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Author |
Kobryn, H.T., Strickland-Munro, J., Brown, G., Moore, S. |
Title |
Evaluating conflict potential in the marine and coastal areas of the Kimberley region of northern Australia through public participation GIS |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
255-257 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Marine spatial planning (MSP) has been emerging as an approach to plan and maintain a balance between different human uses and conservation goals. Large, remote areas present a number of challenges for conservation managers. The Kimberley region in northern Western Australia extends ten degrees of longitude, eight degrees of latitude, and in our study spanned over 13,300 km of complex coastline. The region is remote, with a low population, and a history of economic development including agriculture, mining, fishing, and more recently oil and gas exploration. It is also renown for its rich Aboriginal culture and heritage, biodiversity and wilderness (Wilson, 2014, Wilson, 2013). Most conservation planning, including MSP, suffers from the lack of social data (St Martin and Hall-Arber, 2014), hence the aim of this study was to evaluate, through the well established method of public participation GIS (e.g. Brown and Pullar, 2012), areas of conflict potential using human values associated with the marine and coastal region of Kimberley. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3939 |
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Author |
Granet, A.M.; Cordellier, M.; Dobré, M. |
Title |
Nature based sports in forests areas in France. Results from the 2015 French National Survey “Forests and Society” |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
255-257 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Outdoor physical activities and nature-based sports are an important part of forest recreation. With their increase and diversification, foresters are facing new challenges to manage and sometimes limit these sport practices in forested environments whereas local communities are often interested in their development as part of an eco-touristic economy. In this context, the ONF chose to focus on physical activities and nature-based sports in the 2015 Forest and society national survey. This part of the survey was implemented on a 2000 people sample representing the French population aged 15 and more |
Call Number |
Serial |
4124 |
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Author |
Hodl, C. |
Title |
Geocaching in protected areas – a survey of potential negative effects on the natural environment and implications for future management in the Donau-Auen National Park, Austria |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
252-254 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Geocaching originated in the year 2000 in the USA as a leisure activity, which requires the recreationists to find containers (so-called geocaches) based on their coordinates posted online. Since geocaches are often hidden off-trail in natural environments, protected areas are likely to be affected by this activity (Brost & Quinn 2011). Previous analysis has shown that the Donau-Auen National Park, which is partly located within the boundaries of Austria’s capital city of Vienna and which is under a large amount of public use pressure (Arnberger & Hinterberger 2003, Tazcanowska et al. 2006), is most heavily affected by geocaching amongst all six Austrian national parks – both in terms of the number of caches hidden and in terms of the number of visits logged online (Hodl 2013). |
Call Number |
Serial |
3938 |
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Author |
English, D.K.; Zarnoch, S.J., White, E.M. |
Title |
Estimating Daily Existing Traiffic from National Forest recreation Sites Using Short-Term Observations Counts |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
252-254 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Our goal was to develop estimates of daily (24-hour) exiting traffic volume using just the 6-hour observational count of exiting traffic and two variables from the interviews. More exactly, our goal was to develop 24-hour estimates from the 6-hour counts that were equivalent to the estimates generated from the current NVUM method. If our work was successful, we could eliminate the data quality issues and costs of the mechanical counters without appreciably changing the resulting estimates of visitation. We present our analytic process and results, and an evaluation of how well the process worked. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4123 |
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Author |
Woodward, D.; Galymzhan, A.; Gaziz, A.; Erbol, D.; Woodward, A. |
Title |
The effect of interpretation by local guides in burabay aspiring geopark, Kazakhstan |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
249-250 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
The study aims to look at the effect of interpretation provided by local guides to visitors in Burabay National Park. The guides were selected and trained among representatives of local community within geopark project. The methods used included questionnaires and in-depth interviews. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4122 |
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Author |
Draux, H., Olafsson, A.S., Kaae, B.C., Skov-Petersen, H. |
Title |
Online participatory GIS mapping of marine recreation in Denmark: contrasting crowdsourced and representative survey approaches |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
248-251 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
The lack of spatial information is a challenge to create a balanced and coherent planning and management of the sea, as framed in marine conservation planning andMarine Spatial Planning, MSP (Douvere & Ehler, 2009, Mazor et al 2014). The limited availability and quality of data on recreational marine uses is as an obstacle for implementing EU policy (EEA 2015).Innovative ways for documenting and mapping the missing ‘social landscape’ of the marine environment in terms of spatial attributes of recreational use are needed (Martin & Hall-Arber 2008). To find out the extent of use of the Danish waters for marine recreation activities, our research aimed to collect the spatial extent, diversity, and intensityof these activities.Here, we discuss the quality of the data collected through two sampling strategies: an online crowdsourcedsurvey and a commercial representative panel survey. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3937 |
