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Author (down) Lemmen, M.; Burns, R.C.; Andrew, R.G.; Schwarzmann, D.,
Title Assessment of visitation patterns in Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary: An offshore aquatic protected area Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 240-241
Keywords MMV10
Abstract The United States includes over 600,000 square miles of underwater parks designated as National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS). These areas often serve as a popular destination for natural resource exploration, recreation, tourism, and they offer many other ecosystem services. Understanding visitor use is fundamental for engaging and improving management in protected areas. As part of a larger scale project, named NMS-COUNT, which is developing a methodology to estimate the number of visitors in National Marine Sanctuaries, two questionnaires were distributed to potential visitors of Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) and surrounding coastal Georgia. The first survey instrument was focused on visitation and trip characteristics and the second one was focused on economics. Both questionnaires included questions about the participants demographics, trip characteristics, recreation activities and the location of GRNMS as well as departure points, the most visited location of coastal Georgia and departure points for ocean recreation trips. Participants were asked to indicate the locations on separate heat maps. The sample size of this study was 1,650 effective survey contacts, with a response rate of 50.7 %.
Call Number Serial 4308
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Author (down) Lemahieu, A., Pennober, G., David, G., Lavigne, F., Pothin, K.,
Title Monitoring coastal uses of the Marine Reserve of La Reunion using aerial surveys, Reunion Island,France, West Indian Ocean Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 36-37
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 387 Serial 2831
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Author (down) Lehto, C.; Hedblom, M.; Ockinger, E.; Reinus, T.,
Title In search of a human habitat: using machine learning to explore the role of landscape characteristics in human outdoor recreation Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 32-33
Keywords MMV10
Abstract As the importance of outdoor recreation increasingly has been recognized due to its positive effect on human well-being and health there has been a renewed focus on how to ensure that the natural and cultural landscape can produce sufficient recreational opportunities. This is especially true in urban environments, where high land use pressure due to urbanisation often has lead to the loss of green space. To ensure that the managed landscape can supply recreational opportunities requires an understanding of what landscape characteristics (such as type and composition of land cover, topology and heterogeneity) are drivers of different kinds of outdoor recreation. Previous research in the field has to a large degree focused on establishing preferences of different kinds of environments e.g. by showing people photo- graphs and asking questions (Gundersen and Frivold 2008); recently an increasing number of studies have been employing Public Participatory GIS-approaches to collect large amounts of data on human landscape usage (e.g Korpilo, Virtanen, and Lehvävirta (2017)). Still, most such studies are linked to specific areas (e.g. a single national park) or only looking at specific features (e.g. forest type, openness, heterogeneity).
Call Number Serial 4211
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Author (down) Lehrke, F.; Von Ruschkowski, E.; Rüter, S.,
Title Mountain Bikers, recreationists, land owners and conservationists: Multiple conflicts in Hannover’s Deister region Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 56-57
Keywords MMV5, mountain bikers, conflicts, forest, Germany, Deister
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 86 Serial 2704
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Author (down) Lee,J-h.; Jeon,B-g.; Buerger-Arndt,R.
Title Preferences for and perceptions of nature experiences in mountain forests and in urban green spaces Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 229-231
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3069
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Author (down) Lee, J., Buerger-Arndt, R.,
Title Understanding the healing function of urban forests in Germany and in Korea Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 324-325
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 518 Serial 2962
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Author (down) Lee, J.-H.; Bürger-Arndt, R.,
Title A comparative study of offers for recreation in nature parks in Germany and in recreation forests in Korea Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 86-88
Keywords MMV4, comparative study, German Nature Park, internet search, Korean Recreation Forest, recreation, recreational offer, recreational use
Abstract This comparative study was designed to search for the difference in recreational use and recreational offers between German Nature Parks and Korean Recreational Forests. To review current recreational offers, a complete search of the websites of all German Nature Parks and 50% of Korean Recreation Forests was undertaken. The result is compared per category of offers. Hiking is offered as a recreational forest activity in nearly all Nature Parks in Germany (95%) and Recreation Forests in Korea (98%). Apart from hiking, biking (92%) and horse riding (71%) were offered by most of the German Nature Parks whereas Walking (96%) and Fitness trail (76%) activities were mostly offered in Korea. Swimming (66%), canoeing (62%), fishing (43%) and sailing (38%) were very famous water activities in German Nature Parks. However, there are very few water activities except swimming (74%) in Korean Recreation Forests. Environmental education plays an important role in nature friendly recreation. In terms of quantity and quality, there were better offers in environmental education in Germany than in Korea. Nature educational trails were offered by 68% of German Nature Parks compared to 26% of Recreation Forests in Korea. Various environmental education programs for children were 63% in German and only 40% in Korea. Furthermore, there were more offers in German Nature Park, for example environmental guide (56%), environmental education program (47%) and environmental touring (26%). There were nine tour themes in German Nature Parks with the largest proportion (66%) dedicated to experience with nature and 8% for the disabled people. On the other hand, the Korean Recreation Forest has not so many tour themes as in German Nature Parks. Nevertheless, the activities comprise of nature experience (80%), cultural history (72%) and wellness (32%). The demand of recreation users on Infrastructures is very high, therefore almost all of Korean Recreation Forests have Toilet (94%), Kitchen & Water (80%) and shower rooms (68%). They exhibit passive recreation and the environmental education program is less compared to that of German Nature Park, but the infrastructure plays a very important role in nature recreation of Koreans. It sums that, German Nature Parks have more of almost all kinds of recreational offers than Korean Recreation Forests.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 922 Serial 2583
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Author (down) Leah Burns, G.; Haraldsdottir, L.
