it has been recognised that ‘In today’s economically stretched climate, tourists are a valuable source of local income. The encouragement of the tourist industry to include geodiversity within its remit is therefore high…’ (Burek 2012, 45). Whilst traditionally tourism provision has focussed on mass market provision there has been a growing interest in developing niche tourism (Novelli 2005) which can encompass geotourism (Hose 2005) and adventure tourism (Shephard & Evans 2005).
Call Number Serial 3989
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Author Djercan, B., Brankovic, D., Bubalo-Zivkovic, M., Lukic, T.
Title Special Nature Reserve Obedska Bara: Good Example of Organization of Teaching in the Field Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 403-405
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The aim of this paper is to show how educational excursions can and should be implemented in education of primary school children. The paper shows detailed preparation of educational excursion for eighth grade, and also describes possible implementation of one-day excursion for fifth grade (Collection of plants for school herbarium) and sixth grade (Making school collection of insects). Special Nature Reserve (SNR) “Obedska bara” was used as a teaching facility. Special Nature Reserve “Obedska bara” is located in the southern part of Srem, near the Sava River, at altitude between 71 and 82 m. The total area of the reserve with the highest level of protection is 9820.0 ha. Obedska bara is bounded by the Sava River in the south, while in the north it stretches across southern outskirts of rural areas of the villages of Grabovci, Obrez and Kupinovo. It is located in the municipality of Pecinci, 45 km away from Belgrade and 35 km from the international airport “Nikola Tesla”. It is 20 km away from regional road Ruma – Šabac, 30 km from Šabac, while 70 km from Novi Sad. Special Nature Reserve in contrast to the narrower space of Obedska bara covers significantly greater area of 16,133.43 ha.
Call Number Serial 3988
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Author Lukic, T., Djercan, B., Bubalo Zivkovic, M., Penjisevic, I., Lalic, M.
Title Outdoor education in protected areas from viewpoint of geographic education Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 400-402
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Emel (2015) said that outdoor education helps one to develop environmental awareness, attitude, knowledge, time management, social relationship, success motivation, emotion control of people etc. Fletcher (2015) further explored the role of ecotourism in the neoliberalisation of environmental education. Ewert & Sibthorp (2014) identified two branches of outdoor education: environmental education and adventure education. According to them, outdoor adventure education is a variety of teaching and learning activities and experiences that usually involve a close interaction with an outdoor natural setting and contain elements of real and perceived danger or risk in which the outcome, although uncertain, can be influenced by the action of participants and circumstances. Ting & Siew (2014) found that students develop better in their critical thinking skills and science process skills after undergoing an environment-based education. Probably, Gilbertson (2006) did the most complex study of outdoor education (Figure). Outdoor education is irreplaceable method in geographic explorations, but papers which deal with mentioned topic are rare. This research will try to put in focus outdoor education in protected areas from geographic point of view.
Call Number Serial 3987
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Author Bussolotti, J.M., De Lima Guimaraes, S.T., De Jesus Robim, M.
Title Perception, interpretation and valuation of multifunctional landscapes of protected areas: a contribution to visitor management Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 397-399
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The work presented was discussion of the thesis entitled “ Building indicators for the landscape of the State Park of Serra do Mar: Santa Virginia.” The Park covers the northern portion of the Atlantic Forest of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, considered the owner of a valuable biological and cultural wealth. The conceptual bases used in the research were the Landscape Ecology and the phenomenological perspective of humanistic geography, basing the analysis of lived space and the lived world and the concept of multifunction Naveh landscape, taking into account the implicit values in the three areas of functions the landscape of this protected area: the bioecological, the socio-ecological- cultural and socioeconomic. It was established as main objective to create parameters for environmental valuation indicators in protected areas from the perceptions of those who experience it.
Call Number Serial 3986
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Author De Souza Pimentel, D., Meireles, C.P., Maia, S., Barcellos, M.M.
