Records |
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Author |
Arnberger, A., Schneider, I.E., Cottrell, S., Ebenberger, M., Schlueter, A., Eder, R., Von Ruschkowski, E., Venette, R.C., Snyder, S., Gobster, P. |
Title |
Visitors’ trade-offs between physical and social factors of bark beetle impacted recreational forests |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
192-194 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
This study used a stated preference approach to explore visitor perceptions of bark beetle outbreaks at two state parks in the USA and a national park in Germany. A visual discrete choice experiment (DCE) employed digitally calibrated images (Arnberger & Eder, 2011) to simulate forest stands with varying levels of bark beetle outbreaks, different management practices, and varying visitor uses. Translated and back-translated on-site surveys were conducted in summer 2014 with convenience samples of visitors at State Forest State Park (n=200) in Colorado, USA, Bemidji State Park (n=228) in Minnesota, USA, and Harz National Park in Germany (n=208). Each site has a history of bark beetle infestation with varying management approaches. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3919 |
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Author |
Passold, A.J.; Magro, T.C.; Do Couto, H.T.Z., |
Title |
Comparing Indicator Effectiveness for Monitoring Visitor Impact at Intervales State Park, Brazil: Park Ranger-Measured Versus Specialist-Measured Experience |
Type |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 2 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
52-57 |
Keywords |
MMV2 |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to aid administrators in overcoming some barriers to implementation and maintenance of programs for monitoring visitor impact to Brazilian protected areas. One of the problems refers to continuity in collecting field data due in part to lack of institutional commitment. In order to verify the effectiveness of surveys carried out by park employees, the difference between data collected by park rangers and those collected by specialists was studied so that simple and dependable indicators could be selected. 26 indicators of physical attributes were analyzed for four intensive-use trails at Intervales State Park through systematic sampling of points. Results indicate that the group of rangers produced more homogeneous data than the group of specialists did. Significant differences were more frequent among quantitative indicators. Indicators chosen according to their dependability criterion were: bird sighting and hearing, vandalism to park facilities, rock graffiti, number of damaged or carved trees, number of perceptions of vehicle noise, number of exposed rocks, visible erosion, trail depth, traces of fauna and trash litter. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 290 |
Serial |
2353 |
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Author |
Akashi, M.; Shoji, Y.; Aikoh, T., |
Title |
Understanding the Distance Between Humans and Brown Bears That Tourists Consider Appropriate: A case Study at Shiretoko National Park, Japan |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
8-10 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This study’s purpose was to understand distance between humans and brown bears that domestic and foreign tourists consider appropriate at Shiretoko National Park in northern Japan. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4040 |
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Author |
Gruas, L.; Perrin-Malterre, C. |
Title |
In-depth knowledge of visitors: a key element to awarness raising in the context of environmental controversy in protected areas |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
90-91 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This talk offers to present the early results of a research lead in three French alpine mountain ranges of various protection statuses with summer and winter recreationists. The aim is to gain in-depth knowledge of these visitors to understand which factors determine their perception of wildlife disturbance. This expertise of visitors will allow managers to improve the actions implemented on the territories and to target them better with awareness-raising campaigns. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4066 |
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Author |
Teles da Mota, V.; Pickering, C. |
Title |
How can we use social media to know more about visitors to natural areas |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
72-74 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This talk presents the results of a bibliometric analysis of current research on the use of social media to monitor tourism and recreation including in natural areas. Specifically, it assesses: (1) the extent of research on social media, on social media and tourism/recreation, and social media, tourism/recreation and natural areas. This includes assessing (2) when it was published, (3) where it was published, and (4) what disciplines publish on this topic |
Call Number |
Serial |
4060 |
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Author |
Norman, P., Pickering. C. |
Title |
Using volunteered geographic information to assess the visitor use of parks |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
141-143 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This type of volunteered geographic information (VGI) is starting to be used by researchers and managers to assess visitor use of parks (Senaratne et al., 2017). But which websites, what sort of information is available and what are the limitations of this type of data? We conducted three research projects to determine: (1) what types of VGI is available for different parks, (2) how does route data vary among websites, (3) how useful is this VGI for assessing visitor use across and within parks, and (4) how accurate is this data compared to trail counters |
Call Number |
Serial |
4084 |
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Author |
Cottrell, S., |
Title |
Predictive Model of Responsible Environmental Behaviour: Application as a Visitor-Monitoring Tool |
Type |
Year |
2002 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 1 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
129-135 |
Keywords |
MMV1 |
Abstract |
