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Author (up) Sidder, S.; D'Antonio, A.; Dinkins, J.; Monz, C.; Wesstrom, S.,
Title Exploring landscape-scale social and ecological drivers of backcountry sea kayaker campsite selection in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, USA Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 186-187
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Researchers and land managers increasingly consider parks and protected areas (PPAs) to be integrated social-ecological systems. To apply social-ecological concepts to recreation research in PPAs, researchers must incorporate both social and ecological factors into research on the drivers of recreation behaviors. This research presents one approach for incorporating social and ecological drivers, at the landscape-scale, into a behavioral analysis by applying movement ecology concepts to understand drivers of campsite selection among backcountry sea kayakers in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (GLBA).
Call Number Serial 4284
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.
Title Whatsalp – A hiking study on protected area tourism accross the Alps Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 42-44
Keywords MMV9
Abstract How has the image of the Alps changed over the decades? What traces are left behind in the landscape by people and natural events? Between June and September 2017, a group of Alpine experts hiked from Vienna to Nice under the name “whatsalp”. Along their journey on foot, they examined the current state of and changes in Alpine regions, documented developments across the landscape and in society, and discussed future scenarios with local actors
Call Number Serial 4051
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.,
Title Sustainable tourism and large protected areas – analysis models and success criteria of a sustainable tourism management using the example of the Alps Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 311-317
Keywords MMV2, Recreational management of large protected areas, management of ecotourism, analysis of best practice, sustainable regional development, Alpine convention
Abstract Within the framework of a sustainable regional development, protected area tourism acquires increasing significance. This applies particularly to peripheral regions, that posess no outlook for economic development. With this background, the question of success criteria for a sustainable tourist management in protected regions was investigated. The example of Austrian nature parks demonstrates, that inadequate cooperation at local level can be an important source of failure. At the same time, a suitable financial framework for successful protected area tourism is especially important.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 312 Serial 2364
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Author (up) Siegrist, D., Ketterer Bonnelame, L., Sijtsma, F.
Title R-Types – Development of a typology of recreationists as a base for planning and design of nature-based recreation areas Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 195-198
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Recreation planning is an important aspect of landscape planning. The population of densely populated urban and peri-urban areas relies on the presence of attractive nature-based landscapes close to nature and open spaces. A central aspect in the planning and design of recreation areas is the inclusion of the needs of the population. Against this background, the aim of the project “R-Types” is to assist landscape architects in planning and designing attractive recreational landscapes. First, a visitor survey will be carried out in five selected test areas in Switzerland. In parallel, an online survey will take place. Secondly, a classification of recreational areas in Switzerland is created on a qualitative basis. This enables to assign specific recreation types to each class of recreational areas. Based on this, type-specific measures to protect sensitive natural areas are developed.
Call Number Serial 3920
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.; Bonnelame, L. K.,
Title Zero impact nature-based tourism Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 358-359
Keywords MMV10
Abstract The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Tourism can also make an important contribution to solving these problems (Lenzen et al. 2018). Nature-based tourism is thereby of particular importance. This is especially because it is generally viewed as a more ecological version compared to other forms of tourism. Nature-based tourism offers a lot of experience in the field of sustainable development. In addition, it represents a growth in tourism worldwide (Haukeland et al. 2021). It is now a matter of further developing this form of tourism into a zero impact nature-based tourism.In 2015, as part of the Paris Climate Agreement, the international community decided to limit the average global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times, with a target of 1.5 degrees Celsius increase in temperature in order to prevent the most catastrophic damage to the climate (IPCC 2018). In the wake of the Paris Climate Agreement, numerous countries have announced that they want to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 at the latest. These climate goals result in a special challenge for tourism, which contributes significantly to global warming with its greenhouse gas emissions on a global level as well as in individual countries (Loeh, Becken 2021).For tourism as a whole, the question arises as to which function it should play within the framework of the internationally established net zero goal. On a global scale, climate-damaging air traffic represents the greatest challenge for the tourism industry: Will tourism have to cope with significantly fewer flight kilometres in the future? How can the long-distance tourists that are no longer available in the destinations of the global south be replaced? Or will drive technologies for aircrafts be developed in the future that are climate-neutral? At a regional level of tourist destinations, too, a number of extremely relevant fields of action are affected with regard to climate protection. Mobility also plays a central role here, but there are also major challenges for the hotel industry and other areas with high greenhouse gas emissions (Gössling 2021).
