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Author Lewis, A.R.
Title Management effectiveness: case study of an Australian remote coastal camping location Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 74-76
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3071
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Author Mayer, M., Woltering, M.
Title The recreational value of German national parks – consumer surplus analyzed with travel cost models Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 74-76
Keywords MMV8
Abstract National parks (NLP) provide several ecosystem services like biodiversity and habitat protection, but also regulating and supporting services as well as cultural services like recreation and spiritual functions. Existing research about cultural ecosystem services of German NLP often focus on economic impact studies proving their role as major tourism attractions in rural areas (Job et al. 2016, Mayer & Job 2014, Woltering 2012). However, these studies only offer an incomplete view of the willingness to pay for recreation in NLP as they rely solely on the onsite expenditures of visitors while the travel and time costs to reach the parks are not considered. This paper presents the preliminary results for the recreational value of 14 out of 16 German NLP. The recreational value is determined using travel cost models (TCM). Although well established and criticized for years (Ward & Beal 2000), theseare its first applications to German NLP.
Call Number Serial 3882
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Author Guennoc, L.,
Title Managing “over-tourism” of natural and sensitive areas using visitor data Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages (down) 74-75
Keywords MMV10
Abstract For several years now, visitor management in nature parks has been an ongoing discussion. The fragile balance between welcoming the public and preserving natural areas has always been at the heart of decisions, sometimes difficult to make, by natural area managers.The current health context reinforces these tensions, with the increased importance of natural spaces, between periods of lockdown and the human need for outdoor spaces for exercise and leisure.In sensitive natural areas, and particularly in areas with high tourist pressure, the management of overcrowding has become a major topic, in the light of the COVID-19 crisis.Two specific topics have come to the fore: on one hand, health constraints may now require a specific threshold not to be exceeded, and on the other hand, the overall visitor experience and the preservation of sites, which requires measuring the number of visitors to avoid trampling and natural site degradation, whether they are natural parks, beaches but even periurban spaces.
Call Number Serial 4231
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Author Wirth, V.; Pröbstl, U.; Haider, W.,
Title Simulation of tourism strategies for alpine destinations Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 73-75
Keywords MMV5, destination choice, Alps, discrete choice, summer tourism, tourism strategies
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 72 Serial 2711
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Author Rupf-Haller, R.; Wernli, M.; Filli, F.,
Title Visitor Counting with Acoustic Slab Sensors in the Swiss National Park Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 72-77
Keywords MMV3, Visitor counting, acoustic slab sensor, Swiss National Park, walking experiments
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 602 Serial 2425
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Author Cottrell, S.P.,
Title Perceptions, attitudes and perceived benefits of local residents about tourism development in and around European Protected Area Network Parks Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 72-76
Keywords MMV4, Sustainability, tourism, indicators, monitoring
Abstract This paper presents the European Protected Area Network (PAN Parks) approach (mixed methods) for monitoring resident beliefs about the benefits of PAN Parks status and satisfaction with tourism development. Comparison of results and lessons learned from studies done in Poland, Bulgaria, and Finland are given. Hypothesizes imply that economic, socio-cultural, ecological, and institutional dimensions of sustainable tourism influence perceived benefits of PAN Park status and satisfaction with tourism development. As residents’ satisfaction with the economic, socio-cultural, institutional and ecological aspects of sustainable tourism increase, so do beliefs about the benefits of PAN Park status and satisfaction with tourism development in the PAN Park regions.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 914 Serial 2579
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Author Ounmany, K.; Winkler,C.; Muhar, A.; Penker,M.
Title Community-based ecotourism as a tool for rural development and nature conservation: Lessons from protected areas in Laos Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 72-73
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3094
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Author Bergsma, M., Kadijk, H.