This working paper presents a framework for understanding responsible environmental behaviour as a visitor-monitoring tool. Visitor use data forms the basis of any successful visitor management plan to understand user knowledge, awareness and attitudes about pollution issues in order to develop management policies and actions that enhance appropriate visitor behaviour. A case study of the application of a predictive behavioural model on the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA involving boater environmental behaviour as a social indicator is discussed. Results indicate that knowledge of water pollution issues, awareness of the consequences, equipment issues such as boat length and boat type, and situational factors that constrain or hinder appropriate behaviour were indicators of appropriate behaviour. A structural equation path diagram model was tested using AMOS student version 4.01 using up to seven of the eight predictors from boating behaviour case study to demonstrate the strength of a path analysis procedure. Results model those of the stepwise regression procedures used in the original study, yet the path diagrams demonstrate ease of interpreting the structural relationships among variables in a regression equation. Implications for management actions in the case study situation are given followed by a proposed researchmonitoring program coupling social science techniques with the natural sciences. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 452 |
Serial |
2289 |
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Author |
Wirth, V.; Pröbstl, U.; Haider, W., |
Title |
The role of sport activities in Alpine summer tourism |
Type |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
94-98 |
Keywords |
MMV4, Alps, destination choice, discrete choice experiment, sport activities, summer tourism |
Abstract |
Throughout the Alps, natural integrity, outstanding landscape beauty, and the opportunity to pursue various sport activities are key elements of the tourism product, and influence the choice of destinations. This paper focuses on the role of sports activities in the choice of Alpine destinations. The data were collected from a representative random sample of German tourists. The core element of the survey is a stated choice survey in which respondents had to make repeated choices between two hypothetical alpine destinations which were disguised as web sites with changing characteristics and landscape features. The results of the discrete choice experiment show that the sport activities contribute significantly to the destination choice, and that the respondents are rather heterogeneous, leading to the identification of different segments in a latent class segmentation. The largest segment is comprised of the social and activity oriented tourists (55%), followed by nature and alpine oriented tourists (31%), and finally by tourists interested predominantly in relaxing (14%). Their divergent preferences and expectations will be described below. The importance of this research is that these segments have been identified directly from the choice responses, instead of from some attitudinal or motivational set of questions. The findings indicate that sport activities play an important role in the destination choice for alpine summer holidays, but their significance differs between segments. For marketing and management purposes these results highlight that the target groups and related marketing campaigns must be adapted to new trends and societal changes. To attract and enlarge the less active tourism segment the Alps should be positioned as silent place where relaxing in a healthy environment and outstanding landscape is possible. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 928 |
Serial |
2586 |
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Author |
Klanjscek, J.; Gecek, S.; Sakic, K.; Klanjscek, T. |
Title |
Quantifying effects of signs on visitor flow in NP Krka |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
274-275 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To quantify the ensuing effects on visitor movement, data on visitor movement before (2015) and after (2017) sign installation were analyzed. Data were collected using an app written for Android where each visitor (time of passage and direction of movement) was recorded on two locations at Skradinski buk – near the bridge and on the footpath in both years. Measurements were carried out in August during the summer season, when crowding is highest. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4131 |
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Author |
Yuan, M.; Fredman, P., |
Title |
A call for a broad spatial understanding of outdoor recreation use |
Type |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
169-173 |
Keywords |
MMV4, outdoor recreation, monitoring, vertical data integration |
Abstract |
To better understand the scope of outdoor recreation in a pan Europe context, many agencies and organizations have attempted to collect data at various spatial levels and for a multitude of uses. The aim of this paper is to suggest a need for better and broader understanding of outdoor recreation use at various spatial levels. Case examples from Swedish data collection efforts are provided and suggestions are made to have a better understanding of horizontal harmonization and vertical data integration. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 964 |
Serial |
2603 |
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Author |
Ota, H.; Kasama, S.; Mastuda, Y.; Iwata; K. |
Title |
Issues on Footpaths Linking Attractive Public Open Spaces in Hokkaido: from the Perspectives of Recreational Use of the Countryside |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
102-104 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To clarify actual situations of footpaths running through public open spaces in Hokkaido and problems concerning creation, management and maintenance of footpaths, this study examined reference materials of footpaths in Hokkaido and carried out their field research, hearing survey to their operators, and questionnaire survey to footpath users. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4071 |
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Author |
Roux, F., |
Title |
Global attendance study in the Estérel Massif to preserve and manage a protected area |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
46-49 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To cope with these difficulties and to mobilize new financial resources, the Intercommunal Syndicate for the Protection of the Estérel Massif (SIPME) adopted in 2015 a Forest Charter to better integrate the multiple functions of the forest (ecological, social and economic) within the framework of a coordinated management. It is also planned to complete this process with a “Grand Site de France approach” to deal with the high attendance level issues and to reach excellence in sustainable territory management |
Call Number |
Serial |
4052 |
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Author |