Title Interpretative trails to enable an environmental education process in a Brazilian park Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 393-396
Keywords MMV8
Abstract In the Brazilian parks’ institutional field, EE is an integrating axis of the public use, as it is a planned activity for all the categories established by the National System of Conservation Unities’ law (SNUC), that regulate this kind of protected area in Brazil. Considering the process of parks’ institutionalization and the consequent recognition of its importance for society, EE could enable a closer relationship among managers, adjacent communities and visitors (Pimentel and Magro, 2012). The Environmental Interpretation (EI) is based on practical experience of natural areas’ visiting, to inform, to raise awareness, to educate and to encourage the ability of observation and reflection about the relations of people with nature (Tilden, 1977). This can provide a structure for carrying out educational activities and contribute to the promotion of social mobilization in support of environmental conservation. Thus, the EI is an enabling tool for Environmental Education, both generating positive impacts related to public use in parks (Cole, 2012). So, Interpretative Trails (IT) should stimulate new perceptions about nature based on a critical stance to allow this new environmental awareness. The objective of this paper is to present the development of two Interpretative Trails for Environmental Education in the Serra da Tiririca State Park (RJ – Brazil).
Call Number Serial 3985
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Author Stokowski, P.A., Derrien, M.M.
Title Environmental Interpretation and Forests: Perspectives of Managers and Agencies Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 390-392
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Beyond their ecological and commodity functions, forests are naturalsettings of scenic beauty, recreational activity and symbolic meaning. Peoples’ attachments to forest settings and landscapes are fostered– discursively, and experientially – by resource management agencies, communities, non-profit organizations, business entrepreneurs, and others.Within these contexts, the services of environmental interpretation have been used to enhance personal and collective experiences of forest places. Environmental interpretation is a termthat refers to avariety of mediated and personal communicative servicesprovided by resource managers to “reveal meanings and relationships of our natural and cultural heritage to various publics” (Tilden 1977). Agencies offer interpretation services and programs to educate and entertain visitors, accomplish management goals, and promote positive images. More than just information presentation or educational techniques, environmental interpretation personalizes meaning using stories, revelation, provocation, examples, imagery, and other linguistic and visual devices. Interpretive presentations are found in brochures, museum exhibits, guided and self-guided tours, on-site signage, and other personal and mediated communications.
Call Number Serial 3984
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Author Stojanovic, V., Pavic, D.
Title Educational and interpretative value of tourism offer as a prerequisite of sustainable tourism in protected areas in Vojvodina Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 386-388
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Tourism occupies an important positionwithin economic and development plans of both the government of the Republic of Serbia and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, which is reflected in numerous development strategies for this economic sector. Important segment of tourism offer refers to protected areas and ecotourism. There are 121 protectedareas (national parks, special nature reserves, nature parks, landscape of outstanding features, nature monuments...) on the territory of Vojvodina.Protected areas cover 5.96% of the total area of Vojvodina. 25 protected areas out of the total of 121 have the potential of creating a tourism destination or an ecotourism site (Stojanovic et al, 2011). The potential is represented through the variety of natural conditions in Vojvodina ranging from geological heritage, relief, to versatile flora and fauna. Tourism and ecotourism in protected areas are frequently discussed as an important topic with regard to their protection and total social and economic development.
Call Number Serial 3983
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Author Putica, J., Perutina, I.
Title Potentials for Development of Rural Tourism in Blidinje Nature Park Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 385-385
Keywords MMV8
Abstract This paper investigates the possibilities of development of rural tourism in Blidinje Nature Park, as well as existing tourist offer. Significance of tourism reflects itself in the interaction of agricultural production, production of traditional products, presentation of tradition, gastronomy and touristic services – using existing resources of rural area as its constituent part. Thus, revitalisation of the existing traditional facilities, natural and cultural goods with new touristic purposes is very important. The aim of this research is to analyse the offer and to gain insight into the current condition of tourism potentials in the rural area of the park primarily with an aim of providing specific suggestions for development of existing resources, and of creating new products for improvement of touristic offer. The research methodology is based on the survey that was conducted in the period from September 2015 to April 2016. Survey was conducted on a sample of 200 visitors, and to explore whether we surveyed reliable and service providers in rural tourism.
Call Number Serial 3982
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Author Kopek, A., Jozsa, E.