Call Number Serial 4358
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.; Bonnelame, L.K.
Title Alpine-wide quality standards for nature-based tourism Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 94-95
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3110
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.; Clivaz, C.; Gessner, S.; Manz, M.; Rinkel, A.; Rupf, R.; Stumm, N.; Wernli, M.,
Title VISIMAN. Development of a flexible visitor management tool for national and regional natural parks Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 58-60
Keywords MMV5, visitor management, visitor monitoring, parks and protected areas, management tool, IT
Abstract Within the scope if the VISIMAN project a new ITbased tool for visitor management in national and regional natural parks will be developed. The product comprises a systembased management platform with interfaces to the four functional units: ‘visitor information’, ‘expert information’, ‘visitor monitoring’, and ‘data management’. By keeping the interfaces open, the management can be extended for other functional units and applications on demand. Visitor monitoring was implemented and counting methods advanced.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 84 Serial 2705
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.; Clivaz, C.; Hunziker, M.; Iten, S.,
Title Introduction Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 13-14
Keywords MMV3
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 574 Serial 2411
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Author (up) Siegrist, D.; Wasem, K.,
Title Optimizing the quality of experience-oriented nature-based tourism offers: the new evaluation tool “Experience Compass” Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 263-267
Keywords MMV4, Nature-based tourism, experience quality, offer development, evaluation tool, expert survey
Abstract In the past few years in Switzerland nature-based tourism has been showing a positive and fresh dynamic. New providers and co-operations enter the market with their products. But very often the new initiatives state problems with the quality of their products and are alone not able to design the products in a way that attracts the attention of a broad audience. An authentic design of the offers can contribute significantly to make them more attractive and visible and therefore stimulate the demand on the tourist market. The article here presented deals with the in-depth analysis of potentials regarding the improvement of the quality of experience-oriented nature-based tourism offers. Based on the results of an expert survey the “Experience Compass”, an evaluation tool of experience quality in nature-based tourism, has been developed and verified by means of case studies. With the new tool providers and other actors are enabled to evaluate and improve experience quality of offers in nature-based tourism.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 1008 Serial 2625
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Author (up) Sievänen, T.,
Title Monitoring outdoor recreation trends in Finland Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 78-79
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 406 Serial 2850
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Author (up) Sievanen, T., Fredman, P., Søndergaard Jensen, F., Lexhagen, M., Lundberg, C., Sandell, K., Wall Reinius, S., Wolf-Watz, D.
Title Foresight Outdoor Recreation – A discussion based on monitoring experiences in the Nordic context Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 173-175
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Foresight outdoor recreation in the future is inherent important to inform policy makers and make the appropriate management decisions. It is also an essential tool to cope with changes. Participation in outdoor recreation in the Nordic countries has a long tradition and has been closely related to wellbeing, social welfare and cultural values. More recently, however, social, economic and environmental changes challenge the traditional view on outdoor recreation. This include, for example, urbanization, increased mobility, improved economy, cultural diversity, aging populations, new technology, climate change, competing leisure activities and time constraints.