Title Hydropower and tourism: Visitor and Operator perspectives on prefered use of natural areas Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 169-170
Keywords MMV9
Abstract This research aimed to understand visitor and tourism operator perspectives of a recreation destination in the face of competing land use. During the research, three proposals for hydroelectricity development, at two locations in Austurdalur valley, were under consideration by the Icelandic Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources (Map One).
Call Number Serial 4093
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Author (down) Le Guyader, D.; Jannic, N.; Harlay, X.
Title Counting visitors in Marine Protected Areas and after ? A statistical modelling experiment to estimate the spatial and temporal distributions of recreational coastal activities Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 281-283
Keywords MMV9
Abstract Recently, a three years survey on recreational shore fishing has been conducted in French MPAs during European LIFE project. This survey has been extended to other concomitant recreational activities in the “Parc Naturel Marin des Estuaires Picards et de la Mer d’Opale (PNM EPMO)” (Meirland et al., 2015). This contribution aim to estimate the distribution over time (by season) and space (by counting site) of leisure activities on the PNM EPMO territory using statistical modelling of counting data.
Call Number Serial 4134
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Author (down) Lawson, S.R.; Plotkin, K.,
Title Understanding and Managing Soundscapes in National Parks: Part 3 – Computer Simulation Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 203-204
Keywords MMV3, Soundscapes, computer simulation, monitoring, park management, national parks
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 673 Serial 2460
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Author (down) Lawson, S.; Manning, R.; Valliere, W.; Wang, B.; Budruk, M.,
Title Using Simulation Modeling to Facilitate Proactive Monitoring and Adaptive Management of Social Carrying Capacity in Arches National Park, Utah, USA Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 205-210
Keywords MMV1
Abstract Recent research and management experience has led to several frameworks for defining and managing carrying capacity of national parks and protected areas. The process outlined in contemporary carrying capacity frameworks embodies the principles of adaptive management. That is, management decisions are guided and adapted within these frameworks by monitoring indicator variables to ensure that standards of quality are maintained. The objective of this study was to develop a computer simulation model to estimate the relationships between total park use and the condition of indicator variables. In this way, simulation modeling might facilitate proactive monitoring and adaptive management of social carrying capacity of parks and protected areas.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 474 Serial 2300
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Author (down) Lawson, S.; Manning, R.,
Title Integrating Multiple Wilderness Values into a Decision-Making Model for Denali National Park and Preserve Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 136-142
Keywords MMV1
Abstract Decisions about how to manage wilderness recreation in Denali National Park and Preserve require managers to integrate a diverse set of public values, a process that typically involves balancing tradeoffs among multiple and often competing values. While decisions about how to manage wilderness are often contentious, previous research suggests that if managers are able to predict public support for various management alternatives the decisions become more tractable. This study develops a decision-making model that integrates social, resource, and managerial values associated with the Denali wilderness experience. Specifically, stated choice analysis is used to evaluate the choices overnight wilderness visitors make when faced with hypothetical tradeoffs among the conditions of social, resource, and management attributes of the Denali wilderness. Study findings offer an empirical approach for predicting and evaluating the likelihood of public support for Denali wilderness management alternatives.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 454 Serial 2290
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Author (down) Lawson, S.; Kiely, A.M.; Manning, R.E.,
Title Computer Simulation as a Tool for Developing Alternatives for Managing Crowding at Wilderness Campsites on Isle Royale Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 114-119
Keywords MMV2
Abstract Isle Royale National Park is experiencing increased backcountry visitation, resulting in crowded camping conditions during peak periods. For example, during July and August, backcountry campground capacities are commonly exceeded and visitors are required to share sites with other groups. During the summers of 2001 and 2002, two phases of research were conducted to assist Park managers in addressing this issue. In the first phase of research, computer simulation modeling was used to test the effectiveness of alternative management practices designed to reduce or eliminate campground crowding. The simulation results provide numerical estimates of campground crowding (i.e., campsite sharing) under alternative management approaches, including permit quotas, trailhead quotas, campsite development, and fixed itineraries. The second phase of research used stated choice analysis to evaluate visitors’ attitudes toward alternative management scenarios developed with the simulation model. Results of the stated choice analysis suggest that visitors are willing to tolerate some campground crowding in order to avoid “heavy-handed” management practices. Together, findings from the two phases of research assist Park managers in estimating the outcomes of alternative management practices and anticipating the likelihood that visitors will support those outcomes.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 401 Serial 2408