Title Ecotourism in Balaton Uplands National Park Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 382-384
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Balaton Uplands National Park, founded in 1997 on 57 000 hectars, is a diverse, mosaic-like array of habitats, consisting of 6 adjoining previous landscape protection areas. Due to the diversity of geological and geomorphological features and the local climate, wildlife and landscape are exceptionally appealing to tourists and researchers alike. The national park stretches along the north shore of Lake Balaton, which is the largest shallow-water lake in Central Europe, encompassed by hills, grasslands, lovely villages, vineyards. The once active, huge volcanic field of Balaton Uplands is a wonderland of unique geological heritage. The natural treasures of the Tihany Peninsula – part of the national park – were acknowledged by the European Diploma granted by the Council of Europe in 2003. Lake Balaton is the second most popular tourism destination in Hungary, with only the capital Budapest surpassing it. Regarding domestic tourism it is the most visited region in the country. The lake and the natural wonders of the national park enhance each other’s attractiveness, thereby raising the touristic value of the region. The operational area of the Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate includes the national park and several other protected areas as well (3 landscape protection areas, 27 nature conservation areas and numerous ex lege protected objects, e.g. caves). The Bakony–Balaton Geopark – managed also by the Directorate – is member of the European and of the Global Geoparks Network, assisted by UNESCO. The key tasks of the national park directorate are to protect and interpret the natural values.
Call Number Serial 3981
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Author Emphandhu, D.
Title Visitor Management forResource Conservation in Community-based Ecotourism,Thailand Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 379-381
Keywords MMV8
Abstract KohPitakin Thailand is a small island located near Mu KohChomphon National park. Most are local fisheries.In 1992, marine resources were in crisis. The commercial fishing boats over-fished in the area close to Koh Pitak. The local people at KohPitakfinally announced conservation measures to protect marine resources and introduced community-based ecotourism (CBET) to motivate community members in resource conservation. Ecotourism at KohPitakhas become very popular that many visitors came to visit Koh Pitak, but limited resourcesand poor management has gradually created tourism impact.This paper aimed to examine how local community has applied visitor management as a tool for resource conservation and managing tourism impact.
Call Number Serial 3980
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Author Zega, M., Dakskobler, P.
Title MTB Soca Outdoor (Slovenia) – A good case scenario Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 377-378
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The interest in extreme or adventurous sports has grown rapidly in the last decade. Activities such as skydiving, paragliding, zip lining, canyoning, swinging bungie etc. are experiencing a burst out in number of enthusiasts and challenge audacity. A huge progress has been made also in the corresponding technical equipment. Among mentionedadventuroussports, perhaps the most popularis mountain biking. Since most of these activities happen outdoor, preferably in nature or even better in preserved and remote corners of nature, they inevitably have a significant impact on other usersand inhabitants within these places, e.g. animals and their habitats, hikers, farmers, villagers, foresters, land owners, nature conservationists etc., who have been sharing the placemore or less reconciled with each other since a long time. Now, this new presence has become an everyday reality andit brings a conflict between ‘old and new users’, which cannot be ignored. Therefore, these activitiesneed to be properly integrated into thenatural environment and into the legal system, whichis easy to say, but much more demanding to accomplish.
Call Number Serial 3979
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Author Kangas, K., Tolvanen, A., Juutinen, A
Title Nature-based tourism, protected areas and mining in Finnish Lapland Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 375-376
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Tourism is growing industry and an important livelihood in northern Finland (Lapin matkailustrategia 2015 – 2018). Simultaneously, nature has an essential role in tourism.Many tourism resorts are located very close to protected areas and tourism in protected areas play an important role in the local economy (Huhtala 2007, Lapin matkailustrategia 2015 – 2018). While tourism has increased, the role of traditional livelihoods, like forestry and agriculture has decreased (Saarinen 2003, 2005). Simultaneously with tourism growth the metal mining industry and mineral exploration activities have increased notably in Finland(Kivinen et al. 2014). Although the growing mining industryhas potential to bring positive socio-economicdevelopment in northern peripheral areas, the ungovernable growth of mining may adversely affect tourism and nature protection, and have raised some concerns among local people. As competing land use interests related to mining, tourism, forestry and environmental protection are likely to increase in the future,there is a need for tools for reconciling different land use needs.Our aim is to develop a new GIS-basedapproach that simultaneously considers ecological, social and economic values. Method can be used in classifying sites by their suitability for different land uses and locating areas with possibly conflicting land uses.
Call Number Serial 3978
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Author Danelutti C., Santarossa, L.