Call Number Serial 3913
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Author (up) Sievänen, T.; Neuvonen, M.; Pouta, E.,
Title National park visitors’ interest to use tourism services in rural communities Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 390-395
Keywords MMV4, Nature-based tourism, visitor, visitor segmentation
Abstract National park visitation can have a considerable economic impact in rural areas. It is valuable to understand the factors, which explain the interest and use of tourism services in rural communities in the vicinity of national parks. The aim of this study were to analyse if there were visitor groups whose intention to use the services differed and what kinds of services were the most interesting for these visitor groups. The study focused on the association between the visitor segments based on service use intention, and background factors such as attitudes towards country-side in general, and visitors’ socioeconomic background. Furthermore, the relation between visitor segments and visit intentions and satisfaction were studied. We examined these topics in two regions in Finland, where tourism industry is not a strong economic actor at the present. The data was collected in two national parks, Seitseminen and Linnansaari, in Central and Eastern Finland. The number of responses was 554, and the response rate was 68. Preliminary results show that national park visitors can be divided into two main groups considering the interest in using tourism services. First part of park visitors were outdoor recreation oriented and interested to use non-motorized or motorized outdoor activities such as fishing tours, nature studying excursions and snowmobile safaris. The other part of the park visitors was ‘general tourists’ who were interested mainly in tourism services such as accommodation and restaurants, etc. The visitor groups differed with respect their intention to visit the park and the region, countryside attitudes and socioeconomic background variables. The results of this study may help tourism enterprises in surrounding rural communities to find the right clientele for their services and products. For the park managers this information is valuable when planning the future management policies and actions. The understanding and recognition of visitors’ overall needs, when visiting the park and the surrounding countryside, is also needed by actors such as municipality decision makers and inhabitants of rural communities.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 1058 Serial 2650
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Author (up) Sievänen, T.; Neuvonen, M.; Pouta, E.,
Title Nation-wide outdoor recreation demand monitoring Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 270-272
Keywords MMV5, recreation inventory, population survey, trends
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 200 Serial 2799
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Author (up) Sievänen, T.; Tuulentie, S.,
Title Preface Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 3-3
Keywords MMV2
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 82 Serial 2349
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Author (up) Sievänen, T.; Edwards, D.; Fredman,P.; Jensen, F.S; Vistad, O.I.
Title Indicators for sustainable recreational use of forests and other natural resources– experiences from Northern Europe Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 140-141
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3111
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Author (up) Siikamäki, P.; Kangas, K.; Cottrell, S.; Schroderus, S.,
Title Spatial overlap of biodiversity and recreational use in protected areas Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 25-26
Keywords MMV5, biodiversity, conservation, nature-based tourism, recreation, spatial ecology
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 276 Serial 2689
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Author (up) Siikamäki, P.; Puhakka, R.; Cottrell, S.; Kangas, K.,
Title Nature tourists’ response to ecolabels in Oulanka PAN Park, Finland Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 101-102
Keywords MMV5, ecolabels, nature-based tourism, environmental awareness, sustainable tourism
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 62 Serial 2723
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Author (up) Siikamäki, P.; Törn, A.; Tolvanen, A.,
Title Environmental Impacts of Recreational Horse Riding in Protected Areas Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 112-114
Keywords MMV3, Introduced species, erosion, disturbance, horse manure, recreational horse riding, soil, vegetation, visitor impact
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 624 Serial 2436
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Author (up) Sijtsma, F., Daams, M., Hoekstra, J., Flohil, H.,
Title Selling nature? – Building customer relationship management (CRM) systems for nature areas Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 198-199
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 462 Serial 2906
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Author (up) Sijtsma, F.J.; Daams, M.; Van der Sluis, S.,
Title Nature on TV: deep interests on flat screens Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 258-259
Keywords MMV5, nature, experience, television, real visits, favorite sites, geography
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 118 Serial 2794
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Author (up) Sijtsma, M.T.J.; Vaske, J.J.; Jacobs, M.H.,
Title Acceptability of lethal control of geese and deer that damage agriculture in the Netherlands Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 219-220
Keywords MMV5, wildlife value orientations, lethal control, human-wildlife conflict
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 248 Serial 2776
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Author (up) Siljkovic, Z., Musa, S.
Title Papuk Geopark and the tourism activity Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 416-418
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Papuk Geopark can be described as an area with distinct natural and socio-economic features giving it its unique characteristics. Its vertical stratification is composed of parts of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere and definitely social sphere. Consequently, geographical space differs from the biosphere since biosphere is only its integral part and the features created by human activity are incorporated within it. Taking in regard geospatial characteristics, both its features and functions one may conclude geological diversity is a unique system, distinct in its content and functionality, recognizable as a definite location. It reflects the state of the environment as the location where all living beings reside and are conditioned by the geospatial diversity. Geodiversity does not relate only to geographic physical features.