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Author |
de Souza Pimental, D.; Pinto Meireles, C.; Barcellos, M.; de Oliveira, M.L.; Ramos Costa, S.M., Perdomo Santos, V. |
Title |
Developement of interpretative trails in Brazilian protected areas |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
246-248 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This paper aims to discuss the cases of interpretative trails’ development experienced in different protected areas, pointing out similarities and particularities of the process from defining the environmental interpretation points to interpretative trails evaluation. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4121 |
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Author |
Burns, R.C., English, D. |
Title |
Testing the use of wild game cameras for US Forest Service recreational visitor monitoring in Oregon/Washington, USA |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
245-247 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
In 2015 a university research groupbegan developing new methods for data collection using wildlife cameras (game cameras) for short-term (7-day) and long-term (year-round) data collection at pre-selected recreation sites. The pilot study is in support of the US Forest Service (Region 6) National Visitor Use Monitoring Program (NVUM) program. NVUM has been the sole method of understanding visitor use within the US Forest Service since 2000. The USFS NVUM program manager selected 13 sites across Region 6 for the pilot study. Game camera methodology includes 16 short-term data collection sites scheduled for data collection at various times throughout the FY 2016 (four sites per Forest). These are a selection of low use sites and the goal is to continue to collect better quality data, reduce potential safety concerns, and at a reduced financial cost. Long-term data collection involves deploying cameras for year-round data collection.These is a selection of Permanent Traffic Counter sites where other monitoring methods pneumatic and infrared counters) are not appropriate for long-term monitoring due to factors such as geography (e.g. destruction by snow-plows) and limitations of the units (e.g. failure of some infrared counters to register high use counts).For both short-term and long-term sites, cameras can be used to collect valuable data pertaining to trail use (group size, overnight or day use, length of stay, etc.) and vehicle use (vehicles counts entering/exiting the Forest, vehicle type, etc.). Accordingly, we sought to a) Determine appropriate interval settings for cameras based on site type (i.e. necessary frequency of the recording of images to capture use of trails, roads) and b) Gather more information to contribute to the protocol in development for short-term (7-day) and long-term sites. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3936 |
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Author |
Chekalina, T., Fuchs, M. |
Title |
Mobile Apps as nature based tourism experience facilitators: A conceptual approach |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
243-245 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
The primary focus of the paper is on the value-creation potential of both content and the various elements of mobile apps functionalities. We argue that mobile applications show the capacity to enhance major aspects of the NBT experience, such as emotional, social and epistemic value, as well as excellence, efficiency and safety (Chekalina, Fuchs, and Lexhagen, 2018). |
Call Number |
Serial |
4120 |
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Author |
Jones, T., Yamamoto, K., Aikoh, T., Kobayashi, A. |
Title |
Comparing Climber Monitoring Methods on Mount Fuji |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
242-244 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Monitoring visitation is fundamental to effective management of protected areas, directing limited budgets towards mitigation of high priority impacts, such as those related to trails, trash and congestion. Accurate data is fundamental to negotiate problematic ‘hotspots’ and minimize conflicts between visitor segments (Eagles, 2014). However, although considerable research efforts have been devoted to monitoring visitation, many protected areas still function with inaccurate or out-of-date visitation statistics, exacerbated by a lack of systematic data collection due to various problems (Cope et al., 2000, Cessford & Muhar, 2003, Buckley 2009, Aikoh & Gokita, 2015):- – lack of multi-year time series due to changing count methods and institutional arrangements, – under-reporting due to multiple entrances, multiple access roads or non-tourist traffic, – representativeness of sample days undermined by weather conditions, public holidays, etc, – ‘guesstimates’ based on perceptions of staff or local volunteers, indirect or anecdotal evidence. In the ongoing quest for reliable, cost-effective collection methods, the pros and cons of on-site staff versus automated counters is a perennial question which this paper aims to contextualize using the case study example of two parallel systems currently being utilized on Mount Fuji’s north face. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3935 |
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Author |
Goossen, M. |
Title |
Smart monitoring visitors National Parks |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
240-241 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
The Dutch government is reintroducing policy for the 20 National Parks. The aim is to develop the National Parks into a strong brand. The reason behind it is the claim that a National Park contributes to the regional economy. There is a clear need from the managers of National Parks to understand how that contribution works. Insights from the external factors, combined with information about its current users and stakeholders and market research data will help the manager, but also local enterprises to choose relevant target markets. There is therefore a need for the development of a tool that brings the benefits of a National Park in a simple, affordable and reliable manner. The tool consists of Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Key Performance Indicators will determine how well the National park is meeting its objectives (Wearing & Schweinsberg, 2016). |
