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Author (up) Daniel, T.C.,
Title Modelling Visitor Flow from the Visitor Perspective: The Psychology of Landscape Navigation Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 159-165
Keywords MMV1
Abstract This paper reviews basic issues underlying the monitoring and modeling of the movements of visitors in large-scale natural parks and recreation areas. Modeling of “visitor flow” is related to research and methods in associated fields, including environmental preference, environmental values/attitudes and wayfinding. Relevant psychophysiological and neurological research and theory is also reviewed to reveal the fundamental basis of dissociations between verbal reports and actions. It is argued that traditional verbal survey methods cannot in principle provide an adequate basis for models of human landscape navigation.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 460 Serial 2293
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Author (up) de Almeida Cunha, A.; Gomes, P.O.; Resende, C.; Fazito, M.
Title Economic contributino from tourism in a Brazilian National Park at the frontier of the Cerrado Biodiversity hotspot Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 405-406
Keywords MMV9
Abstract We estimate the economic and financial impacts of tourism at Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park – PNCV, and discus the implications of different models of development, for the sustainable use of the Brazilian Cerrado. Number of visitors in Brazilian National Parks and at Chapada dos Veadeiros region have been increasing in the last decades. This contributes to local economies, through the expenses of the visitors and also to the recognition of the values of the nature.
Call Number Serial 4176
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Author (up) De Almeida Cunha, A.; Magro Lindenkamp, T.C.; De Souza Pimentel, D.; Leung, Y.F.,
Title Recreation Ecology in Brazil: a preliminary review Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 18-19
Keywords MMV9
Abstract Research on nature tourism in Brazil, are more focused on social science using qualitative methods. Quantitative or mixed-methods to monitor tourism and recreation impacts are still in an initial stage and must be stimulated. In this study, we conduct a preliminary literature review on recreation ecology in Brazil
Call Number Serial 4043
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Author (up) de Assis, L.; de Souza Pimentel, D.
Title Impacts of visitation on a trail evaluated through a combined methodology Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 420-422
Keywords MMV9
Abstract The objective of this article is to present and evaluate the impacts on Bananal Cove Trail (BCT) through different methods that consider its physical characteristics, as well as the visitors perceptions, seeking to identify the physical and social impacts in order to subsidize the management efforts.
Call Number Serial 4182
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Author (up) De Bie, K.
Title Understanding and fostering local community support for protected areas engulfed by urban sprawl Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 220-221
Keywords MMV8
Abstract This study examined the awareness and perceptions of the conservation values of a local community living in newly developed suburbs on the southwestern urban fringe of Melbourne, Australia. The suburbsborder a series of Ramsar listed wetlands, a coastal park and foreshore reserves managed by the Victorian protected area management authority. The wetlands and coastal park in the study area have high biodiversity values, provide important habitat for a variety of fauna species, including migrating birds and support a number of different vegetation communities. Previous studies have shown that increasing urbanization has resulted in a more visitors and a subsequent rise in unauthorized activities and potentially harmful use (Antos et al., 2007).The primary aims of this study were to 1) to explorethe local communities awareness, perception, attitudes and usage of the local parksand 2) identify potential compelling messages and triggers that can influence local resident attitudes and behavior.
Call Number Serial 3928
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Author (up) De Bie, K.; Rose, M.,
Title Community usage, awareness and perceptions of marine parks and sanctuaries in Victoria, Australia. Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 178-179
Keywords MMV10
Abstract National parks and protected areas in Victoria, Australia, are managed by a state government agency, Parks Victoria.Parks Victoria was established in 1998 and are responsible for managing an expanding and diverse estate covering more than 4 million hectares, or about 17 per cent, of the state.In 2002, the Victorian Government established the Marine National Park system, including 13 Marine National Parks (MPAs) and 11 Marine Sanctuaries.MPAs span Victorias five marine bioregions and aim to conserve and protect ecological processes, habitats and associated flora and fauna. With 2022 signalling the 20-year anniversary of the Victorian Marine National Park system, there was a desire to better understand Victorians current awareness, usage and perceptions of marine parks and sanctuaries.Specific aims of this research include to: Measure recent community visitation to the MNPS Understand community awareness of, and key perceived benefits of the MNPS Identify differences in perceptions, if any, between users, non-users and their respective segments Identify indicators and metrics that could measure the social, ecological and/or economic value provided by the MNPS Understand awareness and reception of current communication tools, and identify avenues to develop and refine communications in general
Call Number Serial 4280
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Author (up) de Bie, Kelly
Title Park visitor segmentation to inform park management marketing and product development Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 194-195
Keywords MMV9
Abstract This approach identified seven visitor segments and provided a concise visitor typology applicable across a range of different parks. The visitor segments focused on the relationship between the level and type of services and facilities and visitor satisfaction for different park types and have been used to drive the development of visitor service strategies, park planning and management over the last ten years.