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Author (down) Lawson, S.; Itami, B.; Gimblett, R.; Manning, R.,
Title Monitoring and Managing Recreational Use in Backcountry Landscapes Using Computer-Based Simulation Modeling Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 107-113
Keywords MMV2
Abstract In the United States, legislation dictates that wilderness areas should be managed to, among other things, provide recreational visitors with opportunities for solitude. The growing popularity of outdoor recreation in backcountry settings presents managers with challenges in their efforts to achieve this objective. Recent research suggests that computer-based simulation modeling is an effective tool for helping to address the challenges associated with managing visitor use in backcountry and wilderness settings. This paper describes the development and application of a computer-based simulation model of recreational use in the John Muir Wilderness Area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, USA. The results of the study demonstrate how simulation modeling can be used as a tool for understanding existing visitor use patterns within the John Muir Wilderness Areas and estimating the effects of alternative management practices on visitor flows and visitor use conditions.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 399 Serial 2407
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Author (down) Latosinska, B., Brandenburg, C., Czachs, C., Muhar, A., Grabowski, M., Sobanska, E., Pikus, A., Rothert, M., Taczanowska, K.
Title Social media dynamics affecting differences between online and on -site surveys: First findings from a case study in the Tricity Landscape Park, Poland Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 126-129
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Managers of parks and forestshave to optimize the allocation of resources to provide new recreational infrastructure and maintain the existing one.In order to successfully managerecreationalareas and to gain realistic view on actual visitation levels as well as visitors’ needs and expectations, it is necessary to find reliable and effective tools and methods for visitor data collection and analysis(Kajala et al., 2007,Cessford, Muhar, 2003). In recent years, the use of online surveys in outdoor recreation research as complement to traditional survey methods (on-site, mail and telephone surveys) has been significantly expanded. Comparability of data gathered from traditional paper interviewing and from online surveys is a subject of discourse in many fields of social science research (Namhun, Xiaojuan, Zvi, 2013, Dolnicar, Laesser, Matus, 2009, Yetter, Capaccioli, 2010). Personal interviewson-site survey and online survey may involve respondents with different sociodemographic profiles because of the different mode. Furthermore, both approaches differ in place and time of interviewing. On-site surveys take place during a trip in a forest and the online survey at a random moment while browsing the internet. In this setting other influencing factors may play a significant role. In outdoor recreation research sampling biases and the influence of social media dynamics on participation in online surveys and representativity of results have not yet been sufficiently researched.
Call Number Serial 3899
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Author (down) Lankia, T., Pouta, E.,
Title Effects of water quality changes on recreation benefits in Finland: Combined travel cost and contingent behavior model Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 128-129
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 431 Serial 2875
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Author (down) Lankia, T., Kopperoinen, L., Pouta, E., Neuvonen, M.,
Title Mapping outdoor recreation benefits in Finland using national inventory data Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 120-121
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 427 Serial 2871
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Author (down) Landauer, M.; Fredman, P.,
Title Nature-based artificial recreation environments: typology, empirical correlates and implications Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 103-104
Keywords MMV5, artificial, outdoor recreation, nature tourism, commodification, authenticity
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 52 Serial 2724
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Author (down) Lamers, M.; Gelter, H.,
Title Submerging in the Antarctic tourist experience: analysing the diverse expectations and experiences of diving and non-diving tourists in Antarctica Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 78-79
Keywords MMV5, tourist, experience, diversification, management, Antarctica
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 44 Serial 2713
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Author (down) Lai, P., Hsu, Y.,
Title A place-based approach to building partnerships with recreational resource users Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 238-239
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 480 Serial 2924
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Author (down) Kyle, G.; Wallen, K.; Landon, A.; Schuett, M.