Title Tourism Markers for National Parks – The Case of the Netherlands Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 72-73
Keywords MMV8
Abstract In the Dutch nature conservation tradition and the management of National Parks, the focus has mainly been on nature protection, education and research. In other countries the NP’s have much more economic value for consumers and entrepreneurs (Van der Windt, 2012). Especially well established parks attract overnight visitors which spend money on accommodation and food in the surroundings of the national Park (Mayer et al, 2010). So tourists who are on holiday and visit a National Park in a particular country, are of economic value for the management of the protected area and local residents and gateway communities (Thomas, Huber & Koontz, 2015, King et al, 2012). In many regions National Parks and other protected areas have become an important attraction and play an important role in destination development (Reinius and Fredman, 2007). Such attractions are very important for the development of a tourism destination and the major motivator for tourists to travel to a certain destination. Effective marketing of the heritage values of the attractions will enhance revenue streams from tourism (King et al, 2012). A technique to build visitor awareness about the heritage values, is to present the tangible and intangible elements of the National Park prominently, consistently and repeatedly throughout the customer journey. This is not only important for the visitor experience but also for building positive beliefs and behaviours among decision makers, local inhabitants and tourism businesses (King et al, 2012).
Call Number Serial 3881
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Author Teles da Mota, V.; Pickering, C.
Title How can we use social media to know more about visitors to natural areas Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 72-74
Keywords MMV9
Abstract This talk presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of current research on the use of social media to monitor tourism and recreation including in natural areas. Specifically, it assesses: (1) the extent of research on social media, on social media and tourism/recreation, and social media, tourism/recreation and natural areas. This includes assessing (2) when it was published, (3) where it was published, and (4) what disciplines publish on this topic
Call Number Serial 4060
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Author Beunders, N.,
Title The role of destination management in facing the challenges for protected area tourism development Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 71-71
Keywords MMV4, Innovative approach, visitor management, Pan Parks, sustainable tourism management
Abstract These are PAN Parks introduced a holistic approach to protected area management, integrating standards for conservation and management practices, visitor management, sustainable tourism strategies and partnerships. It has been field tested successfully in 10 protected areas. Simultaneously tourism in protected areas became the focus of a growing number of publications. Common ground can be identified in a predominance of strategic, process oriented approaches to tourism. Key issues: planning, visitor management, linkages with the tourism industry, community involvement. Results of the first decade: 1. A more structured and focused co-operation between PA and local stakeholders. Research shows positive results in awareness and co-operation 2. Multistakeholder approaches have proven to be effective in formulating tourism strategies 3. Tourism became an integrated part of protected area management, including a more pro-active, strategic approach. 4. The model works in diverse cultural, institutional and political contexts 4. PAN Parks has been a laboratory for sustainable tourism development for protected areas. Five main challenges can be identified: 1. Loading the brand: make value added of PAN Parks tangible for tourist. How can conservation benefits, distinctiveness and quality of the experience be guaranteed? 2. Identify success factors for development, marketing and management of competitive destinations 3. Consequently the brand lacks a decisive impact on the holiday decision making process. Economic stakeholder value is still limited 4. Leverage of local economic activities (synergy with other sectors) 5. Mind shift from process orientation (development) to focus on output (marketing, management). Suggestions for a research agenda for the next decade are listed here: Economic sustainability remains a concern for conservation based tourism development. Local stakeholders, regional economy and tour operators need healthy business perspectives. Eco-tourism markets are highly competitive. Distinctiveness and competitiveness of destinations require market oriented approaches. The positioning of protected areas as (part of) destinations requires research. Expertise must be developed for destination -development and -management. Innovative approaches for local supply chain development should strengthen the role of protected area tourism in regional development. Quality standards for destinations and local providers should be elaborated. Destination management could be the umbrella to integrating these fields of expertise. Probably a “paradigm shift” from sustainable tourism development approaches to a destination perspective is needed.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 912 Serial 2578
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Author Cavens, D.; Gloor, C.; Nagel, K.; Lange, E.; Schmid, W.A.,