Call Number Serial 4103
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Author (up) de Meira Albach, V.; Cardozo Moreira, J.; Burns, R.C.
Title Methodological proposal for the analysis of the online reputation of protected areas Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 461-462
Keywords MMV9
Abstract In order to analyze the online reputation of protected areas on the TripAdvisor website, and to identify visitor’s opinions regarding satisfaction, quality and experience, categories of analysis have been defined. Three main categories are suggested: Landscape, Services and Activities. These categories encompass key aspects of analysis, with the use of keywords
Call Number Serial 4195
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Author (up) de Souza Pimental, D.; Pinto Meireles, C.; Barcellos, M.; de Oliveira, M.L.; Ramos Costa, S.M., Perdomo Santos, V.
Title Developement of interpretative trails in Brazilian protected areas Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 246-248
Keywords MMV9
Abstract This paper aims to discuss the cases of interpretative trails’ development experienced in different protected areas, pointing out similarities and particularities of the process from defining the environmental interpretation points to interpretative trails evaluation.
Call Number Serial 4121
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Author (up) De Souza Pimentel, D., Meireles, C.P., Maia, S., Barcellos, M.M.
Title Interpretative trails to enable an environmental education process in a Brazilian park Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 393-396
Keywords MMV8
Abstract In the Brazilian parks’ institutional field, EE is an integrating axis of the public use, as it is a planned activity for all the categories established by the National System of Conservation Unities’ law (SNUC), that regulate this kind of protected area in Brazil. Considering the process of parks’ institutionalization and the consequent recognition of its importance for society, EE could enable a closer relationship among managers, adjacent communities and visitors (Pimentel and Magro, 2012). The Environmental Interpretation (EI) is based on practical experience of natural areas’ visiting, to inform, to raise awareness, to educate and to encourage the ability of observation and reflection about the relations of people with nature (Tilden, 1977). This can provide a structure for carrying out educational activities and contribute to the promotion of social mobilization in support of environmental conservation. Thus, the EI is an enabling tool for Environmental Education, both generating positive impacts related to public use in parks (Cole, 2012). So, Interpretative Trails (IT) should stimulate new perceptions about nature based on a critical stance to allow this new environmental awareness. The objective of this paper is to present the development of two Interpretative Trails for Environmental Education in the Serra da Tiririca State Park (RJ – Brazil).
Call Number Serial 3985
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Author (up) de Vries, S., Goossen, M., de Boer, T.,
Title Visitor density, recreation motive, crowding and attractiveness Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 252-253
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 486 Serial 2930
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Author (up) De Vries, S.; Goossen, M.,
Title Predicting transgressions of the social capacity of natural areas Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 21-27
Keywords MMV1
Abstract Within the urbanized Dutch society, the social function of forests and nature areas is becoming more and more important. The same holds for agricultural areas. However, planning and management tools for this social function are almost absent. This paper presents a tool to be used by policy makers at regional and higher levels. By means of a normative analysis the local supply of and demand for nature-based recreation are confronted with each other. Because of its normative nature, the analysis does not offer a good description or prediction of actual recreational behavior. However, it does offer insight into where, according to the policy norms, the local supply of nature-based recreation opportunities cannot accommodate local demands. The method has been applied nation-wide and outcomes are momentarily used to substantiate spatial claims to develop new recreation areas.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 416 Serial 2271
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Author (up) De Vries, S.; Goossen, M.,
Title Demand-driven recreation planning in progress Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 191-192
Keywords MMV5, outdoor recreation, regional supply, demand, quality, variation
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 160 Serial 2763
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Author (up) De Vries, S.; Jellema, A.; Goossen, M.,
Title FORVISITS: modelling visitor flows at a regional level Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 78-84
Keywords MMV2
Abstract The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) is trying to develop a coherent set of indicators to monitor nature areas in the Netherlands. One of the proposed indicators is the recreational use of nature areas. Besides indicating the social value of a specific area, recreational use may be also be used as input for modelling habitat quality, another MNP-indicator. Recreational use itself is likely to depend on the attractiveness of the area, such as its scenic beauty. This attractiveness is yet another MNPindicator. Because the MNP wants a national overview of the recreation use of all nature areas, on-site monitoring is not a feasible option. Therefore we have started to develop a model to predict the number of recreational visits to forests and nature areas: FORVISITS. Although the model is still in its early stages, a first nation-wide application has taken place and will be presented.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 358 Serial 2387
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Author (up) De Vries, S.; Roos-Klein Lankhorst, J.; Buijs, A.E.,
Title Mapping the Attractiveness of the Dutch Landscape: A GIS-Based Landscape Appreciation Model (Glam-2) Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 284-285
Keywords MMV3, Landscape appreciation, GIS, regression, naturalness, urbanisation, historical distinctiveness, skyline disturbance, validation
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 720 Serial 2483
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Author (up) De Vries, S.; Sijtsma, F.,
Title Recreation or tourism: local recreation opportunities and holiday behaviour Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 277-278
Keywords MMV5, outdoor recreation, urbanisation, green space, holiday nights
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 202 Serial 2801
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Author (up) Debrine,P.