Call Number Serial 3992
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Author (up) Simma, A.; Schlich, R.; Axhausen, K.W.,
Title Destination Choice Modelling of Leisure Trips: The Case of Switzerland Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 150-158
Keywords MMV1
Abstract In this paper the destination choice of Swiss within Switzerland is analysed. Information about variables influencing destination choice for different activity should be the result of the modelling process. The analyses are based on three pillars. A detailed database for all Swiss municipalities is the first pillar, nation wide demand data the second pillar. Additionally a suitable method is necessary. Because destination choice is a choice between discrete alternatives, Multi-nominal Logit models are used. Models for three different activity types – skiing, climbing and hiking respectively walking and swimming are estimated. In all models the importance of the distance between origin and destination becomes visible.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 458 Serial 2292
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Author (up) Singsaas, M.; Gundersen, V.,
Title Tradition and destination: Socio-ecological sustainability and the host-visitor inter-face in second-home development in Norway Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 390-391
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Second homes (SH) are a major form of domestic tourism in many countries, especially the Nordic countries. Nearly 50% of Norways population have access to at least one SH. Over the last 20-30 years, the average SH size has increased significantly (62.2 m2 in 1983 to 96.2 m2 in 2019) and a typical SH now holds very high material standard. Moreover, four times as many SHs were built in 2019 compared to 1983 (6455 versus 1600). In this period, the majority of the second home growth in Norway has taken place in the rural mountain areas (Skjeggedal et al. 2016), placing these areas under a multitude of interrelated pressures; Buildings and activities place local nature and biodiversity under pressure, but in addition the modern SHD trend also places pressure on the host-visitor relationships and land management systems, as well as altering local economies.Compared to other forms of recreation and tourism, Second home developments (SHD) poses particular challenges. SH owners are tourists, and exert similar impact on hosting communities, however, the dwelling use (Paris, 2014) of SHs, characterized by extended and repeated visits, sometimes spanning generations, implies different social, economic and ecological impacts than from other forms of tourism. Covering 39% of the total Norwegian area and 70% of Norways protected land, mountain municipalities are facing negative population trends, decreasing economic opportunities in the traditional industries and low accessibility to important public services. Since the 1990s rural areas have increasingly been portrayed as arenas for post-productivist amenity and leisure production for a growing urban population (Perkins 2006; Overvåg 2010; Rønningen & Flemsæter 2016). With widespread second home developments, intensive tourism developments, and other recreational use, new actors are claiming a stake in the outfields and in local governance (Overvåg et al. 2016). Existing research tends not to have dealt holistically with SH pressures. Despite a growing literature on the challenges mountain communities face (e.g. Arnesen et al. 2010) and the commodifications of rural resources (Perkins 2006, Rønningen & Flemsæter 2016), descriptions and analyses of local inhabitants and SH owners land use practices, experiences and meanings are still scarce. Without a better understanding of the increasing and transforming SH developments and its competing interests, values and practices, the pressures related to SH is likely to intensify, leading to conflicts and hampering ecological as well as economic and social sustainability.As the SH transforms to year-round use and even as a primary residence, the changed and increased recreational practices have put pressure on ecosystems (e.g. wild reindeer habitats), sheep and reindeer herding practices and local nature practices such as hunting and berry picking (e.g. Arnesen et al. 2019). Thus, recent SHD has increased tensions between nature users and nature conservationists and between hosts carrying out traditional local practices and visitors challenging these. While an array of branding and visitation strategies, initiated by national government, are being developed in protected areas throughout Norway, there is a lack of national policies and institutional support for SH management in local communities surrounding protected areas. While protected areas area managed by the State, SH planning lies within the realm of local government. Local authorities are thus in a strong position to guide development, however, asHall and Müller (2004) points out, it can also result in a lack of regional and national consistency in planning guidelines. The double challenge local councils face; few formal tools for visitation regulations outside protected areas, and the distinctive impacts from dwelling SH users, highlights the need for transgressing the current focus on building regulation, to a wider comprehensive planning for social sustainability in addition to economical and ecological sustainability. We therefore look at how SH are incorporated into the strategic planning process at local and regional levels, in ensuring sustainable development of SH in a broad sense. To better understand the degree and implications of these tensions and pressures, there is need to take a bottom-up perspective, looking at the SHD phenomenon by investigating different groups of peoples nature-based practices, their values and expressed attitudes and meanings, to further develop insights of relevance to local as well as national decision-making processes enabling a more sustainable second home development.
