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Author Cihar, M.; Stursa, J.; Trebicky, V.,
Title Monitoring of Tourism in the Czech National Parks Type
Year 2002 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 1 - Proceedings Issue Pages 240-245
Keywords (up) MMV1
Abstract Recreational and tourist exploitation of selected parts of four Czech National Parks has been investigated since the year 1997. The article presents cross-section data from 2000. During a nine-day period in the high summer season the basic quantitative census of tourists, cyclists and cars on selected crossroads of tourist paths in the core area of national parks had been carried out and qualitative characteristics, opinions and attitudes of visitors were evaluated. Relation between socio-demographic structure of visitors and their behaviour and attitudes to conservation management activities of the national park’s Authorities was analysed using a special type of a questionnaire based on interviews with a random and representative sample of visitors. There are evident differences between various National Parks (Krkonose, Sumava, Podyji, Ceske Svycarsko) and between the attitudes of foreign visitors and Czech visitors. Investigation has been focused also on local inhabitants and elected representatives of local communities. Results are used by NP Authorities within the process of estimation of ecological and psychological carrying capacity as well as the one of appropriate indicators of sustainable development of the Czech National Parks. Monitoring will continue in the next years.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 484 Serial 2305
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