Pickering, C.; Chabau-Gibson, M.; Raneng, J. |
Title |
Using Flickr images to assess how visitors value and use natural areas: lessons from a popular natural area on the Gold Coast, Australia |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
68-69 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To evaluate the benefits and limitations of using Flickr images to assess visitor use and sociocultural values we are conducting research in a range of popular natural areas. This includes the Spit, an area of beaches, dunes and forest separating the ocean from a major estuary, in the rapidly growing urban city of the Gold Coast, Australia |
Call Number |
Serial |
4058 |
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Author |
Schagner, J.P.; Arnberger, A.; Eagles, P.F.J.; Kajala, L.; Leung, Y.F.; Spenceley, A.; Desguinet, M.; Gosal, A.; Signorello, G.; Engelbauer, M.; Bertsky, B.; Engels, B. |
Title |
Visitors number for protected and nature areas: a global data sharing initiative |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
264-267 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To fill the gap on globally available visitor statistics for nature areas, a group of researchers from around the world including the authors of this paper formed an informal research project. The researchers’ disciplinary backgrounds and interests in visitor data differ broadly. While part of the team originates in the domain of visitor monitoring, some focus on the economic impacts of nature tourism (TAPAS group), others concentrate on the modelling and mapping of cultural ecosystem services using earth observations (FAWKES-project) and again others work on nature conservation and how it may benefit from nature tourism (BIOPAMA.org). |
Call Number |
Serial |
4128 |
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Author |
Hennig, S., |
Title |
The recreation perspective. A recreationalists typology on visitors and their behaviour by the example of Berchtesgaden National Park |
Type |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
183-187 |
Keywords |
MMV4, visitor characteristics, recreational behaviour, typologies, management, statistical analysis |
Abstract |
To perform its tasks management needs information on visitors. They provide insight into the recreational situation of protected areas and support management decisions. Therefor, data on visitor use and visitation behaviour have to be analyzed and mapped. However, information on visitors should not be reduced on singular variables. It is important to combine these different characteristics and build up types of visitors respectively visitor behaviour. In favour of this the approach of recreation perspective is elaborated. The concept takes account of existing typologies on (nature-based) tourism and their attributes (e.g. size, age). Furthermore, visitor behaviour is integrated. Distinguished in macro and micro behaviour it is expressed by choice of activity, destination, type, location and duration of extended stops etc.. Considering these aspects visitors can be categorized into several types. The recreation perspective is worked out and applied to the German Berchtesgaden National Park. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 968 |
Serial |
2605 |
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Author |
Blye, C.J.; Halpenny, E.A.; Hvenegaard, G. |
Title |
Interpretation program perceptions: A comparison of Alberta Parks staff views of visitors trends, program opportunities, challenges, and outcomes |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
232-233 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To understand perceptions of interpretation program outcomes, challenges and opportunities, we conducted short, semi-structured qualitative interviews with a sample of the 50 policy-makers, planners, managers, and practitioners associated with interpretive programs conducted by a Canadian provincial park agency, Alberta Parks. Alberta Parks manages 2.9 million hectares of protected areas landscapes, ranging from wilderness parks and strict ecological reserves to heritage rangelands and provincial recreation areas. It conducts extensive in-person interpretive programs in approximately 10 of its most heavily visited parks. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4116 |
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Author |
Van Der Donk, M., |
Title |
Ten years of experience in providing wilderness experience opportunities in Europe’s certified PAN Parks |
Type |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
77-77 |
Keywords |
MMV4, Wilderness, network, experiences, Europe, tourism |
Abstract |
Today ten years ago, the first steps were taken to realise a marriage between conservation and the tourism industry in the most important wilderness areas of Europe. This initiative awards wilderness areas that meet the highest standards of management for conservation and sustainable tourism development strategies with the PAN Parks quality seal. It can be considered as a gold standard for well- managed protected areas. Based on the PAN Parks principles and criteria and the verification reports, park managers are encouraged to increase the management effectiveness of their protected areas and to plan, provide and maintain high quality recreation opportunities inside the park. Five principles make up the PAN Parks verification scheme, three of which deal with visitor experiences: Visitor management (principle 3), Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy (Principle 4), and Partnerships (Principle 5). Tourism development is used as a means to give economic value to wilderness areas and to create support for conservation. By creating unique and high quality opportunities for wildernessbased recreation, the marriage has proven to be successful as it results in benefits for nature, for communities in and around the protected area and in unique experience opportunities for visitors. This is measured by using mixed methodologies in the Analysis of Perceptions and Attitudes (APA) studies done in 3 of the certified areas. After ten years of working on the development and implementation of the concept in different European countries that cope with different and similar opportunities and obstacles, we can draw interesting lessons learned. Among them: The value of the network and the certificate to the park, local businesses and local people, the principles and criteria as management tools for planning and managing of tourism, providing the (certified) European wilderness experience for different types of tourists, generating revenues through tourism, communication and cooperation with stakeholders |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 916 |
Serial |
2580 |
