Records |
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Author |
Selvaag, S.; Gundersen, V.; Strand, O.; Panzacchi, E., |

Title |
Spatial segmentation of hikers and wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) at Hardangervidda National Park: Management Implications |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
11-13 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Our study suggests a strong potential for coexistence between wild reindeer and tourists in Hardangervidda National Park, at large spatial scale, and indicates that wild reindeer move to refuge areas with less tourist infrastructure and fewer hikers during the peak tourist season. More specifically, the study identifies popular hiking trails that are predicted to hamper the possibilities for wild reindeer to migrate and access important resources. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4041 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Cole, D.N., |

Title |
Monitoring and Management of Recreation in Protected Areas: the Contributions and Limitations of Science |
Type |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 2 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
10-17 |
Keywords |
MMV2 |
Abstract |
Scientists assist protected area managers by developing information and knowledge that can be used to better monitor and manage recreation use and its impacts. Most recreation management decisions have both a descriptive and an evaluative component. There is widespread consensus that science is well suited to discovering, synthesizing and applying descriptive information. This paper provides an overview of some of the most significant contributions of science to visitor monitoring and management. It covers the related scientific purposes of explanation, causation, prediction and assessment. As scientific enquiry moves from description to evaluation, from facts to values, from providing statements of “what is” to providing statements of “what ought to be”, it ventures into more contested territory. While some advocate a substantial role for science in the establishment of normative standards about what ought to be, others believe science should be very cautious in this arena. Recreation examples, largely drawn from wilderness management in the United States, are provided. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 296 |
Serial |
2356 |
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Author |
Cocchi, P., |

Title |
Preface |
Type |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
9-9 |
Keywords |
MMV4 |
Abstract |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 879 |
Serial |
2562 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Erg, B., Pezold, T., Avramoski, O., |

Title |
Protected Areas-Delivering on Global Conservation Goals and Targets |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
9-12 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism, conservationof biodiversity and community well-being have proved to be intimately linked processes throughout much of the recent history of nature protection.Admiration for nature and wildlandvisitation were among the primary reasons for the establishment of first protected areas in the second half of the XIX century, which marked the commencement of the modern era of nature conservation. Ever since, the importance of tourism and recreation in achieving nature conservation goals has steadily grown. Today, tourism is widely regarded an increasingly relevant tool for biodiversity conservation and a key driver of national, regional and local economic and community development. Hence the growing recognition of the role that tourism plays in sustainable management of natural resources and community development. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3861 |
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Author |
Akashi, M.; Shoji, Y.; Aikoh, T., |

Title |
Understanding the Distance Between Humans and Brown Bears That Tourists Consider Appropriate: A case Study at Shiretoko National Park, Japan |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
8-10 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This study’s purpose was to understand distance between humans and brown bears that domestic and foreign tourists consider appropriate at Shiretoko National Park in northern Japan. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4040 |
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Author |
Arnberger, A.; Brandenburg, C., |

Title |
Visitor Structure of a Heavily Used Conservation Area: The Danube Floodplains National Park, Lower Austria |
Type |
Year |
2002 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 1 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
7-13 |
Keywords |
MMV1 |
Abstract |
National parks in close proximity to large conurbations are not subject to the normal conflicts between conservation and ecological tourism but to those between conservation and urban recreational requirements. The Danube Floodplains National Park, Lower Austria is situated to the east of Vienna, the capital city of Austria, with a population of 1.6 million. Between June 2000 and May 2001, visitors were monitored in the Lower Austrian part of the National Park. An analysis of the results of the interviews, as well as their integration with the results obtained using long-term video monitoring, counts by human observers and route analysis, led to the identification of specific visitor categories with individual behavioral patterns and spatio-temporal distribution. In particular, regular recreational visitors from adjacent residential areas were very concerned about overcrowding and would react to the high visitor frequency through a change in their habits. This alteration of visiting habits would lead to grave problems for the environmental management of the National Park. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 412 |
Serial |
2269 |
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Author |
Dimovic, D., Stefan, A., Ivanic, K.Z, |

Title |
Values and Benefits of Protected Areas as Potential for Sustainable Development |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
7-8 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Demographic change is a challenge for many remote regions in Europe when it comes to the development of long term sustainable development strategies. While large scale investments often suggest new jobs and economic growth, the possible impacts of new regional development projects on natural resources and nature conservation are neglected. As a consequence, the opportunities and threats of regional development as well as the role of nature as a capital for local economies are rarely known. On the one hand the decreasing populations offer more potential for extensive agriculture, wilderness or sustainable tourism arising from additional land-use options and on the other hand the regions are facing the challenges to enhance the attractiveness and economic prosperity. This means that innovative solutions are needed to combine sustainable regional development that builds on the potential of nature conservation and natural resource management within sustainable and resilient local economic. In order to better understand the ecologically sustainable territorial developmentthe Protected Areas Benefit Assessment Tool (PA-BAT) was used to assess the protected areas in the Balkan ecoregion an area with a rich natural and cultural heritage.The PA-BAT is a new tool developed and tested by Equilibrium Research, WWF and partners.It was the biggest ever participatory assessments of protected areas benefits at the regional level, 60 workshops held in protected areas with more than 1,200 participants. This kind of workshops are an effective way of gathering and focusing public input at the early stage of protected area management planning process, but also motivation for their continued involvement in following stages. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3866 |
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Author |
Beunen, R. |