Call Number |
Serial |
3934 |
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Author |
Weiler, B.; Wolf, I.; Canosa, A. |
Title |
Nature interpretation in protected areas: connecting with Gen Y |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
240-242 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This paper draws on a scoping study of literature from 1977 to 2017 together with a case study undertaken by Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) National Parks & Wildlife Service (2011) to illuminate how Gen Y experiences, views and is influenced by protected areas. In particular, this paper focuses on research findings that have implications for communicating with Gen Y about and in protected areas. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4119 |
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Author |
Spring, J. |
Title |
Learning during guided wildlife tours in protected areas and its implications for behavioural change and stewarship |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
237-239 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This presentation introduces a model of wildlife tours that examines learning outcomes in the context of stimuli that constrain and provoke guide visitor interaction (GVI), the cues that participants respond to, and, how guides can manage such factors. The model is based on qualitative research on professional and volunteer-based tours for non-government organisations (NGOs), Pacific Whale Foundation (PWF) and Supporters of Tiritiri Matangi (SoTM), in marine and terrestrial settings. The model responds to the research’s findings that highlighted the complexity of learning during the tours where access to wildlife is regulated for conservation |
Call Number |
Serial |
4118 |
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Author |
Songpornwanich, S., Emphandhu, D. |
Title |
Development of Performance Factors of CBT Learning Organization at Doi Inthanon National Park, Thailand |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
235-238 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
In Doi Inthanon National Park, local community members created community tourism groups to deliver tourism program and services in the park. They must work with park staff in pursuing tourism in the park. Cooperation between community members and park authority was the main issue. Working with park authority could be a barrier to reach the tourism goal of sustainability. The way of thinking and practices, organizational culture as well as the knowledge management was relatively different between them. Hence, the concept of learning organization was employed here as a framework to design an efficient local tourism organizations to work with park authority. This study aimed to develop learning organization performance factors and to evaluate the success of learning organization in community-based tourism (CBT-LO) of the three communities at Doi Inthanon national park: Mae Klang Luang, Nong Lom, and Pa Mon. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3933 |
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Author |
Miller, Z.; Freimund, W.F. |
Title |
Social media in parks and conservation areas: A case study of “virtual visitors” from the Facebook page of Yellowstone National Park |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
234-236 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Social media has fundamentally the way the people engage with organizations, including agencies like the National Park Service (NPS). Many organizations are trying to benefit from the huge number of people that can be reached through social media. However, we know almost nothing about the “virtual visitors” that engage with park and conservation area organizations on social media. In this presentation, we discuss some of the first empirical research conducted on virtual visitors, including their characteristics, motivations, and preferences (Miller & Freimund, 2017). |
Call Number |
Serial |
4117 |
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Author |
Reimann, M., Kerge, H. |
Title |
Trail use and willingness to participate in trail management by local community of the Neeruti protected area, Estonia |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
232-234 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Beside the visitor studies in protected areas local community studies are becoming more and more relevant in the perspective of locals’ participation in trail use as well as in involvement in the management (Hughey et al 2015, Buta et al 2014, Reimann et al 2014). Neeruti Landscape Conservation area is established in 1957 with some restructuring in 1999 its area is 1313 hectars. The protected area is established to conserve unique postglacial landforms as well as forests, lakes and mires in the area. Neeruti is also included in the list of Natura 2000 areas. The area is also known as an action place of Estonian national epic, there Estonian national hero Kalevipoeg used to plow with a horse and formed the current landforms. Neeruti used to be a popular recreational area already 100 years ago when it had weekend recreation from Tallinn because of the good railway connection. In 1960s the first official nature trail in Soviet Estonia was established here. Today more marketed national parks and other protected areas have stronger popularity in Estonia and Neeruti has mainly regional importance for Laane-Viru county inhabitants. The purpose of the current study was to find out the usage and importance of the hiking trails for the local community and their willingness to contribute to the trail and visitor management processes. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3932 |
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Author |
Blye, C.J.; Halpenny, E.A.; Hvenegaard, G. |
Title |
