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Author Aikoh, T., Gokita, R.
Title Status of, issues with, and manager attidutes toward visitor monitoring in Japans national parks Type
Year 2018 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 334-335
Keywords (up) MMV9
Abstract Monitoring of visitor behavior and attitude is indispensable for management of protected areas, including national parks, and accurate information regarding such is thought to lead to prudent management (Cessford & Muhar, 2003). It is essential to know the number of visitors and their trends, motivation, and satisfaction. That information is useful for making decisions concerning the planning and management of parks and is essential for sustainable and appropriate use of these protected areas (Hornback & Eagles, 1999). This study aimed to clarify the current condition of visitor monitoring in Japanese national parks and to understand the issues and attitudes of park managers.
Call Number Serial 4154
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