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Author Gentin, S.; Pitkanen, K.; Chondromatidou, A.; Dolling, A.; Proestholm, S.; Palsdottir, A.M.
Title Nature based integration in Europe – a review Type
Year 2018 Publication (up) Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 152-153
Keywords MMV9
Abstract There is a need for investigating the links between immigration and nature; and there are two perspectives, which this review aims to contributing. The first perspective relates to what role nature can play or already plays in terms of integrating immigrants into their new countries of residence. The second perspective is rooted in a social environmental justice perspective, where focusing on the new Europeans should have the same rights and treatment (e.g. benefits of natural areas in terms of ecosystem services; or access to high quality natural environment) regardless of their ethnic background.
Call Number Serial 4087
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Author Proestholm, S.; Gentin, S.Pitkanen, K.; Chondromatidou, A; Dolling, A.; Palsdottir, A.M.
Title Nature-based integration in the Nordic Countries – practices and perspectives Type
Year 2018 Publication (up) Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 9 - Proceedings Issue Pages 154-155
Keywords MMV9
Abstract In order to increase the understanding of the role of nature and cultural ecosystem services in the social integration of immigrants into the Nordic societies, the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) has funded project ORIGIN (Outdoor recreation, nature interpretation and integration in Nordic Countries). In order to facilitate a better knowledge exchange across borders, the ORIGIN project initiated annual Nordic workshops on nature-based integration, and a network of researchers, NGOs and public and private actors working in the fields of immigrant integration and/or nature was formed.
Call Number Serial 4088
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