Title A Framework for Integrating Visual Quality Modelling within an Agent-Based Hiking Simulation for the Swiss Alps Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 70-77
Keywords MMV2
Abstract While the visual qualities of a landscape are often key factors in attracting and retaining tourist visitors, they have been overlooked in recent simulation approaches to recreation modelling. While there has been a long history of modelling the visual quality of a landscape, particularly in forestry, due to computational restrictions these models have tended to be rather coarse and primarily suited for avoiding catastrophic impacts due to large-scale interventions in a landscape. However, the experience of the visual quality of a landscape for recreationists is much more subtle. Relatively small changes to spatial patterns and land use, when viewed cumulatively, can have a large impact on the attractiveness of a landscape for tourists. Methods for evaluating the changing visual quality of a landscape are invaluable for comprehensive long-term landscape planning. This paper describes a computational approach for integrating visual quality information into an agent-based simulation of summer hikers in the Swiss Alps. The benefits of microscopic modelling (where the activities of individual hikers are simulated) are combined with detailed 3D models to provide the possibility of a highly nuanced visual quality analysis of a recreational area. Using real-time computer graphics techniques, simulated agents interpret computer generated 3D images of what they 'see' as they move through the landscape. Various landscape metrics are calculated based on these representations, including visual quality indicators such as view composition, enclosure, and depth of view. These metrics are evaluated over the course of an agent's hike, and integrated with more traditional parameters (such as hike distance, steepness, congestion and availability of amenities) in an agent-based simulation. Unlike other raster based visual quality models, analyzing 3D representations allows the model to easily incorporate subtle screening effects, and allows the model to determine visibility from any location in the model. The technique allows for very detailed visual representations, and scales easily to include more detail as required by the analysis. Currently, the model represents terrain, vegetation communities, structures, path and road networks and information aids such as signage. The paper describes a working implementation of the technique, and discusses its advantages and limitations, including its substantial data requirements. The paper uses a specific case study in the Gstaad- Saanenland region of Switzerland to articulate how this integration of visual information within an agentbased simulation has advantages over more traditional methods of visual quality modelling.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 356 Serial 2386
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Author Pröbstl, U.,
Title Certification as a tool for sustainable development in winter sport destinations – challenges for “old” and “new” European skiing areas Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages (down) 70-71
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 404 Serial 2848
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Author Pietila, M.; Fagerholm, N.,
Title A management perspective on using Public Participation GIS to monitor visitors Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 70-72
Keywords MMV9
Abstract In this study, we assess the potential of PPGIS approaches from managers’ perspectives in the context of visitor use planning in national parks. The aim is to increase the understanding of how the PPGIS method could aid the planning for visitor use in parks and related recreation areas.
Call Number Serial 4059
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Author Dagan, D. T.; Fefer, J. P.; Zajchowski, C.; Brownlee, M. T. J.,
Title Publicly reported trail experiences: A mixed-methods dive into the internet corpus Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages (down) 70-70
Keywords MMV10
Abstract While many visitor monitoring efforts measure discrete and quantifiable attributes, such as spatial distribution of visitors or economic values, many aim to capture more subjective qualities. Monitoring visitor experience is one such undertaking. Visitor experience extends beyond objective qualities about the recreation environment, and studying it requires understanding nuances about visitors perspectives that can be difficult to generalize. These perspectives can be studied qualitatively to capture in-depth and nuanced data, or quantitatively in order to generate ore comparable or generalizable results. Both of these approaches are strong and useful, and in this study we aimed to capture the strengths of both these approaches in a novel mixed-methods methodology using publicly available web data. Using trip report data from a popular trail website, we were able to describe visitor experiences in a way that is both large in scale and reflective of subjective experiences.
Call Number Serial 4230
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Author Inge Vistad, O.; Vorkinn, M.,
Title Wilderness purism revisited: The value of a simplified standardised scale for monitoring purposes Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 69-72
Keywords MMV5, visitor monitoring, wilderness purism, standardized questions
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 74 Serial 2710
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Author Rossi, S.D.; Pickering, C.M.; Byrne, J.A.