Title World Heritage and sustainable tourism challenges and current approaches Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 16-17
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3034
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Author (up) Degenhardt, B.; Buchecker, M.,
Title Landscape Planning for Nearby Outdoor Recreation – Implications from an Exploratory Interview Study Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 241-242
Keywords MMV3, Nearby outdoor recreation, recovery, work load, strain, motive, behavioural resource, landscape management, peri-urban
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 694 Serial 2470
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Author (up) Degenhardt, B.; Buchecker, M.; Kienast, F.,
Title Tools for recreation planning and monitoring – developing a spatial explicit model of people’s nearby outdoor recreation use Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 187-188
Keywords MMV5, nearby outdoor recreation, GIS-modelling, use-intensities, landscape planning
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 158 Serial 2761
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Author (up) Dehez, J., Bouisset, C., Degrémont, I.
Title The Contribution of Proximity-Based Analysis to Outdoor Recreation Management Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 46-48
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Managing outdoor recreation requires close coordination between stakeholders. This leads to a more complicated situation, because the majority ofstakeholders involved do not know each other well. Better integration of visitors into the management process calls for a fundamental change in the way, conceptual and practical models are designed. To this end, we propose an original analytical framework, inspired by the fields of economics and geography, based on various definitions of proximity.
Call Number Serial 3874
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Author (up) Dehez, J., Lyser, S.,
Title Combining indicators for recreational beach assessment: the case of the “Beach Plan Scheme” in South West France Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 122-123
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 428 Serial 2872
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Author (up) Dehez, J.; Ginelli. L.; Le Floch, S.
Title Involving recreational users in environmental management: invasive aquatic plants in lakes on Frances Atlantic coast Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 297-299
Keywords MMV9
Abstract This presentation is based on an ongoing multidisciplinary research project (AquaVIT), combining scientists from the fields of economics, geography, sociology and ecology. It focuses on the ecological and socio-economic impacts of four macrophytes, i.e. Egeria densa, Lagarasiphon major, Ludwigia, Myriophyllum aquaticum, within freshwater Atlantic lakes in France. The social scientists within the project share two objectives among others: i) describing individuals’ activities and perceptions (in particular those related to the weeds) ii) understanding how recreational users are (or are not) associated into the current management processes.
Call Number Serial 4141
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Author (up) Dehez, J.; Lyser, S.,
Title Comparing participation in different invasive aquatic plant management programs among recreational users of freshwater lakes in southwest France Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 38-39
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Alien species can have major ecological and socioec- onomic impacts and so effective management are needed. In this perspective, one increasingly seeks to involve end users, such a recreational users (Shackle- ton, Adriaens et al. 2019). Recreational users may share valuable knowledge about the ecological eco- systems at stake. They have time, materials and money to afford. In the literature, several studies have looked at factors that increase user involve- ment highlighting the effect of variables such as e.g. perceptions, information, or education. Neverthe- less, these behaviors are often studied separately or, conversely, grouped into a single category called “pro-environmental behaviors” (Halpenny 2010). Without excluding the possibility of common factors affecting these behaviors, we consider that behav- iors are not necessarily homogeneous. In particular, the nature of the operations to be carried out may be very important (Niemiec, Ardoin et al. 2017, Pa- gès, Fischer et al. 2019). This is what we study in de- tail in this paper.