Interpretation program perceptions: A comparison of Alberta Parks staff views of visitors trends, program opportunities, challenges, and outcomes |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
232-233 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
To understand perceptions of interpretation program outcomes, challenges and opportunities, we conducted short, semi-structured qualitative interviews with a sample of the 50 policy-makers, planners, managers, and practitioners associated with interpretive programs conducted by a Canadian provincial park agency, Alberta Parks. Alberta Parks manages 2.9 million hectares of protected areas landscapes, ranging from wilderness parks and strict ecological reserves to heritage rangelands and provincial recreation areas. It conducts extensive in-person interpretive programs in approximately 10 of its most heavily visited parks. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4116 |
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Author |
Morozova, A., Campbell, M.J. |
Title |
Sustainable Tourism Development in Belize: A Comparison of two communities at different stages of development |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
229-231 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Recently Belize has implemented a National Sustainable Tourism Plan that aims to highlight Belize’s rich tourism resources while ensuring a sustainable future for tourism. Given that sustainable tourism must benefit local peoples and conserve nature it is important to understand exactly how tourism is impacting local communities.In this study we undertook an analysis of the current state of tourism in the communities of Laguna and Hopkins Village in Belize to identify: how residents perceive tourism and its impacts, the perceived economic, social and cultural effects of tourism on communities’ livelihoods and, how this relates to location, governance, and gender. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3931 |
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Author |
Durand, M.H.; Thomassin, B.; Chaboud, C.; Stoica, G.; Ferrari, J. |
Title |
Conservation, tourism and fishermen communities in the Toliara region (SW Madagascar) |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
229-230 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
The win-win alliance between MPAs and recreational tourism, between environmental preservation and economy, is in question in Madagascar where roads are developing, and customary management has disappeared. MPAs are mainly used for the tourism development and to increase catches for export species when fishermen, dispossessed of their space and customary rights, are left in patron-client relationships with foreign operators. The exploitation of the aesthetic value of the coral reefs is not without damage and must be regulated as the exploitation of the biomass, in a system considered as a whole. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4115 |
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Author |
Strzelecka, M.; Grodzinka-Jurczack, M.; Rechcinski, M. |
Title |
Toward recognition justice through empowerment in Natura 2000 ecotourism |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
226-228 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This paper makes a theoretical contribution to the fields of sustainable tourism and environmental sociology by that it: 1) relates justice to empowerment from tourism in the context of post-transition economy 2) trains the focus on justice-related issues in environmental policy making in Central and Eastern Europe. By applying recognition justice perspective this work offers a problematization of the Natura 2000 decision-making and empowerment through Natura 2000 ecotourism as political issue in post-transition state. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4114 |
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Author |
Kubo, T., Mameno, K., Tsuge, T. |
Title |
Which local policies increase revisit intention to Amami Oshima Island, Japan? Using Best–Worst scaling methodology |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
225-228 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Recently, many studies have increasingly used and discussed the concept of revisit intentions. For example, Baker and Crompton (2000) have examined the relationship between revisit intentions and their satisfaction with travel. Chen and Gursoy (2001) have revealed the influence of past vacation experience on their revisit intentions. However, our previous studies conducted in Japanese recreational sites have shown that most tourists have expressed high revisit intentions. It seems difficult to identify which local polices increase revisit intentions of tourists using general questions (e.g., 5-point Likert scale questions). Based on the above backgrounds, the present study used Best–Worst Scaling (BWS) methodology to examine which local policies encourage tourists to revisit the destination. The advantage of BWS over general rating questions is to easily elicit relative importance of items such as policies for respondents because they choose one most and one least preferred item in each choice set. This advantage can give decision makers facing budget constraints useful information about local policy priorities for sustainable tourism. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3930 |
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Author |
Goldstein, S.; Surki, S.; Koriyat, E.; Nemtzov; S. |
Title |
Collaboration with communities living next to protected areas, for the conservation of biodiversity, landscape and heritage in Israel |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
223-225 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
The Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) is Israels government agency in charge of all legally protected areas (Nature Reserves and National Parks). The INPA has been working for many years in collaboration with local communities. This connection between the INPAs Nature Reserves and National Parks, and the local communities that live next to them, is a longstanding association with mutual implications. Over the years we have experienced a rise in the publics impact upon the environment. In order to protect biodiversity, landscapes and heritage over the long term, the INPA realizes that we must have the public as a cooperative partner. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4113 |