Title Local community perceptions about mountain bike riding in peri-urban national parks Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 69-71
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3104
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Author Gätje, C.; Möller, A.; Feige, M.,
Title Visitor Management by Visitor Monitoring? Methodological Approach and Empirical Results from the Wadden Sea National Park in Schleswig-Holstein Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 68-73
Keywords MMV1
Abstract Even today monitoring in most large nature reserves is mainly concerned with ecological environmental observations. Socio-economical parameters and special parameters concerned with tourism are rarely part of such programmes. This is not the case in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park (SH-WSNP). During an extensive ecosystem research project the necessary basis for a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Wadden Sea was made. The local population and economy of the Wadden Sea region, especially tourism, played an important role in the project right from the start. The knowledge gained by the project was used as a basis for the revision of the national park law and in the concept for an interstate monitoring programme for the Wadden Sea. The three modules of the socio-economic monitoring (SEM): SEM-Regional, SEM-Trend and SEM-Poll document the, for Germany, unique and thus innovative character of this monitoring programme which is orientated towards comprehensive data collection and assessment. Extensive experience with different methods and results of the quantitative and qualitative monitoring of visitors were gathered during a three year test phase. The possible use of the results for an optimisation of the management of visitor flow in and adjacent to the National park and for more targeted information and public relations work are discussed.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 432 Serial 2279
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Author Carter, M., Horwitz, P.,
Title Tourism trade-offs: An analytical framework for visitor management in fresh water systems Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages (down) 68-69
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 403 Serial 2847
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Author Pickering, C.; Chabau-Gibson, M.; Raneng, J.
Title Using Flickr images to assess how visitors value and use natural areas: lessons from a popular natural area on the Gold Coast, Australia Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 68-69
Keywords MMV9
Abstract To evaluate the benefits and limitations of using Flickr images to assess visitor use and sociocultural values we are conducting research in a range of popular natural areas. This includes the Spit, an area of beaches, dunes and forest separating the ocean from a major estuary, in the rapidly growing urban city of the Gold Coast, Australia
Call Number Serial 4058
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Author Vrsaljko, A.,
Title Krka National Parks biodiversity as basis for wildlife tourism development Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages (down) 68-69
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Krka National Park, a karst hydrological pearl of the Croatian coast with its distinctive geological, geo- morphological, hydrological and biological richness, was declared a National Park in 1985. The geomorphological playfulness of the river Krka with the karst canyon along with 7 magnificent waterfalls with numerous lakes, rapids and cascades create an unreal and unique landscape pearl which generates a rich biological diversity. However, the tourist offer of the park does not differentiate or implement specific forms of tourism such as wildlife tourism, which is why the paper investigates the perception of visitors about the valorization of the parks biodiversity as a paradigm for the development of wildlife tourism; especially since the park is filled with a number of valuable, rare and endemic species. The research maps out the species habitats and proposes a unique programme for the visitors which prefer the wildlife tourism.
Call Number Serial 4229
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Author Mann, C.; Arnberger, A.,
Title Crowding in European forests: Status quo and implications for forest management and research Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 67-67
Keywords MMV4, Crowding, Europe, forest recreation, methods, scales, social impacts
Abstract Providing forests on a sustainable basis include knowledge about recreation quality of forest visitors and perceived impacts. While ecological impacts have been a central topic for forest recreation research, social impacts such as use-conflict and crowding were rarely investigated. This paper analyses research attempts in European forests dealing with visitors’ crowding perceptions at a first time. For data collection, the Cost Action E33 “Forest for recreation and nature tourism” network, as well as a focused literature research was used. Compared to recreation research in the United States, where crowding is a prominent topic, only 16 European crowding studies were identified since the 1980s, predominantly carried out in Central and Northern Europe. Reported crowding- perceptions ranged from 1064%. Among these, correlations between use-levels and crowding perceptions were yielded, as well as manifold significant influences of setting attributes and visitor characteristics. Most studies used a theoretical foundation oriented towards the US recreation crowding literature, but differ in their methods of measuring crowding. As a result, the use of different scales and data collection methods, restrict a nation-and European-wide comparisons. In most Southern, Eastern and several Central European countries, crowding is not recognized as an issue for forest recreation research and management. Besides less political willingness and financial constraints, general access rights to forests, and the lack of legal requirements are considered among the main obstacles of putting more emphasis on recreation crowding research. Due to the ongoing societal demands for outdoor recreation together with trends to concentrate uses on fewer paths and areas for ecological reasons crowding may be of higher importance in the future. A need for standardized crowding research is stated to gain more insights of cultural differences and commonalities. Changes of the recreation systems, its uses and users can be better recognized for a sustainable, future-oriented forest recreation management.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 910 Serial 2577
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Author Gundersen, V.; Andersen, O.,
Title Visitor counting and surveys in a dispersed-use mountain area in Norway Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 67-68
Keywords MMV5, visitor monitoring, visitor counting, visitor survey, automatic counters, GPS tracking
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 76 Serial 2709
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Author Reimann, M.; Tiivel, T.