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Author |
Schallinger, T.; Rolf W.; Rueede, D. |
Title |
GPS-Based Visitor Monitoring in Protected Areas Using Mobile Tracking Application Data – A Case Study in Black Forest National Park |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
124-126 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Today, due to the progress in information and communication technologies and widespread mobile internet use, new, innovative approaches involving secondary crowdsourced volunteered geographic information (VGI) data are emerging . It was thus examined to what extent using online available GPS-tracked routes via mobile applications is applicable and beneficial as an alternative, cost-effective method to provide data for visitor monitoring in PAs. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4079 |
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Author |
Sumiyoshi, Y.; Uchiyama, K., |
Title |
Recent Trends of Park Use at Tokyo Metropolitan Area |
Type |
Year |
2002 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 1 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
284-289 |
Keywords |
MMV1 |
Abstract |
Tokyo Metropolitan Government has studying its urban parks since 1982. Several parks are selected in each year, and the parks under study are increasing. The cost has already amounted more than 10 million yen. At 69 parks, the government counted the visitors’ number of the monitoring day and interviewed age of visitors, their way of access, purposes of visit, their impressions of the parks and the requirements of the park management. The results were totaled at each park category. The categories were: A, famous park well facilitated; B, city park with wide. grassy open space; C, sports parks; D, natural forest parks in hilly area; E, historic garden parks with admission; and F, small parks. The density of visitors ranged from 1-200 persons per hectare, and 80% of parks had a density below 50 persons per hectare. The inducement sphere, 80% of visitors accessible, was ranged from 1-50km; the widest radius was observed at the parks with admission and the park at the city center. A frequent arrival of the visitors was observed 1-2 p.m. and the exit was 2-3 p.m. at the historical gardens (E type). The parks, less than 20 hectare, showed the increase in visitor numbers in proportion to the park area. B type park showed the increase of residence time in relation to the park area. Congestion had a bipolar effect on visitors’ satisfaction: each park has its own comfortable visitor density. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 498 |
Serial |
2312 |
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Author |
Buckley, R., |
Title |
Tourism as a Conservation Tool |
Type |
Year |
2008 |
Publication |
Management for Protection and Sustainable Development |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 4 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
19-25 |
Keywords |
MMV4, Connectivity, funding, ecotourism, wildlife |
Abstract |
Tourism and conservation interact principally through public visitation to public protected areas. In addition, however, tourism can generate funding and political support for conservation in multiple-use areas, community conservancies or private reserves. These tenures are likely to prove increasingly important for conservation under growing pressure from human population growth and anthropogenic climate change. The most successful model seems to be through up-market wildlife-watching lodges in private reserves adjacent to larger public protected areas in developing countries. Private companies such as Conservation Corporation Africa and Wilderness Safaris, operating principally in sub-Saharan Africa, have developed successful business models which do also make significant net contributions to conservation of biological diversity. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 888 |
Serial |
2566 |
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Author |
Fredman, P., Wikstrom, D., |
Title |
Monitoring National Park Visitors – Short and Long Term Changes |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
20-22 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism and recreation in protected areas receive an increased recognition among both managers and researchers worldwide. A recent study of protected area visitation globally shows that eight billion visits per year generate approximately US $600 billion per year in direct expenditure (Balmford et al., 2015). In order to ensure high quality experiences and long-term sustainable tourism operations, protected area managers have to pay attention to the different types of visitors, their attitudes and behaviors (Eagles, 2014). This can be achieved through different visitor monitoring schemes designed and applied in accordance with site characteristics and visitation patterns (Kajala, 2007). The current study compare results from visitor studies at Fulufjallet National Park (FNP) in 2001 (the year before the part was established), 2003 (the year after the park was established), and 2014 (12 years after the park was established). In doing so, short and long term national park designation effects can be analyzed. The establishment of FNP marks an important trend in Swedish environmental policy as it is the first national park where planning and implementation explicitly builds on visitor data in order to promote recreation and tourism opportunities. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3863 |
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Author |
Drexler, D.; Bihunová, M.; Mariotti, B., |
Title |
Comparison of Forest Recreation and Nature Tourism in Hungary, Italy and Slovakia Based on the First Outputs of the COST E33 Action |
Type |
Year |
2006 |
Publication |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
219-222 |
Keywords |
MMV3, COST E33, forest recreation, nature tourism, regional comparison |
Abstract |
Tourism Carrying Capacity determines as to what extent the influx of tourists may be allowed to manage the sustainable eco-tourism in a protected area. The concept of tourism carrying capacity is easy to perceive in theory, but in actual practice it is very difficult to quantify. Tourism carrying capacity is rarely estimated. Van Vihar is a unique combination of safari and zoological park. Its legal status is national park. White tiger and albino Sloth Bear are the main attraction to the tourists. In the winter season migratory water birds take refuge. It is situated at the bank of Upper Lake of Bhoj Wetland, The Ramsar Site; Wetlands of International Importance, in the Central Indian. More than 35 thousand tourists visit Van Vihar annually. The three levels of tourism carrying capacities i.e. physical carrying capacity, real carrying capacity, and effective carrying capacity were estimated and compared. Implications on management of eco-tourism were discussed. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 679 |
