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Author Olafsson, A.S.; Purves, R.S.; Garcia-Martin, M.; Wartmen, F.; Fagerholm, N.; Torralba, M.; Albert, C.; Verbrugge, L.; Heikinheimo, V.; Kaaronen, R.; Hartmann, M.; Plieninger, T.; Raymond, C., pdf  url
  Title Comparing landscape value patterns between participatory mapping and social media content across Europe. Type
  Year 2021 Publication (up) The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 292-293  
  Keywords MMV10  
  Abstract Visitor monitoring and mapping techniques are rapidly evolving fuele…Visitor monitoring and mapping techniques are rapidly evolving fueled by open georeferenced data and social media opportunities. Knowledge on how visitors use and value landscapes is increasingly elucidated by social media data or user-generated data passively contributed by online communities. Examples of this is the use of data from social media such as Flickr, where users share and store geocoded images in an online platform. Here images, locations and associated tags is opportunistic crowdsourced by researchers and planners to conceptually and spatially elicit landscape values such as cultural ecosystem services and relational values.At the same time, integrated landscape planning and management has increasingly focus on planning ideals of deliberative processes, co-creation and inclusion of diverse values. Examples of this is participatory mapping techniques aimed to support the inclusion of diverse values held by residents and visitors into integrated landscape management. By the use of online public participation GIS (PPGIS), participants are actively recruited to purposely map socio-cultural values about specific landscapes.The values data collated using active participatory mapping techniques and passive user generated data is rarely compared.In this study, we bring PPGIS and Flickr together in an exploration and discussion of the similarities and differences. In contrast to previous comparative studies focused on single study site, we expand the analyses from a single site to cross-site analyses of 19 landscapes across Europe (in 11 countries). We argue that in order for planners to harness the qualities of both – we need to place a spotlight on strengths and shortcomings of each method and core opportunities for complementary use. We do this by a direct comparison of the spatial distribution, intensity and type of landscape values elicited using PPGIS and Flickr data.Moreover, we relate similarities or differences to specific landscape characteristics and types of landscape values.  
  Call Number Serial 4330  
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