Title Changes in local community perceptions towards tourism impact. A case from Matsalu National Park, Estonia Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 67-68
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3098
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Author Arnberger, A.; Eder, R.,
Title Over- and undercrowding in the urban context: A comparison among Viennese green spaces Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 66-66
Keywords MMV4, Crowding, perception, urban recreation, urban park users
Abstract Urban green spaces are essential natural environments for densely populated areas and offer refuges from the hectic city life and work environments. They constitute spaces that provide relatively low levels of social contacts, at the same time they are settings for social gathering. High-use levels as well as too low use levels in urban recreational areas may also be associated with negative effects due to overcrowding, safety concerns or too low social stimulation levels. Given the prominence of urban recreation areas in our daily life, it is surprising that so far rather little research has focused on the crowding perceptions and the social carrying capacities of urban park users, particularly in Europe. In eight different green spaces in Vienna, about 1700 on-site visitors were interviewed on randomly selected eight sampling days in 2006. Green spaces were heavily used small inner urban parks, various historical gardens and forests, and peri-urban recreation areas with a large area size and with low visitation. Interviews lasted between 15 and 20 minutes in most cases. One or two interviewers were used per study site. Crowding issues were asked in three separate questions using bi-polar measures: Visitors were asked about their crowding perceptions of the respective recreation area for both Sundays and workdays, using a 7-point scale ranging from a too lonely situation to an overcrowded situation (global measures of crowding). Actual crowding at the time of the interview was investigated using the same 7-point scale (actual measure of crowding). Crowding expectations and perceived development of use levels since the first visit were also asked. Overcrowding and undercrowding perceptions were expressed. About 47% of respondents expressed overcrowding perceptions for Sundays, while for workdays mostly pleasant crowding perceptions were reported. All crowding measures differed significantly, and significant differences were found across the green spaces. Research was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 908 Serial 2576
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Author Çaglayan, E.,
Title Tourism destination brand image of Beypazari as perceived by hikers in Ankara Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages (down) 66-67
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 402 Serial 2846
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Author Stamenkovic, I., Pantelic, M., Stojanovic, V., Ivkov, M., Lazic, L.
Title Attitudes of the Government and Non-Government Sectors Towards Development of Ecotourism in Protected Natural Areas in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Serbia) Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 66-69
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Each country tends to create a tourism policy and thus leads the planning and management of tourism development. Researchers opinion on the economic impact of the global ecotourism economy are different and some of them believe that ecotourism is developing faster than the tourism industry as a whole, and that this proportion is more than 20% of the world tourism market. When it comes to the development of ecotourism most responsible factor is the government that provides the funding and the ability to create favorable circumstances for the control and knowledge of how the private sector could work effectively. The development of ecotourism in Vojvodina should be aligned with the expected results of the Twinning Project SR07-IB-EN-02 – Strengthening the administrative capacity of protected areas in Serbia – Natura 2000. The ultimate goal of the project was to create an ecological network of NATURA 2000 in the Republic of Serbia. That would improve the preservation of endangered species and their habitats and raising awareness on the protection of natural heritage as well as increasing the capacity to implement legal standards for the protection of nature.
Call Number Serial 3880
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Author Deng, J.,
Title Estimating visit volume at the county level: An application of a variant form of the Lincoln Index method Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages (down) 66-67
Keywords MMV10
Abstract It is important to have an accurate estimate of visit volume to a destination. While this may be easily done for a place with controlled gates and/or with ticket sales, it is a major challenge for a destination (e.g., a county) without gate counts. This study uses a variant form of the Lincoln Index method to estimate visit volume for Garrett County, Maryland based on data collected from two survey periods: 2008-2009 and 2019-2020.