Serial |
2463 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Kanoje, R.S., |
Title |
Managing Sustainable Eco-Tourism in Van Vihar National Park |
Type |
Year |
2006 |
Publication |
Exploring the Nature of Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 3 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
205-210 |
Keywords |
MMV3, Sustainable eco-tourism, tourism carrying capacity, physical carrying capacity, real carrying capacity, effective carrying capacity, management capacity |
Abstract |
Tourism Carrying Capacity determines as to what extent the influx of tourists may be allowed to manage the sustainable eco-tourism in a protected area. The concept of tourism carrying capacity is easy to perceive in theory, but in actual practice it is very difficult to quantify. Tourism carrying capacity is rarely estimated. Van Vihar is a unique combination of safari and zoological park. Its legal status is national park. White tiger and albino Sloth Bear are the main attraction to the tourists. In the winter season migratory water birds take refuge. It is situated at the bank of Upper Lake of Bhoj Wetland, The Ramsar Site; Wetlands of International Importance, in the Central Indian. More than 35 thousand tourists visit Van Vihar annually. The three levels of tourism carrying capacities i.e. physical carrying capacity, real carrying capacity, and effective carrying capacity were estimated and compared. Implications on management of eco-tourism were discussed. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 675 |
Serial |
2461 |
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Author |
Stojanovic, V., Djokovic, F. |
Title |
May the concept of ecolodge and ecohotel enhance the development of ecotourism in national parks of Serbia? |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
209-211 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism development in national parks should follow the sustainable development criteria and enhance positive effects of this sector impact (Jovicic, 1997), but also to create prerequisites for ecotourism development in concordance with its principles. For instance: (1) activity that is based upon natural values and their protection, (2) philosophy of nature, people and local culture respect, (3) strategy that offers solutions for nature protection, (4) marketing that promotes nature protection, (5) principles that insist on joint efforts of tourism and environment (Walderback, 1995). Each of the principles may find its place in hospitality which is also important in sustainable tourism development, with regard to the increasing number of protected areas (Damnjanovic, Djokovic, Petrovic-Petronic, 2016). Ecolodges are basic accommodation type in ecotourism in national parks. Tourism development through building ecolodges where philosophy meets ecotourism principles may essentially enhance nature protection in national parks and act as ecotourism generator. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3924 |
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Author |
Akurugoda, I.; Karunaratne, M., |
Title |
Challenges and potentials of sustainable ecotourism management and conservation: A case study of Kanneliya rainforest in Sri Lanka |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
158-159 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Tourism has become a major income source in the Sri Lankan economy. During 1980s, beach tourism was a prominent industry in Sri Lanka. This trend has been changed over time and according to the new world trends. At present, tourism has various sub-divisions such as ecotourism, agro-tourism, adventure tourism and heritage tourism (Fernando & Meedeniya, 2009; SLTDA, 2015). Out of these, ecotourism can be identified as the most popular and fastest growing sub-division of the tourism industry (Donohoe & Needham, 2006; Page & Dowling, 2001; Fennell, 2003). Ecotourism, according to Fenell (2001) is traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas. Fennell (2001) identifies five of the most frequently cited variables within ecotourism: (1) reference to where ecotourism occurs (natural areas); (2) conservation; (3) reference to culture; (4) benefits to locals; and (5) education. The practice of ecotourism has generated interest of many stakeholders as it attempts to satisfy contrasting conservation and tourism development needs (Donohoe & Needham, 2006). For Das & Chatterjee (2015), proper management of the ecotourism sites at each of economic, social and environmental could help in the long-term conservation. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4271 |
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Author |
Cajiao, D.; Leung, Y.; Larson, L.; Tejedo, P.; Benayas, J., |
Title |
Exploring the association of trip characteristics and motivations with pro-environmental outcomes of Antarctic tourists: An analysis based on PRE and POST surveys. |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
160-161 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Tourism in Antarctica has significantly increased and diversified over the last decades (Carey, 2020). In the 2019-2020 season, the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) reported 74 401 tourists visiting the continent, representing a 134% increase from the 2010-2011 season (IAATO, 2021). While Antarctic tourists are purported to have meaningful interactions with the Antarctic environment, little empirical research exists to understand how motivations and trip characteristics of the Antarctic journey shape tourists experiential outputs, which may in turn influence their pro-environmental outcomes, both core elements of Nature Based Tourism (NBT) experiences. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4272 |
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Author |
Thorhallsdottir, G., Olafsson, R. |
Title |
Tourism seasonality in Iceland |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