Title Mode effect and response rate issues in North American Mixed Mode Survey Research: Implications for Recreational Fisheries Management Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 349-351
Keywords MMV9
Abstract The purpose of this study is to compare differences in response rates, socio-demographic characteristics, and angler behaviors, motivations, preferences, and expenditures between and within samples obtained from three common survey designs.
Call Number Serial 4158
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Author (down) Kyle, G.,
Title Shifting setting densities and normative evaluations of crowding over time Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 228-229
Keywords MMV10
Abstract In the United States, population growth and domestic migration is placing increasing pressure on natural landscapes and the array of ecosystem services they afford. The growth has given rise to the paradox of resource depletion through fragmentation and development while at the same time increasing the demand and need for these resources. In the context of publicly available nature-based recreation opportunities (e.g., protected areas, preserves, parks, lakes, rivers) lying near growing urban centers, the pressure can be particularly acute. Increased demand for these resources has led to ecological and social impacts. The diminished service quality increases human exposure to pollutants (e.g., water, air, noise), and stressors (e.g., conflict, crowding) within these environs. Given the array of psycho-social and physical benefits afforded by nature-based recreation opportunities, the depletion in service quality has potentially troubling implications for human wellbeing. In the context of aquatic opportunities (e.g., rivers, lakes) concern is exacerbated by both the limited availability of accessible resource substitutes and limited capacity to acquire or develop additional resources. Vaske and Shelbys (2008) meta-analysis of social carrying capacity research conducted in the context of nature-based recreation resources illustrated that for boating as a general participation category, of the 66 investigations conducted in the 30 years leading up to their analyses, 20 percent of respondents considered the condition encountered “greatly over capacity” of the resources ability to accommodate demand. When broken down into more specific aquatic categories, such as canoeing, those considering the resource demand “greatly over capacity” jumps to 50 percent. In this investigation, we document residents perceptions of shifting use patterns of an aquatic nature-based resource situated within the Austin MSA – Lake Travis – over an eight-year period from 2008 to 2016. Specifically, we examine the drivers of residents perceptions of setting density on the lake along with the cognitive and behavioral coping strategies they employ to maintain psychological homeostasis in conditions of rapid social and ecological change.
Call Number Serial 4302
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Author (down) Kurita, K.,
Title Management of protected areas in urban fringe area of Tama Hills, Tokyo, Japan Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 384-385
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 546 Serial 2990
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Author (down) Kun, Z.; Van Der Donk, M.,
Title The Pan Parks Sustainable Tourism Strategy as a Tool for Nature-Based Tourism Development in and around Protected Areas Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 228-229
Keywords MMV3, sustainable tourism, strategy, development, stakeholders, verification, PAN Parks, protected areas, communities
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 685 Serial 2466
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Author (down) Kun, Z.,
Title Managing Visitors Through Certification of Protected Areas’ Business Partners – A Practical Application in Bialowieza National Park, Poland Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 423-428
Keywords MMV1
Abstract WWF and its business partner, the Molecaten groep Bv initiated PAN Parks concept in 1997 to develop third party verification for measuring management effectiveness of protected areas. PAN Parks wishes to introduce a marriage between nature conservation and sustainable tourism. Business partners have an important role in the project as service and facility provider for visitors. The implementation of the concept of building cooperation between the management and local entrepreneurs started in Bialowieza National Park in 1998. 30 local entrepreneurs signed a letter of intent to work as candidate PAN Parks’ business partners. The concept is that guests visiting these entrepreneurs can get extra information about the Bialowieza National Park, and also about the events in the region. Local entrepreneurs can join if they pay an annual fee, and if they fulfil certain criteria.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 548 Serial 2337
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Author (down) Kun, Z.,
Title Research needs for supporting better protection of Europe’s wilderness Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 93-94
Keywords MMV5, wilderness, think-tank, European policy, biodiversity
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 68 Serial 2720
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Author (down) Kun, Z.,
Title The economics of wilderness – Role of policy and tourism for enhancing the protection of Europe’s wilderness Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 74-75
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 405 Serial 2849
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Author (down) Kuentzel,W.F.; Daigle, J.J.; Utley, L.; Chase, L.C.; Brown, T.L.