Title |
Innovation in Protected Area Governance: Competing Models and Their Impact in Different Places |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
5-6 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Innovation has become a key topic in the ongoing search for more effective, efficient and legitimate forms of protected area governance. In response to changing circumstances, new management challenges, and failed policies, managers of protected areas are continuously rethinking and adapting their policies and practices and exploring new ones. Over the years it has become clear that the sustainable management of protected areas remains a difficult challenge. The huge diversity of practices shows that protected areas can be governed in many different ways and that approaches should be dynamic. Management practices regularly need to be revised in order to adapt to changing social and ecological circumstances. Managers for example need to deal with increasing visitor numbers, changing visitor’ demands, environmental pressures due to recreational activities, budget cuts, or changing organizational beliefs. To some extend such changes reflect wider societal developments, such as emerging trends in outdoor activities, a changing political landscape, or economic ups and downs. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3860 |
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Author |
Lindberg, K., |

Title |
Beyond recreation experience and expenditure: Well-being and resilience in naturel area-human community systems |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
5-6 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This presentation will review well-being and resilience concepts and recent research, describe case studies and results, and suggest opportunities for future research and management. The well-being case study is based on a general population survey in Bend, Oregon, USA, while the community resilience case study is based on a nationwide survey of NBT firms in Norway |
Call Number |
Serial |
4039 |
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Author |
Raitio, H., |

Title |
Opening address |
Type |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 2 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
4-4 |
Keywords |
MMV2 |
Abstract |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 8 |
Serial |
2350 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Bourdeau, P.; Corneloup, J., |

Title |
Recreational Transition and management of protected areas. The Cultural turn |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
4 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Based on various illustrations drawn from observations and research programs conducted in different tourist configurations in the French Alps, the key-note will define recreational transition as a set of processes, approaches and actions by which tourism practices and policies are transformed into becoming coherent and resilient with change in fields such as climate, energy, culture, and the economy. We’ll examine the contradictory processes, ambivalences and conditions in which the sustainable recreational transition is and is not being operated |
Call Number |
Serial |
4038 |
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Author |
Sievänen, T.; Tuulentie, S., |

Title |
Preface |
Type |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 2 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
3-3 |
Keywords |
MMV2 |
Abstract |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 82 |
Serial |
2349 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Eagles, P.F.J. |

Title |
Developing a National Policy on Training, Education and Research in Visitor Monitoring and Management: Lessons from Canada |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
2-4 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Canada has a long history of creating and managing parks, at all levels of government: national, provincial, regional, and municipal. However, the country lacks policy in two important areas: 1) an accepted strategy on training and education, and 2) a national research strategy. In April 2016 an initiative began to coordinate policy and operations of all park agencies and non-government bodies in the country. Ideas were discussed at the Canadian Parks Summit held in Canmore, Alberta, at an invitation-only meeting of policy leaders. At this Summit, a policy paper was presented by Paul F. J. Eagles from the University of Waterloo and Christopher J. Lemieux of Wilfred Laurier University, entitled: Policy on Training, Education and Research: A Call to Action. This MMV 8 abstract builds on that paper, and the subsequent discussions. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3859 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Claeys, C.; Deldreve, V., |

Title |
Outdoor, Conservation and environmental inequalities |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
2-3 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Concerning this double challenge of nature protection versus social equity, this article proposes an analysis in terms of environmental inequalities. The concept of environmental inequalities gathers different forms of unequal access to resources and natural amenities, exposure to risk, environmental impact, ability to participate in and reap the benefits of environmental policies, and contribution to the effort required by these policies |
Call Number |
Serial |
4037 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Muhar, A.; Arnberger, A.; Brandenburg, C., |

Title |
Methods for Visitor Monitoring in Recreational and Protected Areas: An Overview |
Type |
Year |
2002 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 1 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
1-6 |
Keywords |
MMV1 |
Abstract |
The objective of this paper is to present a systematic overview on methods used for visitor monitoring in recreational areas. Emphasis is given on quantitative methods such as direct observation, video observation, counting devices and registration books. The various approaches are discussed with regard to practical, legal and organisational aspects, such as costs, maintenance requirements, dependence on infrastructure (e.g. electricity), risk of vandalism or suitability for remote and ecologically sensitive locations. For the design of a visitor monitoring scheme in a specific recreational area it is necessary to determine the best combination of devices and methods, depending on the objectives of the monitoring program. This relates also to the temporal resolution of monitoring activities (permanent, periodic, selective). In areas where the recreational use is largely depending on external factors such as weather, daytime and season, the representativity of a sampling scheme becomes crucial for the statistic validity of the obtained data. As visitor monitoring can also be regarded as an interference with the privacy of the persons being monitored, ethic aspects of the application of the various methods must also be addressed. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 410 |
Serial |
2268 |
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Author |
Vasiljevic, Dj.A. |

Title |
Introduction |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
The 8th MMV will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia 26-30th September, 2016. It is organised by people from Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad. After more than two years of planning and organisational activities, we are more than proud to announce that we have more than 200 participants from almost 40 different countries from whole world! |
Call Number |
Serial |
3858 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Arnberger, A.; Brandenburg, C.; Muhar, A., |

Title |
Preface |
Type |
Year |
2002 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 1 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
I-II |
Keywords |
MMV1 |
Abstract |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 383 |
Serial |
2266 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Liebel, G., |

Title |
Opening Address |
Type |
Year |
2002 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 1 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages  |
Keywords |
MMV1 |
Abstract |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 408 |
Serial |
2267 |
Permanent link to this record |