Call Number Serial 4214
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Author (up) Dehez, J.; Lyser, S.; Kuentz, V., Ben Hadj Abdallah, K.
Title Place-based approach to outdoor recreation economics: empirical analysis of recreational deman in forests Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 394-396
Keywords MMV9
Abstract In this paper, we take a first step towards the introduction of more place-based perspectives into the field of outdoor recreation economics. We examine the possibility of coupling two conceptual traditions, as synthesized by a dual definition of “proximity”.
Call Number Serial 4172
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Author (up) Dehez, J.; Rambonilaza, M.,
Title Economic Analysis of Recreation by Tourists on Protected Coastal Zones: A French Case Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 387-388
Keywords MMV3, Economics, recreation, tourism, attribute-based method, non-market goods valuation, management costs, coastal zones
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 788 Serial 2517
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Author (up) Dehez,J.
Title A new look at the costs of outdoor recreation Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 258-259
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3035
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Author (up) Dehnhardt, A.; Kalisch, D.,
Title Visitors’ attitude towards climate change adaptation strategies for ski tourism areas in a German low mountain range – Results from a visitor survey in Oberwiesenthal, Erzgebirge Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 223-224
Keywords MMV5, climate change, snow tourism, low mountain range, Germany
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 244 Serial 2778
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Author (up) Delafontaine, M.; Neutens, T.; Van De Weghe, N.,
Title Delineating potential trajectories in constrained environments using rough space-time prisms Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 130-131
Keywords MMV5, time geography, space-time prism, spatiotemporal uncertainty
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 236 Serial 2735
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Author (up) Delphine, L.; Morales, E.; Theriault, W.; Tang, B.; Routhier, F.; Mortenson, W. B.; Prescott, M.,
Title “Inclusive Parks”: A scoping review of accessibility standards for people with disabili-ties Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 314-315
Keywords MMV10
Abstract It is well recognized that access to green and blue spaces have physical, social, psychological and health benefits for people with and without disabilities (Gascon et al., 2017; Labbé et al., 2019; Markevych et al., 2017; Merrick et al., 2020; Rugel et al., 2019, Zhang et al, 2019.). However, many people with disabilities are still excluded from these spaces because of accessibility issues (Burns et al., 2009). The federal government has determined that accessibility for people with disabilities in Canadas world-renowned national parks should be addressed (Marcastel, 2019). Historically, standards have focused on promoting access for people with physical disabilities; however, existing accessibility standards are relatively dated and have had less emphasis on people who experience cognitive or sensory challenges (i.e., visual or auditory) (Parks Canada, 1994). For example, wayfinding is emerging as a critical topic for different disabilities to identify accessible routes for planning purposes and enable real-time navigation. Moreover, environmental features intended for one group (e.g., tactile sidewalk sections for people with vision problems) may make it challenging for people from another group (e.g., those who use mobility devices like wheelchairs) (Ormerod et al., 2015). It is thus important to avoid developing standards in a siloed manner (i.e., with only one disability group in mind). This scoping review is part of the project Providing Accessible ReCreation Outdoors: User-driven Research on Standards (PARCOURS) which overarching goal is to improve the Canadian accessibility standards for national parks funded by the Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization. The first phase of this project was to conduct a scoping review to compare and contrast existing international and national standards and novel research evidence to inform the development of revised standards.  The question guiding the search for relevant studies was “What are the current accessibility standards in terms of outdoor spaces, including parks to allow people with disabilities to enjoy the natural environments in their community?”
Call Number Serial 4339
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Author (up) Deng, J.,
Title Estimating visit volume at the county level: An application of a variant form of the Lincoln Index method Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 66-67
Keywords MMV10
Abstract It is important to have an accurate estimate of visit volume to a destination. While this may be easily done for a place with controlled gates and/or with ticket sales, it is a major challenge for a destination (e.g., a county) without gate counts. This study uses a variant form of the Lincoln Index method to estimate visit volume for Garrett County, Maryland based on data collected from two survey periods: 2008-2009 and 2019-2020.