351-353 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism is a seasonal phenomenon even though travelling habits are changing and few destinations, usually cities, are unaffected by some kind of seasonality. School holidays and the weather in the host country are thought to be the most influencing factors for people’s decision to travel, especially during the winter time(Butler, 2001). Unpredictable weather and darkness canadd special excitement to the journey and make the destination interesting (Lundtorp et al., 2001). People are breaking free from previous holiday habits. The experiences tourists are seeking are also changing. People now want to experience something new and adventurous and have an exclusive experience(Koc and Altinay, 2007). Northern Europeans who used to spend their summer holidays on the beaches of the Mediterranean are now going further away during the summer break, and additionally taking short holidays during the winter period(Rosello et al., 2004).This diversification of travel practices is more visible in countries with cold climate and influences all parts of planning and management of tourist destinations (Baum and Lundtorp, 2001). |
Call Number |
Serial |
3970 |
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Author |
Kangas, K., Tolvanen, A., Juutinen, A |
Title |
Nature-based tourism, protected areas and mining in Finnish Lapland |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
375-376 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism is growing industry and an important livelihood in northern Finland (Lapin matkailustrategia 2015 – 2018). Simultaneously, nature has an essential role in tourism.Many tourism resorts are located very close to protected areas and tourism in protected areas play an important role in the local economy (Huhtala 2007, Lapin matkailustrategia 2015 – 2018). While tourism has increased, the role of traditional livelihoods, like forestry and agriculture has decreased (Saarinen 2003, 2005). Simultaneously with tourism growth the metal mining industry and mineral exploration activities have increased notably in Finland(Kivinen et al. 2014). Although the growing mining industryhas potential to bring positive socio-economicdevelopment in northern peripheral areas, the ungovernable growth of mining may adversely affect tourism and nature protection, and have raised some concerns among local people. As competing land use interests related to mining, tourism, forestry and environmental protection are likely to increase in the future,there is a need for tools for reconciling different land use needs.Our aim is to develop a new GIS-basedapproach that simultaneously considers ecological, social and economic values. Method can be used in classifying sites by their suitability for different land uses and locating areas with possibly conflicting land uses. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3978 |
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Author |
Stojanovic, V., Pavic, D. |
Title |
Educational and interpretative value of tourism offer as a prerequisite of sustainable tourism in protected areas in Vojvodina |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
386-388 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism occupies an important positionwithin economic and development plans of both the government of the Republic of Serbia and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, which is reflected in numerous development strategies for this economic sector. Important segment of tourism offer refers to protected areas and ecotourism. There are 121 protectedareas (national parks, special nature reserves, nature parks, landscape of outstanding features, nature monuments...) on the territory of Vojvodina.Protected areas cover 5.96% of the total area of Vojvodina. 25 protected areas out of the total of 121 have the potential of creating a tourism destination or an ecotourism site (Stojanovic et al, 2011). The potential is represented through the variety of natural conditions in Vojvodina ranging from geological heritage, relief, to versatile flora and fauna. Tourism and ecotourism in protected areas are frequently discussed as an important topic with regard to their protection and total social and economic development. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3983 |
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Author |
Olafsson, R., Thorhallsdottir, G. |
Title |
Where do the tourists in Iceland go? |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
348-350 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism remains a seasonal phenomenon and each destination experiences some kind of seasonal imbalance, financial or physical (Bigovic, 2012). Destinations can be affected by different number of peaks in seasonality and it is important to distinguish between the true seasons of the year (Butler, 2001). Knowing the number of visitors is the basic unit for measuring tourism seasonality (Lundtorp, 2001). The importance of knowing how many tourists visit destinations is well known by managers and good and accurate visitor data are valuable for planning and managing the destinations (De Cantis et al., 2015). The aim of this work is to measure where the tourists go at different times of the year.The numbers that visit the destinations will be compared with the number of tourists departing from Keflavik International Airport. Iceland is a unique destination in that Iceland is an island with practically only one access point, Keflavik International Airport (KEF), where 97% of the visitors pass through so tourist visiting the country can be quite accurately counted. The airport is in the capital area 45 minutes from the centre of Reykjavik. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3969 |
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Author |
Gona, J. K., |
Title |
The need for Local Community Resilience in Sustainable Tourism |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
28-28 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Tourism utilises substantial community assets and is to a large extent dependent on community willingness and acceptance of visitors. Community assets and community attitudes are therefore necessary for balanced growth, which is sustainable tourism. Whereas sustainable tourism is anchored on social, environmental and economic pillars, they are not stand-alone pillars. Environmental and economic pillars lean on the community pillar. In this context, community is broadened to include residents in destinations and all local providers of experiences in destinations. Sustainable tourism should focus on strategies to build resilience in order to strengthen environmental and economic pillars that support balanced growth. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4386 |
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Author |
Erg, B., Pezold, T., Avramoski, O., |
Title |
Protected Areas-Delivering on Global Conservation Goals and Targets |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