Call Number Serial 4372
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Author (up) Sisneros-Kidd, A.; D'Antonio, A.; Monz, C.; Mitrovich, M.,
Title Motivations and spatial behaviors of urban-proximate park visitors: Complexities and interactions Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 338-339
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Increases in visitor use of parks and protected areas (PPAs) worldwide are challenging managers ability to provide for a quality visitor experience while also maintaining the integrity of natural resources (Geng et al., 2021). In urban PPAs, high levels of use by a diverse population of recrea-tionists are often observed year-round. Further, these areas often serve larger conservation pur-poses, such as protecting wildlife habitat, and tend to be understudied compared to larger PPAs situated in more rural areas (Hockett, Marion, & Leung, 2017; Wolch, Bryne, & Newell, 2014). Understanding visitor motivations and spatial behaviors are important for effective manage-ment of PPA resources and providing quality visi-tor experiences. However, visitor motivations and spatial behaviors are often studied separate-ly, with visitor motivations studied via visitor surveys and GPS-based tracking methods utilized to examine visitor spatial behavior patterns. Pre-vious efforts to link this data to examine differ-ences in spatial patterns as a result of visitor mo-tivations have proven inconclusive (e.g., Newton 2016 and Beeco et al., 2013) or focused on a single user type (Frey et al., 2018). Further, pre-vious research examining visitor motivations and spatial behaviors has focused on a single activity type in a small sections or areas of larger, often rural, PPAs.This study examined differences in visitor spatial behavior patterns for bikers and pedestri-ans as a function of differences in visitor motiva-tion type across several interconnected, urban-proximate PPAs in Orange County, California, USA. The study area provided visitors a wide array of highly accessible destinations to engage in multi-ple recreation activities, including mountain bik-ing, hiking/walking, running, and equestrian use. A paired visitor survey and GPS-based tracking effort was employed to collect data on visitor characteristics and spatial behaviors. Spatial data was collected using GPS-based tracking methods, and motivation type was derived from multivari-ate statistical analysis of a 36-item visitor motiva-tion scale that appeared on a paired survey in-strument. The motivation scale consisted of 36 Likert-style questions derived from the Recrea-tion Experience Preference (REP) scale widely used to understand visitor motivations on public lands in the United States. Visitors to six different recreation areas in Orange County, CA, USA were randomly selected to participate in the research during the months of May and October, 2021. Each recreation area was sampled for three non-consecutive days between the hours of 7am and 7pm, stratified to include both weekend and weekday days. Visitors were asked to carry a GPS unit with them while recreating, and complete a survey upon the completion of their visit.
Call Number Serial 4350
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Author (up) Sitarz, M.; Bukowski, M.; Zieba, S.; Zwikacz-Kozica, T.
Title Monitoring of illegal human activities in the Tatra National Park, Poland Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 342-344
Keywords MMV9
Abstract Monitoring of illegal human activities seems to be very important issue. Those activities vary from hiking, climbing to skiing, exploring caves and gathering plants. In the Tatra National Park camera traps are used to examine these issues and estimate the scale and type of human trespassing phenomena as well as its influence on wildlife. This method is worldwide used for wildlife (Roveroa et al., 2013; Wearn, Glover-Kapfer, 2017) as well as visitor monitoring (Hossain, et al. 2016; Miller et al., 2017).
Call Number Serial 4157
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Author (up) Sitarz, M.; Kauzal, P.; Kot, M.; Krol, M.; Matysek, M.; Rabiasz, J.; Zieba, A.; Kozica, T. Z.,
Title Sewage management in remote protected areas: high mountain challenge Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 58-69
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Protected areas around the world have to deal with the problem of tourist pressure. Providing access to the most valuable natural areas has a great impact on the environment. This task is especially difficult in the core zones of the protected areas which are remote and far from the urbanized zones. One of the many identified threats associated with the intense tourist traffic is sewage pollution (Lebersorger et al. 2010, Weissenbacher 2008, Andreottola 2003). In the Tatra National Park the problem of sewage pollution becomes more and more crucial over the years. The reason of that is gradually rising number of tourists (almost 4 million of tourists in 2019 and 2020) who visit not only tourist trails and other specially dedicated areas but also trespassing the fragile natural habitats. In mountain shelters, located in the core zone and mostly in remote areas generally biological wastewater treatment plants are used, which very often hardly deal with the enormous amount of sewage. What is more faecal contamination occurs also nearby the tourist trails. As a result this situation is causing pressure on the nature, including the pollution of streams and ponds. Around the world there are many different solutions regarding the sewage management. The aim of this research is to gather and analyse these solutions in order to recommend the best options for the protected areas, especially remote.
