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Author Jodlowski, M.
Title Management strategies for outdoor recreation in Central European high-mountain national parks Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal (up)
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 86-88
Keywords MMV8
Abstract High-mountain ranges are unique features of the landscape in Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and Slovenia. They are also one of the main tourism destination in the respective countries. Traditional outdoor activities i.e. mountaineering and alpine skiing are extremely popular there although in the last two decades new forms of outdoor sports and recreation have gain significant importance, e.g. ski-touring, rock climbing, mountain biking and other (see Zinser 1995). There is a broad knowledge of tourism impact on mountain environment in general (e.g. Rixen, Rolando 2013) but various management strategies and regulations are applied in response to this impact (Eagles et al. 2002, Manning, Anderson 2012, Mason 2005).
Call Number Serial 3886
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