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Author Gecek, S., Klanjscek, J., Marn, N., Legovic, T., Klanjscek, T.
Title Estimating benefits of nature conservation: ecosystem service valuation in Krka National Park (Croatia) Type (up)
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 462-464
Keywords MMV8
Abstract In this study, we estimate the benefits of ES in Krka National Park (Croatia) – to the local population and to the Park visitors. We develop new methodology to estimate indirect monetary benefits of nature-based tourism to local population (i.e. local economy), and non-monetary benefits of nature-based tourism to Park visitors. Additionally, using existing approaches (CICES), we estimate monetary benefits of provisional and regulating ecosystem services (ES), and direct monetary benefits of nature-based tourism (cultural ES).
Call Number Serial 4006
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