Title The social amplification of landowner liability risk in the U.S. Northern Forest Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 102-103
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3068
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Author (down) Kubo, T.; Shoji, Y.,
Title Heterogeneous preferences for trekking in bear habitat: The use of latent class stated preference choice model Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 315-316
Keywords MMV5, heterogeneous preferences, bear encounter, choice experiment, risk attitude
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 134 Serial 2816
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Author (down) Kubo, T., Shoji, Y., Takimoto, K., Suzuki, H., Osada, M.,
Title Understanding residents’ risk perceptions associated with fatal brown bear accidents: A case study in Shibetsu town, northern Japan Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 382-383
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 545 Serial 2989
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Author (down) Kubo, T., Mameno, K., Tsuge, T.
Title Which local policies increase revisit intention to Amami Oshima Island, Japan? Using Best–Worst scaling methodology Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 225-228
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Recently, many studies have increasingly used and discussed the concept of revisit intentions. For example, Baker and Crompton (2000) have examined the relationship between revisit intentions and their satisfaction with travel. Chen and Gursoy (2001) have revealed the influence of past vacation experience on their revisit intentions. However, our previous studies conducted in Japanese recreational sites have shown that most tourists have expressed high revisit intentions. It seems difficult to identify which local polices increase revisit intentions of tourists using general questions (e.g., 5-point Likert scale questions). Based on the above backgrounds, the present study used Best–Worst Scaling (BWS) methodology to examine which local policies encourage tourists to revisit the destination. The advantage of BWS over general rating questions is to easily elicit relative importance of items such as policies for respondents because they choose one most and one least preferred item in each choice set. This advantage can give decision makers facing budget constraints useful information about local policy priorities for sustainable tourism.
Call Number Serial 3930
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Author (down) Kubícková, S.; Grega, L.,
Title Willingness to Pay for Rural Landscape Preservation Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 335-339
Keywords MMV1
Abstract In this paper we present welfare estimates from a contingent valuation (CV) study, which investigates the potential benefits derived by tourists from the implementation of a programme aimed at preserving the traditional agricultural landscape in the Protected Landscape Area Bílé Karpaty. This area belongs to the most species-rich of the Central Europe. Since 1996 Bílé Karpary has been a biosphere reserve. Our hypothesis is that the agricultural working landscape is a visual resource that is an important attraction to tourists. Here due to the current market conditions arises a danger, that farming activities will be gradually abandoned. The supply of traditional agricultural landscape, which is characteristic for this area, generates economic benefits for which farmers receive little if any remuneration. Any policy aimed at correcting this market failure and providing a socially optimal level of landscape supply needs to be informed about the social demand for this peculiar public good. In this study we estimate the value of rural landscape in the area of Bílé Karpaty for tourism. The magnitude of this form of social benefits turns out to be sizeable and would probably justify – at least in part – a conservation policy aimed at correcting current market tendencies which cause the abandonment of traditional farming practices.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 514 Serial 2320
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Author (down) Krzan, P., Krol, M., Zieba, S., Sitarz, M., Zwijacz Kozica, T., Zieba, A., Ziobrowski, S.
Title Visitor monitoring in practices. Few examples from the Tatra National Park (Poland) Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 288-289
Keywords MMV8
Abstract The Tatra National Park (TNP, south Poland) comprises the entire Polish part of the Tatra Mountains (200 km2), the highest and most western part of the Carpathians. In both polish and national parks, human activities are restricted to especially designated areas, such as hiking and skiing trails or climbing areas. The rest is protected as nature reserves, access to them is allowed only with special permit from the national park administration, however, illegal trespassing is quite common. Particularly in TNP, human influence is really high, with about three million tourists visiting the park every year (data from TNP).