Call Number Serial 4228
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Author (up) Derek, M.; Kulczyk, S.; Wozniak, E.; Grzyb, T.,
Title Where green is greener? Multi-data approach for typology of urban green spaces Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 386-387
Keywords MMV10
Abstract As the global level of urbanization is rising, with 74% of Europeans living in urban areas (United Nations, 2018), public green spaces located with-in urban and peri-urban zone remain the most accessible (and sometimes unique) option of di-rect contact with nature. Such a contact can pro-vide a variety of immaterial benefits for humans, identified as Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES). Like other Ecosystem Services (ES), CES are vul-nerable to external impacts, such as urbanization processes. However, unlike other types of ES, cultural values of ecosystems or landscapes are irreplaceable: once destroyed, cannot be resti-tuted (Plieninger et al., 2013). Therefore, their proper management is the issue of a great im-portance. CES are co-production of environmen-tal features and cultural practices, what results in a constant need for new methodological solu-tions based on interdisciplinary approaches. Un-derstanding patterns of CES flow is recognized as crucial for effective landscape management and policy development (van Zanten et al., 2016).Hegetschweiler et al. (2017) found out that studies which had examined CES in urban areas tend to focus on supply or demand factors, but rarely establish links between one another. The need of further research on linkages be-tween different types of green infrastructure, a variety of forms of their use as well as on gained benefits is also underlined by OBrien et al. (2017). Such an approach requires combining natural and social data together. In this study we address this challenge. The aim of the research is to develop a typology of public green spaces (hereinafter PGS) in an urban zone, basing on the character of CES flow. As this flow can be influenced by manage-ment, it is important to propose an approach which will include a variety of data reflecting natural features of PGS as well as preferences and behaviours of its visitors. A typology of urban green areas can help in successful management especially on the urban zone level, where a more holistic and integrated approach is needed.
Call Number Serial 4370
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Author (up) Derriks, T., Pluijgers, I.
Title Meaningful knowledge for coastal city RV park creation: Understanding RV camping in practice Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 206-208
Keywords MMV8
Abstract RV camping remains a popular type of self-drive tourism in Europe. Freedom and comfort are reasons why tourists chose to travel by RV from place to place. By facilitating RV campgrounds, or so-called RV parks, a coastal destination such as Vlissingen could improve its image and develop its brand.
Call Number Serial 3923
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Author (up) Dickman, A.J.,
Title Reported Conflict between Pastoralists and Wildlife around the Ruaha National Park, Tanzania Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 405-406
Keywords MMV3, Human-wildlife conflict, pastoralists, Ruaha, large carnivores, Tanzania
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 804 Serial 2525
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Author (up) Dimovic, D., Stefan, A., Ivanic, K.Z,
Title Values and Benefits of Protected Areas as Potential for Sustainable Development Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 7-8
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Demographic change is a challenge for many remote regions in Europe when it comes to the development of long term sustainable development strategies. While large scale investments often suggest new jobs and economic growth, the possible impacts of new regional development projects on natural resources and nature conservation are neglected. As a consequence, the opportunities and threats of regional development as well as the role of nature as a capital for local economies are rarely known. On the one hand the decreasing populations offer more potential for extensive agriculture, wilderness or sustainable tourism arising from additional land-use options and on the other hand the regions are facing the challenges to enhance the attractiveness and economic prosperity. This means that innovative solutions are needed to combine sustainable regional development that builds on the potential of nature conservation and natural resource management within sustainable and resilient local economic. In order to better understand the ecologically sustainable territorial developmentthe Protected Areas Benefit Assessment Tool (PA-BAT) was used to assess the protected areas in the Balkan ecoregion an area with a rich natural and cultural heritage.The PA-BAT is a new tool developed and tested by Equilibrium Research, WWF and partners.It was the biggest ever participatory assessments of protected areas benefits at the regional level, 60 workshops held in protected areas with more than 1,200 participants. This kind of workshops are an effective way of gathering and focusing public input at the early stage of protected area management planning process, but also motivation for their continued involvement in following stages.
Call Number Serial 3866
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Author (up) Djercan, B., Brankovic, D., Bubalo-Zivkovic, M., Lukic, T.
Title Special Nature Reserve Obedska Bara: Good Example of Organization of Teaching in the Field Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 403-405
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The aim of this paper is to show how educational excursions can and should be implemented in education of primary school children. The paper shows detailed preparation of educational excursion for eighth grade, and also describes possible implementation of one-day excursion for fifth grade (Collection of plants for school herbarium) and sixth grade (Making school collection of insects). Special Nature Reserve (SNR) “Obedska bara” was used as a teaching facility. Special Nature Reserve “Obedska bara” is located in the southern part of Srem, near the Sava River, at altitude between 71 and 82 m. The total area of the reserve with the highest level of protection is 9820.0 ha. Obedska bara is bounded by the Sava River in the south, while in the north it stretches across southern outskirts of rural areas of the villages of Grabovci, Obrez and Kupinovo. It is located in the municipality of Pecinci, 45 km away from Belgrade and 35 km from the international airport “Nikola Tesla”. It is 20 km away from regional road Ruma – Šabac, 30 km from Šabac, while 70 km from Novi Sad. Special Nature Reserve in contrast to the narrower space of Obedska bara covers significantly greater area of 16,133.43 ha.