Call Number Serial 4228
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Author Visschedijk, P.A.M.; Henkens, R.J.H.G.,
Title Recreation Monitoring at the Dutch Forest Service Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 65-67
Keywords MMV1
Abstract In 1996 the former Institute for Forestry and Nature Research (now Alterra) started to develop a system to monitor the recreational use of forests and other grounds owned by the Dutch forest service. The aim was to determine the number of visitors, their activities and the percepted quality. This information provides a valuable management tool for targeting of resources. The system uses three methods to gather the information: 1. Monitoring vehicle and bicycle use at the sites by using traffic counters with induction loops installed in the road (all year round). 2. Visual counting of visitors at all entrances (on 12 days during the year). 3. Survey of visitors (on 12 days during the year). When the system is fully implemented their will be a network of 48 sites. All of these will be monitored by using this method once in every 10 years, on average 5 sites a year.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 430 Serial 2278
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Author Takahashi, M.,
Title Actual condition and problem of visitor use in Jozankei National Forest, Japan Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 65-68
Keywords MMV2
Abstract Jozankei National Forest, a part of the Shikotsu Toya National Park, is located in a mountainous area about 30 km south of central Sapporo. The forest is managed by selective cutting based on highdensity forest road network. Because of the roads, visitor access is easier than it is in other surrounding forests. From spring to autumn in 2003, visitor flows were monitored at two entrances of the forest road network using Trail Traffic Counter. There was a remarkable visitor concentration in spring and the behaviour of visitor varied at each season. It was considered that the reason for the difference could be the different purposes of visits to the park as well as the characteristics of the forests visited.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 294 Serial 2355
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Author Aikoh, T.; Arnberger, A.; Shoji, Y.; Mieno, T.,
Title Comparison of motivations and crowding preferences between Austrian and Japanese urban forest visitors Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 65-65
Keywords MMV4, crowding, motivation, urban forest visitor, choice mode
Abstract Do Japanese urban forest visitors have the same crowding perceptions than European visitors? Traditionally, it has been considered that an Asian is more tolerant of congestion compared to Western people, because of their different cultural backgrounds and living conditions. However, in many Asian countries, life style has been rapidly westernized, and many Asian people travel or immigrate to Western countries. Our purpose is to investigate the differences of recreation motives and crowding preferences of urban forest visitors between Austria and Japan. We compared motivations and crowding perceptions of on-site forest visitors using the same questionnaires, asked in 2006. Visitors to the Viennese part of the Danube Floodplains National Park, Austria (N = 312) and visitors to the Nopporo Forest Park in Sapporo, Japan (N = 302) were asked to rate 15 motivation items and to choose preferred scenarios of computer-generated choice set images of a discrete choice experiment. Among 15 motivation items, a statistic significant difference was found in 14 items. Both Austrian and Japanese respondents assigned high importance scores to health and nature observation. The Austrians rated highly the motives exercise/sport, quietness and recreation, whereas Japanese visitors placed more importance on experiencing nature and family. We found four motivation factors: Landscape, Solitude, Nature and Health. Results of the choice model showed that Austrian respondents preferred less walkers and dog walkers, whereas Japanese preferred less bikers, joggers and plant pickers. Japanese visitors scored higher on nature observation, and fewer bikers are in this urban forest. Conflicts with dog walkers have been one of the main management issues in the Austrian forest. We found that visitors’ crowding preferences are related to current trail use conditions, and to their motivations. Tourism and recreation become more and more globalized, and this information about differences and similarities of visitor attitudes based on different backgrounds will be helpful for urban forest management.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 906 Serial 2575
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Author Burns, R.; Graefe, A.; Absher, J.D.,
Title Segmenting US Forest recreationists: river users, front country users and wilderness users Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 65-66
Keywords MMV5, forest recreation, segmentation, outdoor recreation management
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 78 Serial 2708
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Author Kan, E., Oljaboy, S., Inna, R., Jens, W., Rustam, M.
Title A New Concept for Sustainable Natural Resources Management in Uzbekistan: The Case of the Lower Amudaryastate Biosphere Reserve Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 64-65
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The Project “Ecosystem based land and forest management of the tugai habitats of Amudarya river for improving livelihood of local communities and as adaptation strategy to climate change (Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan)” financed by the German Federal Ministry of Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ) is implemented between 2015 and 2017 by NGO KRASSin Uzbekistan and research institute under the Ministry of Nature Protection in Turkmenistan in partnership with the Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature(Germany). The project addresses a sustainable, climate- and site-adapted management of natural resources in the Amudarya River, thereby improving the livelihood of the people in the target region and the environmental capacity of the floodplain natural space.