9-12 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism, conservationof biodiversity and community well-being have proved to be intimately linked processes throughout much of the recent history of nature protection.Admiration for nature and wildlandvisitation were among the primary reasons for the establishment of first protected areas in the second half of the XIX century, which marked the commencement of the modern era of nature conservation. Ever since, the importance of tourism and recreation in achieving nature conservation goals has steadily grown. Today, tourism is widely regarded an increasingly relevant tool for biodiversity conservation and a key driver of national, regional and local economic and community development. Hence the growing recognition of the role that tourism plays in sustainable management of natural resources and community development. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3861 |
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Author |
Barros, C., |
Title |
Modelling visitors movements of nature-based tourism from social media data |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
340-341 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Trails are an important resource for recreation and tourism in protected areas. They enable visitors access to the main points of interest within a protected site and help preserve the protected ecosystems by restricting the visitors dispersion. However, the increase in the use of trails can lead to negative impacts on natural resources. For example, soil erosion and vegetation loss are amongst the typical impacts of intensive use of trails.Thus it becomes necessary to identify and measure visitors behaviour on trails. The conventional way of measuring use intensity is through surveys and counters. The dissemination of GPS devices has open opportunities to collect precise and complete data on how visitors move and their itineraries. More recently, the rise of smartphones together with web 3.0 has allowed the abundant production of GPS tracks that users from all over the world regularly share on specialized social networks such as those dedicated to outdoor activities.Among these networks, the Spanish platform Wikiloc stands out, bringing together about 20 million routes in 2020.These new data sources have advantages for studying visitor movement within trails because of their granularity in terms of spatial and temporal scale. In addition, the large amount of data that users upload provides opportunities to analyze visitor behaviour in places where data is scarce or non-existent. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4351 |
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Author |
English, D.B.K.; Zarnoch, S.J.; Kocis, S.M., |
Title |
Designing a Sampling System for Concurrently Measuring Outdoor Recreation Visitation and Describing Visitor Characteristics |
Type |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 2 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
28-33 |
Keywords |
MMV2, National Visitor Use Monitoring, onsite sampling, sampling plan, use estimation, visitor characteristics, sample allocation |
Abstract |
Two primary information needs for managing recreation areas and the visitors to those areas are: (1) good estimates of visitation volume, and (2) accurate descriptions of visitor characteristics, such as length of stay, frequency of visit, and primary activity. For National Forests in the United States of America with large undeveloped areas, efficient sampling for the two types of information may be to a large extent incompatible. Sampling plans that address visitation volume issues allocate most of the sample days to the largest and most internally variable strata. Sampling plans for studies of visitor characteristics allocate sampling effort to locations that most efficiently provide visitor information, such as at developed sites. Additionally, sampling plans for studies of visitor characteristics may need to ensure spatial or temporal dispersion of the sample, in order to ensure adequate representation of different visitor sub-groups. A method is demonstrated for allocating days into sampling strata which balances the contribution of sample days in improving the accuracy of the total visitation estimate with the contribution of the sample day to maximizing the quantity and dispersion of visitor information. The resulting sampling allocation provides an optimal solution to address both of the information needs through a single data collection effort. A second phase of the method addresses how to ensure spatial and temporal dispersion of sampling effort. Examples of applications on National Forests in the United States are provided. |
Call Number |
ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 378 |
Serial |
2397 |
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Author |
Rajkovic, Z., Sijan, M., Petesic, V., Matokovic, J., Ramov, M. |
Title |
Nature Conservation for Local Community: Sustainable Tourism Planning |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
222-224 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Two Sustainable Tourism Management Plans (STMPs) were developed within the framework of the “SEA-Med project: Development of Sustainable Economic Activities in Marine Protected Areas”. STMPs are strategic documents for nature conservation and tourism sectors. They were initiated and developed by the nature conservation sector, although tourism sector was included in its development. One STMP was developed for Lastovo Archipelago Nature Park (Marine Protected Area (MPA)), which administratively covers the same territory as Lastovo Municipality. Lastovo is one of the most remote inhabited islands and located in southern Adriatic. The other STMP was develop for whole Dugi Otok, which Telascica Nature Park (MPA) is part of. Dugi Otok is located at the border between northern and central Adriatic. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3929 |
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Author |
Vaisanen, T.; Heikinheimo, V.; Hiippala, T.; Toivonen, T., |
Title |
Exploring human-nature interactions in national parks with social media photo-graphs and computer vision |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
248-249 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Understanding the activities and preferences of visitors is crucial for managing protected areas and planning conservation strategies. User-generated geographic information such as photographs shared on social media have emerged as new data sources to complement more traditional visitor information such as on-site surveys. However, analyzing large volumes of photographs manually is a laborious task. Automated analysis of the rich textual and visual content on social media data offers new opportunities for understanding human presence and activities in nature (Toivonen et al. 2019). Approaches for textual and content analysis have been widely developed under the umbrella of conservation culturomics (Ladle et al. 2016). They have been recognized as a useful data source for nature conservation. At the same time, automated analysis visual content has remained rather underexplored when mapping human activities in nature. In this presentation we present our findings of using computer vision methods to explore human-nature interactions from social media photographs and their applicability to visitor monitoring of protected areas. Our main questions are: What types of information can off-the-shelf computer vision methods extract from social media photographs, in terms of activities and preferences of people? Do different visitor groups share different types of photographs from national parks? How does photographic content vary between different types of national parks? |