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Author |
Rajkovic, Z., Sijan, M., Petesic, V., Matokovic, J., Ramov, M. |
Title |
Nature Conservation for Local Community: Sustainable Tourism Planning |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
222-224 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Two Sustainable Tourism Management Plans (STMPs) were developed within the framework of the “SEA-Med project: Development of Sustainable Economic Activities in Marine Protected Areas”. STMPs are strategic documents for nature conservation and tourism sectors. They were initiated and developed by the nature conservation sector, although tourism sector was included in its development. One STMP was developed for Lastovo Archipelago Nature Park (Marine Protected Area (MPA)), which administratively covers the same territory as Lastovo Municipality. Lastovo is one of the most remote inhabited islands and located in southern Adriatic. The other STMP was develop for whole Dugi Otok, which Telascica Nature Park (MPA) is part of. Dugi Otok is located at the border between northern and central Adriatic. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3929 |
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Author |
De Bie, K. |
Title |
Understanding and fostering local community support for protected areas engulfed by urban sprawl |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
220-221 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
This study examined the awareness and perceptions of the conservation values of a local community living in newly developed suburbs on the southwestern urban fringe of Melbourne, Australia. The suburbsborder a series of Ramsar listed wetlands, a coastal park and foreshore reserves managed by the Victorian protected area management authority. The wetlands and coastal park in the study area have high biodiversity values, provide important habitat for a variety of fauna species, including migrating birds and support a number of different vegetation communities. Previous studies have shown that increasing urbanization has resulted in a more visitors and a subsequent rise in unauthorized activities and potentially harmful use (Antos et al., 2007).The primary aims of this study were to 1) to explorethe local communities awareness, perception, attitudes and usage of the local parksand 2) identify potential compelling messages and triggers that can influence local resident attitudes and behavior. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3928 |
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Author |
Bissix, G.; Firth, R. |
Title |
Reconciling Smal Scale Protected Area designation with Local and Traditional Land Uses: two Nova Scotia cases |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
220-222 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
European settlers established permanent settlements in Nova Scotia in 1604 substantially altering and dividing the landscape. Seventy percent was privatized into small private forests and farms with remnant Crownland generally found more remotely. More recent land expropriation by the provincial government to consolidate for national park designation in the nineteen thirties, sixties, and seventies (a failed attempt), engendered government distrust tainting later attempts to designate protected areas. Given the context of complex land use, traditional recreational uses and natural resource exploitation, protected area designation often clashes with established local practices. This paper examines two such cases, Black Point Beach /Hemeon’s Head on the South Shore and the Wolfville Watershed Nature Preserve, both in Nova Scotia, Canada |
Call Number |
Serial |
4112 |
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Author |
Espinoza Garcia, N.; Corbett, J. |
Title |
Managing Cisitors and Environments: resident Perspectives on Amenity Values in Mexico |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
218-219 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This paper draws from ongoing research in the Copalita watershed. Our central question is “How do local residents understand and make operational their sense of resource value?” Behind this question is a recognition that if residents attach value to resources consistent with the values of conservation and sustainability they will act to protect those resources in ways consistent with prospective visitors, thereby enhancing the attractiveness of San Pedro El Alto for recreational and ecological tourism. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4111 |
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Author |
Bradic, M., Blesic, I., Vukosav, S., Ivkov, M. |
Title |
Eco-labels in tourism and hospitality industry |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
216-218 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Ecolabelling is a voluntary method of environmental performance certification and labelling that is practised around the world. At the end of the last century only environmentaly oriented tourists could hear or learn something about ecological labels like Green globe or Heritage Environmental Rating Programme. After decades of specific behavior patterns of tourists the current trend is returning from the mass to the individual both environmentally friendly tourism, where new eco-labels come into play. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3927 |
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Author |
Ginelli, L. |
Title |
Impact based management of recreational uses: a fair share of environmental effort ? A sociological Approach applied to two French national parks |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
215-217 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This presentation focuses on the impact of nature-based activities on protected areas from an environmental sociology perspective. Without denying their ecological effects (Ng, Leung and al., 2018), this approach underlines that those impacts also raise social issues, as with all environmental considerations (Candau and Deldrève, 2015). We argue that managing these activities on the basis of their impact on the natural environment is an “environmental effort” for users, that is to say a socially differentiated and potentially unfair contribution of social actors to environmental protection policies (Deldrève and Candau, 2014). |
