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Author Schauppenlehner, T., Muhar, A., Höglhammer, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K.,
Title I AM HERE! Participatory exploration of the recreational behavior of adolescents using a multiple media approach Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume (down) MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 186-187
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 457 Serial 2901
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Author Taczanowska, K., Brandenburg, C., Schauppenlehner, T., Eder, R., Garcia-Massó, X., González, L., Toca-Herrera, J., Muhar, A.,
Title GPS-based data collection and analysis methods for better management of recreational areas Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume (down) MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 284-285
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 500 Serial 2944
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Author Muhar, A.; Schauppenlehner, T.; Brandenburg, C.,
Title Trends in Alpine Tourism: The Mountaineers’ Perspective and Consequences for Tourism Strategies Type
Year 2006 Publication Exploring the Nature of Management Abbreviated Journal
Volume (down) MMV 3 - Proceedings Issue Pages 23-27
Keywords MMV3, Alpinism, summer tourism, mountaineering, hiking, climbing, user survey, use trends, demands
Abstract Mountaineers are a core group in Alpine tourism, their demands and expectations are an es-sential foundation for every tourism development strategy. This paper is based the authors’ surveys and other studies from the Alpine region. The image of mountain sports in the media (extreme climbing, paragliding, canyoning etc.) does not reflect the actual use patterns, as hiking is still by far the most important activity. Mountaineers are a very conservative group, usually well educated and of higher income. They perform this activity frequently and are generally satisfied with the current situation, thus sceptical towards any changes and man-agement measures. Mountaineers accept lower comfort levels, e.g. in huts, as compared to their everyday life as part of a back-to-the-roots experience. If tourism development strategies want to attract new user groups, they need to comply with the demands of this core group.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 578 Serial 2413
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Author Hoglhammer, A., Muhar, A., Stokowski, P., Schauppenlehner, T.
Title Perceptions of individuals and organized stakeholders on immigrants’ barriers to nature-based recreation Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume (down) MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages 311-313
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Nature-based recreational areas provide important functions for today’s society.In particular, for people living in dense urban areas, outdoor nature-based areas offeropportunitiesfor recreation and relaxation and therefore support healthylifestyles, thus contributing to the physical and mental wellbeing of their users. Such spaces are usually open for the general public, though several access barriers have been identified for different user groups. Immigrants from non-western countries are recognized to be underrepresented in larger recreational areas, though often these people are very visible in public parks in cities.This underrepresentation has been recognized by recent scholars (Jay et al., 2012, Kloek, Buijs, Boersema, & Schouten, 2013), and several socio-economic, socio-spatial and ethnic cultural factors have beenidentified asdeterminants.As nature based recreation areas are often financed from public funds, decreasing such access barriers is a matter of social justice.
Call Number Serial 3957
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Author Höglhammer, A.; Muhar, A.; Stokowski, P.; Schauppenlehner, T.; Yalcintepe, E.; Renner, J.
Title Integrating immigrant communities in recreation planning for the Wienerwald Biosphere Park, Austria: first results Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume (down) MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 42-44
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3054
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Author Schauppenlehner, T.; Eder, R.; Höglhammer, A.; Muhar, A.
Title Methods for the involvement of adolescents in participation processes Type
Year 2014 Publication The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Local Community and Outdoor Recreation Abbreviated Journal
Volume (down) MMV 7 - Proceedings Issue Pages 45-46
Keywords MMV7
Call Number Serial 3109
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