Title Creating a transnational ecotourism offer: The MEET Experience Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 372-374
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Despite the environmental and cultural importance of the Mediterranean, many immediate and long-term threats to biodiversity and local cultures persist, including the region’s reliance on revenue from mass tourism. Ecotourism has been demonstrated to be a form of tourism that is respectful to nature and culture which engages local people and brings significant economic benefits to local communities without the disruptive effects that mass tourism brings in its wake. The Mediterranean Experience of Ecotourism (MEET) is an EU-funded initiative, designed to harness the potential of ecotourism in the region. Having recently completed its three-year project life at the end of 2015, and involved 25 protected areas in 8 countries, MEET’s goal is to continue integrating new protected areas to expand the conservation and economic benefits of sustainable, respectful and nature-oriented tourism across the Mediterranean Basin.
Call Number Serial 3977
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Author Hibner, J., Taczanowska, K.
Title Segmentation of alpine downhill skiers and snowboarders in mountain protected areas based on motivation factors: a comparison between two skiing areas: Kasprowy Wierch area (TPN, Poland) and Skalnaté Pleso area (TANAP, Slovakia). Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 366-368
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Comprehensive knowledge about visitor socio-demographic characteristics, combined with visitor motivations and preferences is necessary for successful visitor management in recreational and protected areas (Cessford & Muhar 2003). Visitor profiles based on motivational factors may support design of targeted tourist offer and communication between the management of protected areas and tourists (Konu & Kajala 2012). The main aim of this study is to segment downhill skiers and snowboarders of two ski resorts located in the Tatra National Parks (TPN in Poland and TANAP in Slovakia) based on visitor motivations.
Call Number Serial 3975
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Author Viswanathan, N.K., Vogel, R.M., Li, S., Wang, A.Z.
Title Sustainable Coastal Tourism on Long Island – A Preliminary Study Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 370-371
Keywords MMV8
Abstract This pilot study, part of a two year project funded by the New York Sea Grant identified two coastal cities on Long Island. Based on survey data the study examined the demographic characteristics of tourists and attempted to understand their motivation for visiting Long Island. The survey instrument consisted of twenty questions and the tourists to be surveyed were selected at random at the tourist site in the two cities. The questions measured many variables including the following, tourism attraction preferences, reasons for visiting, communication medium through which the tourist was exposed to the destination, family size and age, the preferences for different types of attractions and activities.
Call Number Serial 3976
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Author Farias-Torbidoni, E.I., Baric, D., Anic, P.
Title A segmentation approach in determining visitor motivation to engage in physical activities levels. The case of Spanish protected areas Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 363-365
Keywords MMV8
Abstract In last three decades, the volume of published literature, acknowledged that wilderness and protected areas play an important role in natural ecosystem conservation and provision of wide variety of goods and services necessary for sustaining the wellbeing of human community in general. Increased demand of society for participation in outdoor recreational activities during the leisure time, to date, instigate a number of scholars and community initiatives to focus their attention on promotion of protected natural settings as key “units” for the enhancement of human physical and mental health . As protected area visitors do not represent one homogenous group, it therefore, seems crucial to provide park managers understandable empirical evidences about whether and to which extent visitors differ in terms of willingness to engage in different physical activities levels. Despite that similar investigations have been conducted, the majority of them were focused on visitors to urban parks than wilderness and protected natural settings. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to segment the visitors to five protected natural areas in Cataluña (Spain), by their motivation to engage in physically challenging activities and then after to examine the influence of socio-demographic, trip, motivational and attitudinal descriptors on segmentation membership.
Call Number Serial 3974
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Author Wilkins, E., De Urioste-Stone, S.
Title Recreational activities, place attachment, and intended future visitation under climate change conditions Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 360-362
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Climate is changing globally, bringing increasing average temperatures, more precipitation, and more extreme weather events. This is already impacting where visitors’ travel, and will likely continue altering visitors’ destination selection and behavior in the future (Gossling et al. 2012). Previous studies have shown place attachment is an indicator of future visitation to an area (Ednie, Daigle & Leahy 2010). Place attachment describes how bonded people are to a particular location, both emotionally and cognitively (Altman and Low 1992). Additionally, visitor’s attachment to a place can alter their perceptions and behavior, making place attachment important to understand for visitor management (Kyle, Absher&Graefe 2003). This study aims to investigate the relationships between recreational activities participated in, place attachment, and intended future visitation under differing weather and environmental conditions resulting from climate change.