Call Number Serial 4224
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Author (up) Sitarz, M.; Krol, M.; Kauzal, P.,
Title Monitoring of tourist traffic during the SARS-CoV-19 pandemic in the Tatra Na tional Park, Poland Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 50-51
Keywords MMV10
Abstract The Tatra National Park is the fifth largest national park in Poland with the area of 211 km2. Any kind of human activities is limited to the 275 km of tourist trails and specially designed areas for hiking, skiing or climbing. Over the years the total number of tourist visiting the park has been gradually growing. However in 2020 with the outbreak of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic it might seemed that the total number of tourists could decrease due to the temporary restrictions of traveling to the other cities and closure of hotels, guesthouses and restaurants. The borders were also temporary closed. For short period of time even the Tatra National Park was closed, at the beginning only for tourists outside Zakopane and surrounding villages but later also for local residents. The aim of this research is to present the observation of tourist traffic in 2020 during the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic and comparison to the year 2019.
Call Number Serial 4220
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Author (up) Sivertsvik, R.M.,
Title Small nature-based tourism firms and their ability to cope with major external changes exemplified through Covid-19 Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 110-111
Keywords MMV10
Abstract Within tourism, resilience is often understood as relating to a firms or destinations ability to be robust in the face of change and the strategies they follow when the framework conditions shift (e.g., Cheer and Lew 2018; Hall, Prayag and Amore 2018; Prayag 2018). As Prayag (2018:133) notes, adapting from Holling (1973), «ideas of resilience are related not only to change but also to stability and response». The Covid-19 pandemic presents one such challenge that has significantly tested the resilience of the tourism sector and places where tourism is important. It has also exacerbated tourism trends established prior to the outbreak, notably a shift away from mass tourism linked to major commercial sites, towards smaller scale, more authentic and unique tourist experiences. In this paper we discuss, based on interviews with small firms in the nature-based tourism (NBT) sector before the pandemic hit, to what extent such firms might have special advantages in responding to major external challenges like Covid-19.
Call Number Serial 4249
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Author (up) Skår, M., Gundersen, V., Stordahl, G., Pareliussen, I., Bischoff, A., Follo, G., O’Brian, L., Worthington, R.,
Title How do children experience nature? Meaning-making and socialization to outdoor life Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 400-401
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 554 Serial 2998
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Author (up) Skår, M., Vistad, I.,
Title Privacy concerns and common access along the Norwegian shoreline: tensions and possibilities Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 170-171
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 449 Serial 2893
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Author (up) Skar, M.; Rybraten, S.; Oian, H.
Title Urban, proximtate nature – how is it important in a Norwegian and multi-cultural context ? Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 161-163
Keywords MMV9
Abstract In an ongoing study, Integrating value diversity in the assessment of urban ecosystem services from nature-based solutions in cities (SIS URBAN), one of the main objectives is to expand our knowledge about inhabitants’ engagement with diverse types of urban nature. This study is based on 280 interviews on three different areas in Oslo, addressing passers-by requested to participate in shorter interviews on the spot. The three areas span a range of green space.
Call Number Serial 4091
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Author (up) Skibins, J.,
Title The infinite visit: A unifying temporal/spatial framework for visitor management Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 274-275
Keywords MMV10
Abstract As they are currently conceived, visitor use management frameworks for parks and protected areas (PPAs) are built upon false dichotomies and artificial constraints which preclude them from reaching their objectives. Current frameworks create artificial constraints around the discrete on-site visit rather than considering it part of a broader temporal-spatial recreation experience, which most recreation theories advocate. Failing to temporally-spatially contextualize beyond the on-site visit artificially constrains visitor engagement and relegates visitors to being viewed as a resource to be managed rather than as partners in mission. This creates false dichotomies around the questions of when a visit begins and ends, as well as the role of a visitor.
Call Number Serial 4322
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Author (up) Skornik, I., Makovec, M.