Call Number |
Serial |
4110 |
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Author |
Pesout, P., Soltysova, L., Vitek, O. |
Title |
Nature Houses in the Czech Republic |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
214-215 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Conservation of nature and landscape is not possible without support of wide public. Most of large protected areas in the Czech Republic are traditional tourism destinations and are hugely visited. Oversize and just a little regulated tourism causes some negative impacts. Reduction of such impacts is managed through construction of high-quality and targeted visitor infrastructure and services leading to regulation of visitation and building positive relationships between nature conservation and visitors. Construction, running and care of visitor infrastructure and work with visitors directly in the field are ones of the most important ways of public relations (PEŠOUT, ŠULOVÁ & LICEK, 2014). The Nature House programme becomes the most demanding and key part of the visitor infrastructure system. Visitor centres (Nature Houses) and information centres in protected landscape areas are being constructed within the programme. The programme started in 2006 and since then it was designed on principles of PPP projects (Public Private Partnership). It is a partnership programme realised always in co-operation with municipalities, businessmen, NGOs, land owners and other regional stakeholders. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3926 |
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Author |
Turk, S., Wolfle, F. |
Title |
Barrier-free nature experience in national parks – Evaluation of visitor guidance through experience engineering |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
212-213 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
The purpose of the study has been to discover the actual accessibility and usability for all people, either handicappedor not, to proof the attractiveness of each station to the visitors and to find out whether the measures of experience engineeringcan take over the tasks of visitor guidance effectively. 137 people, aged from 6 to 82 (49% female, 51% male), have taken part in the evaluation of the Wild Kermeter in the period of 07.2015 to 10.2015. Half of the sample was physically and/or mentally handicapped. The evaluation of the barrier-free utilization possibilities in the investigation area is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative researching methods. Paper-pencil surveys, participatory observations and anadjusted Visitor Employed Photographyhave been applied. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3925 |
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Author |
Haukeland, J.V.; Stokke, K.B. |
Title |
The participation of tourism and outdoor recreation interests in coastal national park management in Norway – a lack of integration |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
211-213 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
The paper addresses the participation of outdoor recreation and tourism stakeholders in the management of two Norwegian coastal national parks. By means of individual interviews, we aim to reveal stakeholders’ roles and functions in the management systems of Ytre Hvaler and Færder national parks. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4109 |
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Author |
Stojanovic, V., Djokovic, F. |
Title |
May the concept of ecolodge and ecohotel enhance the development of ecotourism in national parks of Serbia? |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
209-211 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Tourism development in national parks should follow the sustainable development criteria and enhance positive effects of this sector impact (Jovicic, 1997), but also to create prerequisites for ecotourism development in concordance with its principles. For instance: (1) activity that is based upon natural values and their protection, (2) philosophy of nature, people and local culture respect, (3) strategy that offers solutions for nature protection, (4) marketing that promotes nature protection, (5) principles that insist on joint efforts of tourism and environment (Walderback, 1995). Each of the principles may find its place in hospitality which is also important in sustainable tourism development, with regard to the increasing number of protected areas (Damnjanovic, Djokovic, Petrovic-Petronic, 2016). Ecolodges are basic accommodation type in ecotourism in national parks. Tourism development through building ecolodges where philosophy meets ecotourism principles may essentially enhance nature protection in national parks and act as ecotourism generator. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3924 |
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Author |
Caric, H.; Omanovic, D.; Cukrov, N. |
Title |
Nautical tourism ecological footprint (NatEF) – Experiences from East Adriatic in developing assessment |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
208-210 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
Project presented here is taking place in scenic marine environment that is a NATURA site linking to the Krka National Park that annually attracts more then 1.000.000 visitors with continuous increase. Therefore the locations in question are under considerable visitation pressures from both nautical and land based tourism. Prime concern, therefore, from all interested stakeholders is to gain data, information, parameters and indicators that can enable informed decision-making. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4108 |
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Author |
Derriks, T., Pluijgers, I. |
Title |
Meaningful knowledge for coastal city RV park creation: Understanding RV camping in practice |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
206-208 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
