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Author De Vries, S.; Jellema, A.; Goossen, M.,
Title FORVISITS: modelling visitor flows at a regional level Type
Year 2004 Publication Policies, Methods and Tools for Visitor Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 2 - Proceedings Issue Pages 78-84
Keywords MMV2
Abstract (up) The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) is trying to develop a coherent set of indicators to monitor nature areas in the Netherlands. One of the proposed indicators is the recreational use of nature areas. Besides indicating the social value of a specific area, recreational use may be also be used as input for modelling habitat quality, another MNP-indicator. Recreational use itself is likely to depend on the attractiveness of the area, such as its scenic beauty. This attractiveness is yet another MNPindicator. Because the MNP wants a national overview of the recreation use of all nature areas, on-site monitoring is not a feasible option. Therefore we have started to develop a model to predict the number of recreational visits to forests and nature areas: FORVISITS. Although the model is still in its early stages, a first nation-wide application has taken place and will be presented.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 358 Serial 2387
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