Call Number Serial 3973
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Author Thorbjornsson, J.G., Burns, G.L., Chambers, C.P., Olafsdottir, J.H., Kristjansson, B.K.
Title Diving between continents: Visitor motivations, disturbance and management implications for Silfra, Iceland Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 357-359
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The Silfra fissure in Iceland’s Thingvellir National Park is a unique destination. It is the only place in the world where tourists can dive and snorkel in the crack between two continental plates. Dive and snorkeling entries into Silfra have increased dramatically during the last few years, and the potential for disturbance of both the fissure’s ecosystem and the tourist experience requires monitoring and managing.This interdisciplinary study aimed to understand the motivations of dive visitors to Silfra and the impact of their dives. A mixed method approach to obtaining data from four key stakeholder groups included observation of divers, questionnaires completed by divers, tour guides and tour operators, and interviews with the Park managers. From the findings, management strategies to maintain the positive experience for divers while minimizing the negative impacts on the fissure are recommended.
Call Number Serial 3972
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Author Taplin, R., Rodger, K., Moore, S.A.
Title The Multi-dimensional Components of Visitor Loyalty to Protected Areas Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 354-356
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Visitor loyalty is important for protected areas not only for the revenue received from entrance fees and other charges but also for political support for their continued existence (Rodger et al., 2015, Weaver & Lawton, 2011). For this reason extensive research reported in the literature examines not only visitor loyalty but also the factors (such as service quality and visitor satisfaction) that may increase visitor loyalty (Moore et al. 2015). This paper adds to our understanding of loyalty as a complex construct. Factor analysis is used to demonstrate the multidimensional nature of loyalty and to explore these different dimensions. Implications for loyalty research are discussed.
Call Number Serial 3971
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Author Thorhallsdottir, G., Olafsson, R.
Title Tourism seasonality in Iceland Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 351-353
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Tourism is a seasonal phenomenon even though travelling habits are changing and few destinations, usually cities, are unaffected by some kind of seasonality. School holidays and the weather in the host country are thought to be the most influencing factors for people’s decision to travel, especially during the winter time(Butler, 2001). Unpredictable weather and darkness canadd special excitement to the journey and make the destination interesting (Lundtorp et al., 2001). People are breaking free from previous holiday habits. The experiences tourists are seeking are also changing. People now want to experience something new and adventurous and have an exclusive experience(Koc and Altinay, 2007). Northern Europeans who used to spend their summer holidays on the beaches of the Mediterranean are now going further away during the summer break, and additionally taking short holidays during the winter period(Rosello et al., 2004).This diversification of travel practices is more visible in countries with cold climate and influences all parts of planning and management of tourist destinations (Baum and Lundtorp, 2001).
Call Number Serial 3970
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Author Olafsson, R., Thorhallsdottir, G.
Title Where do the tourists in Iceland go? Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 348-350
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Tourism remains a seasonal phenomenon and each destination experiences some kind of seasonal imbalance, financial or physical (Bigovic, 2012). Destinations can be affected by different number of peaks in seasonality and it is important to distinguish between the true seasons of the year (Butler, 2001). Knowing the number of visitors is the basic unit for measuring tourism seasonality (Lundtorp, 2001). The importance of knowing how many tourists visit destinations is well known by managers and good and accurate visitor data are valuable for planning and managing the destinations (De Cantis et al., 2015). The aim of this work is to measure where the tourists go at different times of the year.The numbers that visit the destinations will be compared with the number of tourists departing from Keflavik International Airport. Iceland is a unique destination in that Iceland is an island with practically only one access point, Keflavik International Airport (KEF), where 97% of the visitors pass through so tourist visiting the country can be quite accurately counted. The airport is in the capital area 45 minutes from the centre of Reykjavik.
Call Number Serial 3969
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Author Sayan, S., Kalisch, D.
Title Immigrants’ urban outdoor recreation: Explorative case studies in Turkey and Germany Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 344-346
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Migration is a global fact which is driven by many complex and inter-related economic, social, political, environmental reasons. Europe has become ‘a continent of immigration’ in the course of the last half century, and European societies have experienced growing ethnic and cultural diversity (Okolski, 2012). Accordingly diverse social groups with various cultural backgrounds interact in everyday life. Besides several economic and social challenges, the role of outdoor recreation on urban green spaces (UGS) deserves consideration in the social inclusion of immigrants. UGS are public places for recreation, stress relief, outdoor recreation activities and places for interaction and encountering other people. In contrast to dense built environment of the cities, meeting and communicating on urban green can be platform for breaking social segregation (German-Chiari and Seeland, 2004, Seeland et al., 2009, Leikkila et al., 2013).