RV camping remains a popular type of self-drive tourism in Europe. Freedom and comfort are reasons why tourists chose to travel by RV from place to place. By facilitating RV campgrounds, or so-called RV parks, a coastal destination such as Vlissingen could improve its image and develop its brand. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3923 |
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Author |
Stones, R. |
Title |
UK National Marine Parks: Managing Tourism and Recreation Through A Paradigm Shift of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
206-207 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
As Stones (2018) states, ‘with so many demands on humanity to overcome social injustice and environmental degradation it does seem absurd to rely on a ‘relative’ model to progress sustainable outcomes from tourism and recreation management strategies. So, with an entirely new model of national park being proposed in the UK, how will a National Marine Park look to progress sustainable outcomes from tourism and recreational use? Will it be through a similar principle of responsibility or will it endorse a paradigm shift and look to progress a new model of responsibility? The character and style of this presentation will use the presenter’s extensive expertise in national park and tourism management to provide a conceptual framework addressing this new model of management. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4107 |
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Author |
Kaae, B.; Olafsson, A.S. |
Title |
Profiles of water oriented outdoo recreation groups in Denmark |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
204-205 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
The paper aims at drawing profiles of the different groups participating in different types of water-oriented outdoor recreation in Denmark in relation to a number of socio-demographic variables. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4106 |
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Author |
Hennig, S., Wasserburger, W.W. |
Title |
Natural areas for everyone – What infrastructure do people with disabilities require? |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
202-205 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
Recreational activities in the outdoors have increased remarkably. Being in nature is ever more popular in society as a whole. This also includes disabled people for whom the positive impact of outdoor recreation on well-being and quality of life is even more important than for not handicapped people. But, what kind of infrastructure is needed by disabled people to allow them accessing natural areas? How should elements be designed to be in line with disabled people’s demands? These questions are investigated in the senTour project. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3922 |
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Author |
Gil, A.; Fonseca, C.; Nogeuira Mendes, R.; Magalhaes, M.F.; Pereira da Silva, C. |
Title |
Visitation “barometer” as a tool for environmental management and awareness: the Berlengas nature reserve case study |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
200-203 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This study aimed to: i) determine the number of visitors in Berlenga island – a baseline for carrying capacity adjustment, and ii) develop a Visitation ‘Barometer’ – a tool presented as a quality scale associated to the recreational pressure of the protected area, with the aim to provide information for management decisions and visual support to environmental awareness. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4105 |
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Author |
Kadijk, H., Bergsma, M. |
Title |
The Dutch and German Waddencoast: Similar but different. An entrepreneurial context |
Type |
Year |
2016 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 8 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
199-200 |
Keywords |
MMV8 |
Abstract |
The Dutch and German Waddencoast belong to the international Waddensea area, which was assigned the status of World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2009. Cross-border comparison shows both areas have similar natural resources, however show different developments where tourism is concerned. While along the German coast artificial beaches, marinas and campsites are represented, these tourism assets are less matured along the Dutch Waddencoast. Empirical evidence shows that the natural and cultural resources of a destination constitute only a comparative advantage of a tourist area: they are a necessity but not a sufficient condition for being competitive (Cracolici & Nijkamp, 2009). Hence, if these resources do not provide an answer in explaining the difference in tourism development between Germany and the Netherlands, explanations should be sought elsewhere. Moscardo (2014) emphasized on the complex pattern of governments, entrepreneurs and other actors within the process of community development and called for a need to understand the interplay between tourism and other community activities. This research paper focuses on the interplay between tourism entrepreneurs and their environment. The purpose is to understand the difference in tourism development along the Dutch and German Waddencoast by exploring the meanings, feelings and beliefs German and Dutch tourism entrepreneurs attach to their environment. |
Call Number |
Serial |
3921 |
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Author |
Cosquer, A.; Hughes, M.; Le Corre, N.; Peuziat, I.; Michot, T.; Bernard, N. |
Title |
Limited awarness by recreation users on the French marine protected areas: is there a flip side to the soft management approach? |
Type |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
MMV 9 - Proceedings |
Issue |
Pages |
197-199 |
Keywords |
MMV9 |
Abstract |
This study demonstrates the complexity of engaging with recreation users as a stakeholder group for marine protected area in a country where these protected areas are a relatively recent concept superimposed on well-established and historically settled human uses. It seems that soft management of MPAs to avoid impinging on recreation access and public liberties is also associated with an overall low visibility of MPAs in France. |
Call Number |
Serial |
4104 |
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