Call Number Serial 3879
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Author Melville, S.J.,
Title Visitor Satisfaction Surveys and the Development of Access Standards for National Nature Reserves in England Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 64-71
Keywords MMV3, Qualitative monitoring, work planning, access standards, visitor satisfaction
Abstract It is estimated that National Nature Reserves in England receive around 15 million visitors each year, and this number is increasing. Since the mid 1990s English Nature has undertaken a series of visitor satisfaction surveys on a number of the National Nature Reserves in England. The purpose of the initial studies was to establish the visitors’ understanding of National Nature Reserves and what it was that those visitors wanted by way of facilities to improve the experience of their visit. The results of the surveys influenced the development of ‘access standards’ for use in work planning and financial resource allocation across the suite of 160 National Nature Reserves managed by English Nature. Following major investment between 2002-2004, a further round of visitor satisfaction surveys has been completed and this paper discusses the results of these and the implications for future access improvement funding and works.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 600 Serial 2424
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Author van den Bosch, J.,
Title Hoge Kempen National Park (Belgium) – The economic impact of visitors as a crowbar for nature conservation Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages (down) 64-65
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 401 Serial 2845
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Author Virkkunen,V.; Balandina, A.; Saarinen, J.; Pietilä, M.
Title Community perspectives to tourism impacts in conservation areas: case studies from Finland, Latvia and Lithuania Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 64-68
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3125
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Author Machida, R.; Aikoh, T.; Take, M.; Matsushima, H.; Yasushi, S.; Mikami, N.; Mitarai, Y.,
Title Volunteer activities for semi-natural grassland conservation in Japan and the impact of COVID-19 on these activities Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages (down) 64-65
Keywords MMV10
Abstract The changes in the landscape are caused by the economic and social forces of the early 19th century and particularly of the 20th century (Matej M., Frantisek P., 2013). The community of Nezasa (Pleioblastus yoshidake) and Susuki (Miscanthus sinensis) plants forming the typical semi-natural grasslands of Japan used to cover approximately 10% of the land of Japan until the 1930s. The semi-natural grasslands have been managed by local agricultural activities such as controlled burning, mowing and pasturage for over 1000 years, but recently, due to the decline in the livestock industry and the gradually aging population, the landscape management of semi-natural grasslands has become increasingly difficult. The loss of semi-natural grasslands, which have decreased to less than 3% of the national land has become a key issue. In the Second National Biodiversity Strategy of Japan, the Japanese government designated such landscape crisis as Crisis 2, which is “the degradation of Satochi-satoyama (rural landscapes formed by sustainable use of natural resources) due to insufficient level of management”.(Ministry of the Environment, 2012). But recently, due to the decline in the livestock industry and the gradually aging population, the landscape management of semi-natural grasslands has become increasingly difficult. The loss of semi-natural grasslands, which have decreased to less than 3% of the national land has become a key issue.
Call Number Serial 4227
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Author Arnberger, A.; Eder, R.; Allex, B.; Sterl, P.; Burns, R.C.,
Title Exploring relationships between visitor motives, satisfaction, recreation quality and attitudes towards protected area management in the Gesaeuse National Park, Austria Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 63-64
Keywords MMV5, attitudes, motives, National Park, visitor survey
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 80 Serial 2707
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Author Rammo, M.; Maran, K.; Almik, A.; Karoles, K.,
Title Visitor and Environmental Impact Monitoring as Basis for Sustainable Nature Tourism in Estonian Recreational Areas Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 62-63
Keywords MMV3, Forest recreation, environmental impact monitoring, recreational load, visitor counting, visitor survey
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 598 Serial 2423
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Author Kraus, F., Merlin, C.,
Title A supply-side perspective on tourism enterprises in biosphere reserves – case study of Biosphere Reserve Rhön Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages (down) 62-63
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 400 Serial 2844
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Author Hunziker, M.; Immoos, U.
Title The effect of wildlife-protection measures on winter-sports behaviour Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 62-63
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3057
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