Call Number Serial 3968
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Author Sayan, S.
Title Cultural differences in outdoor recreation: A case study of Saklikent National Park in Turkey Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 341-343
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Personal characteristics of the visitors including cultural and socio-demographic background have been found to have an influence on the normative interpretation of outdoor recreation use patterns and perceptions (Manning 2011). In a more technical sense, norms are cultural rules that guide behavior (Sayan et al. 2013). Research in outdoor recreation found that culture and demographics influence peoples’ motivations, expectations and preferences in the outdoor recreation (Fleishman et al 2004, Sasidharan et al. 2005, Buijs et al. 2009, Sayan et al. 2013). Culture has generally been addressed by examining similarities and differences among recreationists based on race, ethnicity, and nationality (Manning 2011) and formulated by standards of quality. One branch of normative theory and methods—structural characteristics models—has special application to park management and formulation of standards of quality in particular (Vaske and Whittaker 2004). In the context of park management, this model works by asking survey respondents (e.g., park visitors, residents of surrounding communities, and the general public) to evaluate the acceptability (or other evaluative dimension) of a range of recreation-related impacts to park resources or the quality of the visitor experience (Manning 2011).
Call Number Serial 3967
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Author Bishop, M.
Title Outdoor recreation and protection of Iceland’s Central Highland: conditions for a consensus among domestic users Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 338-340
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The Icelandic Central Highland cover about 40% of the country, gathering a wide range of landscapes combining large glaciers, vast black sand desert, powerful geothermal areas and rivers, rough lava fields and important wetlands. As a result from such a diversity, the area as a whole consist of an outstanding venue for nature-based tourism and outdoor recreation. Other natural resources are also found in the area, as it has been used since historical times for hunting, fishing or as summer pasture or more recently to produce electricity from renewable sources. Similar to any other use of the natural resource, perspectives of development of the area for nature-based activities are raising serious issues as such highly sensitive environments may be irreversibly impacted by human activities. The establishment of protected areas is presented by various stakeholders as a potential solution to address the issues induced by the exponential growth of tourism. This study aimed to approach the attitudes of outdoor recreationist to the Central Highland and land-use management issues related to its protection. While there seems to be a certain consensus regarding the need to address issues related to the development of tourism in the Central Highland, views gets very polarized when it comes to the idea of a National Park, with a striking gap between opinions expressed by users of motorized and non-motorized activities.
Call Number Serial 3966
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Author Stensland, S., Aas, O., Mehmetoglu, M.
Title Constraints and Facilitators to Salmon Angling Participation Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 335-337
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Atlantic salmon sport fisheries have declined remarkably in many countries and participation seems to correlate with salmon abundance. We investigated angling participation in the Atlantic salmon sport fishery in Norwegian rivers by incorporating facilitators for participation in a constraint-negotiation model. We specifically look at how resource changes influence the negotiation process and participation. New insight about which factors constrain or facilitate participation, and which negotiation strategies anglers use to overcome them, provides managers and tourism stakeholders with information on how to increase participation and maximize benefits to anglers and local economies.
Call Number Serial 3965
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Author Kaae, B.C., Olafsson, A.S., Draux, H., Skov-Petersen, H.
Title Latent demand and constraints to water-oriented outdoor recreation in Denmark Type
Year (down) 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 332-334
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Denmark is a small and highly coastal country with 7,300 km of coastlines and over 400 islands as well as many lakes and streams. Consequently, the outdoor recreation patterns are particularly linked to the coastal and marine environments. Based on a national survey, this paper focuses on assessing latent demand and constraints in relation to water-oriented outdoor recreation. The aim of the paper is to analyze latent demand and constraints to participation in water-oriented outdoor recreation among three groups: 1) water-oriented outdoor recreationists, 2) land-oriented outdoor recreationists, and 3) non-recreationists. The study explores the existence of a latent demand even among participants due to constraints reducing their preferred participation.
Call Number Serial 3964
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