Title Environmentally friendly visitation to Secovlje Salina Nature Park Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 317-318
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The Secovlje Salina Nature Park is a national territory of high natural, cultural, economic and aesthetic values, the biodiversity of which can be maintained and regulated through sustainable management. The visitors in Secovlje Salina Nature Park are invited to experience the Park through various forms of guidance (information centres and points, information boards, trails, mobile applications), guided tours, workshops in nature, creative workshops and different education programs and lectures. Most suitable forms of recreation are those subjected to the Parks basic purposes. Our guests are recommended to visit the park on foot. To them, the park boards are intended, whereas from June 2016 onwards the Nexto mobile application, which enables an individual guided tour of the park, will also be available to them. The mobile guide is a good technological solution, as it helps us to conserve nature and cultural heritage without invasively encroaching upon it. The higher the number of the mobile application users visiting the natural features, the lower the number of information boards in the Park, which are unnecessary and often spoil the environment.
Call Number Serial 3959
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Author (up) Skov-Petersen, H.,
Title GIS-based modeling of car-borne visits to Danish Forests Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 233-239
Keywords MMV1
Abstract Vector-based GIS is used as a basic for building a predictive model of car-borne recreational activities in Danish nature areas. Special attention is paid to the forests. The model takes its point of departure from frequencies of forest visits considering type of starting point (dwelling, summer house etc.), travel cost (into four time-bands) and three different nature types (forest, beach, and the remainder landscape). By means of linear regression statistics the model results are correlated with registered activities (number of cars in an extensive selection of parking lots in the nature). Further the effect of various local amenities – distance to the coasts, terrain form etc. – are evaluated. The work is part of the authors Ph.D.-thesis (Skov- Petersen, 2002).
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 482 Serial 2304
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Author (up) Skov-Petersen, H.,
Title Genesis of Trails in Nature: Monitoring of Visitors’ Effect on Nature Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 115-116
Keywords MMV3, Trampling, trails, nature regeneration, mountain bikes, running, walking, vegetation
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 626 Serial 2437
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Author (up) Skov-Petersen, H.,
Title The role of agent-based simulation in recreational management and planning Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 33-39
Keywords MMV4, Agent based models, ABM, simulation, recreational management and planning
Abstract It is expected that agent-based simulation models will be increasingly implemented during planning and management of visitor landscapes. This expectation is based on a) changes of recreation towards greater visitation levels and more complex settings in terms of stake-holder interests, recreational behavior types and a higher focus on protection of biodiversity, b) technological development of digital equipment, and c) a changing approach to nature planning and management to be more open, inviting and aimed at stake-holder and public participation. Based on these three lines of sight, the paper will discuss future trends in application of ABM’s in recreational management and planning.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 892 Serial 2568
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Author (up) Skov-Petersen, H., Rupf, R., Köchli, D., Snizek, B.,
Title Revealing recreational behaviour and preferences from GPS recordings Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 288-289
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 502 Serial 2946
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Author (up) Skov-Petersen, H.; Jensen, F.S.,
Title Assessing recreation in the Danish nature – present experiences, towards a future monitoring system Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 58-64
Keywords MMV2, Outdoor recreation, recreational use estimates, forest preferences, general public, questionnaire, Denmark
Abstract Research on Danish forest recreation reaches back to the mid-seventies. Two major surveys have been conducted: The Forest and Folk in 1975 and the Outdoor Life ’95-‘98 project. The latter was, in terms of overall objective and chosen methodology, a repetition of the first. Both surveys aimed at collection of base-line information about the recreational life and preferences of Danes and the pattern of use in the Danish nature. Both used a combination of household questionnaires – combined with verbalstatement-cards and photographs – and counting of cars combined with handing out questionnaires at parking-lots in the nature. The present paper presents and discusses the projects and campaigns of the past and looks forward, providing an outline of a future setting of a system for collection of statistical information regarding recreational use of the nature.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 292 Serial 2354
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Author (up) Skov-Petersen, H.; Jensen, F.S.; Bredahl Jacobsen, J.,
Title Decisions made along the tracks in forests Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 112-114
Keywords MMV5, wayfinding, conjoint stated preference, agent-based models
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 38 Serial 2728
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