Call Number Serial 3988
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Author (up) Doidi, L., Colson, V., Vanwijnsberghe, S.,
Title Using automatic counters and GPS technology for recreation monitoring: case of Sonian Forest (Brussels, Belgium) Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 346-347
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 528 Serial 2972
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Author (up) Dóra, A.,
Title Managing tourism in a popular wilderness destination Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 274-275
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 496 Serial 2940
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Author (up) Dorado, V.; Farias-Torbidoni, E. O.; Mendes, R. N.; Morera, S.; Garriga, M.; Villanueva, M.,
Title Tourist carrying capacity. A turning point to a sustainable tourism model. The case of Alt Pirineu National Park – Spain. Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 56-57
Keywords MMV10
Abstract In the last decades, the world population has increased its physical sports activities in the natural environment. According to the last Eurobarometer survey about outdoor sports, Spain figures in third place with 53% of the population claiming that have been involved in physical outdoor activities, after Finland (67%) and Austria (54%) (European Commission, 2018). As a result, there has been an increase in overcrowding in Protected Areas, which has attracted the attention in the Spanish mass media revealing the consequences that have already demonstrated in various environmental (Cole, 2008; Newsome, 2014; Pickering, 2010; Salesa & Cerda, 2020), social (Weiler et al., 2019) and security studies (Moscoso, 2004). On that point, different public and private entities requested solutions to manage overcrowding in different natural parks through the determination of the Tourist Carrying Capacity (TCC), i.e. maximum number of people who can visit an area at the same time, without damaging the physical, economic or sociocultural environment, nor cause an unacceptable decrease in the quality of visitors satisfaction (OMT, s. f.). This article aims to show the application of the Cifuentes (1992) methodology about the TCC in 17 trails of Alt Pirineu Natural Park (PNAP), within Vall Ferrera to be included in the next trail guide of the park.
Call Number Serial 4223
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Author (up) Draux, H., Olafsson, A.S., Kaae, B.C., Skov-Petersen, H.
Title Online participatory GIS mapping of marine recreation in Denmark: contrasting crowdsourced and representative survey approaches Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 248-251
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The lack of spatial information is a challenge to create a balanced and coherent planning and management of the sea, as framed in marine conservation planning andMarine Spatial Planning, MSP (Douvere & Ehler, 2009, Mazor et al 2014). The limited availability and quality of data on recreational marine uses is as an obstacle for implementing EU policy (EEA 2015).Innovative ways for documenting and mapping the missing ‘social landscape’ of the marine environment in terms of spatial attributes of recreational use are needed (Martin & Hall-Arber 2008). To find out the extent of use of the Danish waters for marine recreation activities, our research aimed to collect the spatial extent, diversity, and intensityof these activities.Here, we discuss the quality of the data collected through two sampling strategies: an online crowdsourcedsurvey and a commercial representative panel survey.
Call Number Serial 3937
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Author (up) Drexler, D.; Bihunová, M.; Mariotti, B.,
Title Comparison of Forest Recreation and Nature Tourism in Hungary, Italy and Slovakia Based on the First Outputs of the COST E33 Action Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 219-222
Keywords MMV3, COST E33, forest recreation, nature tourism, regional comparison
Abstract Tourism Carrying Capacity determines as to what extent the influx of tourists may be allowed to manage the sustainable eco-tourism in a protected area. The concept of tourism carrying capacity is easy to perceive in theory, but in actual practice it is very difficult to quantify. Tourism carrying capacity is rarely estimated. Van Vihar is a unique combination of safari and zoological park. Its legal status is national park. White tiger and albino Sloth Bear are the main attraction to the tourists. In the winter season migratory water birds take refuge. It is situated at the bank of Upper Lake of Bhoj Wetland, The Ramsar Site; Wetlands of International Importance, in the Central Indian. More than 35 thousand tourists visit Van Vihar annually. The three levels of tourism carrying capacities i.e. physical carrying capacity, real carrying capacity, and effective carrying capacity were estimated and compared. Implications on management of eco-tourism were discussed.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 679 Serial 2463
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