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Author Gretzinger, S.; Leick, B.; Ulrich, A. M. D.,
Title Actor role-resource interactions in emerging sharing-economy businesses: A case study from Danish sharing-economy entrepreneurs Type
Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal
Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 408-408
Keywords MMV10
Abstract (up) This paper explores the process of establishing and developing businesses within the sharing economy by assuming that actors, resources and activities jointly shape various roles associated with sharing-economy entrepreneurship within platform ecosystems over time. Starting from the dyadic level of analysis, a sample of 15 aspiring entrepreneurs as well as up-stream/down-stream actors related with the entrepreneurs (n= 45 interviews scheduled) in the country-case of Denmark will be sampled to investigate this research question. In the paper, we will describe actor-individual roles as well as business-oriented roles on the dyadic and the network level during the process of establishing, consolidating and stabilising shared-economy businesses. In addition, the drivers that enable these processes will be identified. This short paper provides an overview of the theoretical framework and the planned research design for the empirical study.
Call Number Serial 4380
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