Call Number |
Serial |
4311 |
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Author |
Hurtado, M.; Burns, R.; Andrew, R.G.; Schwarzmann, D.; Moreira, J.C., |
Title |
Visitor satisfaction and crowding at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
230-230 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Understanding the human benefits and pressures on ocean and coastal environments is critical to keep managing these areas in a sustainable way. Outdoor recreation in marine protected areas has been increasing over the years. The increasing popularity of marine areas presents a paradox. On one hand, people seek to recreate in unique natural coastal environments with settings that match their needs and desires, and at the same time, millions of people depend on coral reefs and their income from tourism. On the other hand, the same increased recreational attention has resulted in negative impacts on the physical and social environment. Unfortunately, the literature indicates that sandy coastal areas are naturally more vulnerable to recreation impacts due to interactions between wind, waves and sediments. This is the main reason why an effective management and monitoring of visitor use is fundamental in marine protected areas. Carrying capacity is a term that emerged within the environmental and outdoor recreation fields of study and can be used as a potential management tool. A background on social carrying capacity leads to two important terms, which are satisfaction and crowding. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the satisfaction and crowding of visitors at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. There are different variables that can influence overall satisfaction and crowding levels, this study will compare these variables across recreation users, such as snorkelers and divers, and other demographic variables in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4303 |
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Author |
Bredeweg, E.; D'Antonio, A.; Esser, S.; Jacobs, A., |
Title |
Steps on a path: An application of machine learning using a random forest algorithm to predict visitor use levels on trails in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA. |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
280-281 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
Understanding the location and level of recreation use in park and protected areas (PPA) can be useful for effective visitor use management. While there is a wealth of geospatial data available online and in the manager databases of many PPA, the development and format of these datasets may be shaped more by the nature of GIS software than the way visitors explore and use a PPA system. Moreover, aspects important for visitor management such as quantification of visitor use levels on trails may be more difficult to source for each trail segment than physical trail characteristics (length, location, elevation profile, etc.). It would be expected that trail characteristics would influence the traffic of visitors, but there are many other factors such as accessibility, parking, or nearby attractions that can influence visitor behavior in complex ways. While we can obtain the physical characteristics, available amenities, and relative locations of trails within the entire PPA, we often do not have visitor use levels on the same extent. In order to examine visitor use levels on the scale of the entire PPA, we need to be able to model the relationship between physical location, trail characteristics, and amenities that ultimately shape visitor use. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4325 |
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Author |
White, E.M.; English, D.K. |
Title |
Measuring the spending of visitors to U.S. national forests over two decades |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
325-327 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Understanding the magnitude and characteristics of spending by individuals recreating on national forests is key to describing how recreation use of the NFS affects the economy, both in communities around national forests and nationally. We have been conducting long-term research on recreation visitor spending patterns as part of the Forest Service National Visitor Use Monitoring (NVUM) Program. In this paper, we describe our approach to estimating visitor spending patterns and magnitude and report on the observed stability in spending patterns over time. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4151 |
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Author |
Smith-Christensen, C., |
Title |
VMAST – the UNESCO World Heritage Visitor Management Assessment & Strategy Tool |
Type |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MINA fagrapport |
Issue |
Pages |
214-215 |
Keywords |
MMV10 |
Abstract |
UNESCO designated areas, natural and cultural heritage including World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks are among the most visited places and attractions in the world. After a period of growth and challenges relating to visitor management and overtourism, the pandemic has demonstrated the vulnerability of tourism dependent communities. To build back better, we need tools and methodologies that help enhance adaptive and transformative capacity through a systems approach.The UNESCO Visitor Management Assessment & Strategy Tool (VMAST), developed within the context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention (1972) and set out through the UNESCO World Heritage Sustainable Tourism programme, is a new addition to the World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Toolkit. As a voluntary self-assessment tool, it helps site management authorities manage visitation and tourism for the protection of heritage values while localizing sustainable development goals. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4297 |
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