Call Number Serial 3949
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Author (down) Krymkowski, D., Manning, R., Valliere, W.,
Title Race, ethnicity, and outdoor recreation in the United States: Tests of the marginality, ethnicity, and discrimination hypotheses with national-level survey data Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 56-57
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 397 Serial 2841
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Author (down) Kruger, L.E.,
Title Affinity to place and serious leisure: implications of amenity migration for nearby recreational and protected areas Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 256-256
Keywords MMV4, Recreational and protected areas, place’s affinity, leisure
Abstract People have long been attracted to places with high amenity values. The first Baby Boomers have begun to collect Social Security checks and many more will follow. Increasing retirees who make up a growing numbers of migrants are moving into communities fortunate to have highly valued environmental and cultural resources and recreation opportunities. Tourists and retirees are drawn to natural amenities and opportunities for both tranquillity and adventure. Wilderness can be especially attractive and introduces people to rural and remote locations. Resort real estate, full and fractional ownership arrangements (time shares), residence clubs, and a variety of other options provide an array of investment possibilities. Rapid growth of retirees has implications for communities and public land managers. For land managers, growth is likely to increase population density in proximity to public lands, increase pressure on riparian and other environmentally sensitive areas and increase the demand for recreation opportunities and facilities. The changing values within the neighbouring community may change the issues and concerns residents have about recreational and protected area management. Healthy retirees are looking for a variety of recreation and volunteer opportunities. Communities need to consider infrastructure, especially in health and transportation sectors. As amenity migrants settle in their new community, the physical changes are readily apparent: new homes, new business, new roads, rising real estate values. Rising levels of disposable income among the middle and skilled working classes and the growth of a “leisure society” with time for recreation and travel have fueled demand for recreation. What are the implications for recreational and protected area management? This paper explores concepts of place and serious leisure as they are related to amenity migration and implications for management of recreational and protected areas near amenity communities. How can these concepts inform our understanding of the changing demands of amenity migration communities? In what ways are concepts of place attachment and sense of place useful in planning for change in high amenity communities and the surrounding recreational and protected areas?
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 1002 Serial 2622
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Author (down) Kretschmer, H.,
Title Nature-Based Activities on Urban – Green Requirements of Nature-Based Activities in an Urban Environment Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 226-227
Keywords MMV3, Sport, nature sports, urban green, visitor employed photography
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 683 Serial 2465
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Author (down) Kraus, F., Merlin, C.,
Title A supply-side perspective on tourism enterprises in biosphere reserves – case study of Biosphere Reserve Rhön Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 62-63
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 400 Serial 2844
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Author (down) Krämer, A.; Thamm, H.-P.,
Title Application of a Remote Controlled Ultralight Air Vehicle (UAV) for Park Management and Visitor Monitoring Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 329-330
Keywords MMV3, High resolution remote sensing, visitor monitoring, park management, change detection
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 746 Serial 2496
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Author (down) Krämer, A.; Roth, R.; Schmidt, A.; Türk, S.,
Title Evaluation of the success of visitor flow management projects in the Southern Black Forest Nature Park Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 194-201
Keywords MMV2
Abstract Nature sports place a number of demands upon the landscape structures being utilised. In order to assess the effects of sporting activities on nature and the landscape, it is insufficient to simply analyse the impacts of certain sports. Therefore, new assessment and planning methods for sporting areas are necessary in order to identify potential ecological conflicts and draw conclusions with respect to the desired aims and the measures to be implemented. The extent of the reference level plays a key role in the planning procedure. Tools, which include spatial as much as factual information, are necessary for implementation at all levels. The application of modern information technology, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), is required. The term ‘Sport Area Management System’ (SAMS) is used to describe management possibilities in the context of the development of a sustainable sporting area. The SAMS includes various components of sport orientated land use planning and the management of sporting activities. It is subdivided into regional and local sport area management. The approaches to visitor flow management and communications are of particular significance at both levels. The SAMS concept is illustrated on the basis of the example of the sports tourism concepts developed for the Southern Black Forest Nature Park. The park offers many different opportunities for sporting activities and tourism. At the same time, a substantial part of the area is of a high ecological value. Therefore, the nature park association is seeking a sport tourism concept, which identifies and analyses potential conflicts and possibilities for further development. Following a detailed assessment of the current situation an analysis of the possibilities and potential conflicts was carried out. Further emphasis was placed on the development of an overall concept and possibilities for further development. The implementation of the project findings in parts of the nature park, and subsequent monitoring, are also important parts of the concept. Visitor flow management model projects are shown with the examples of hiking, mountainbiking and Nordic Walking. The methodology behind the SAMS proved to be useful when the projects were put into practice. The initial model projects had the desired positive effect and the concept is to be applied to the whole nature park. Visitor flow management revealed that the large majority of sport tourists made use of the facilities. The co-existence and the cooperation between nature protection and all stakeholders in the region are an important basis for successful future development.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 370 Serial 2393
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Author (down) Krämer, A.; Roth, R.,
Title Spatial Requirements of Outdoor Sports in the Nature Park Southern Blackforest – GIS-based Conflict Analysis and Solutions for Visitor Flow Management Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 33-39
Keywords MMV1
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 420 Serial 2273
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