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Author (up) Buckley, R.,
Title Tourism as a Conservation Tool Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 19-25
Keywords MMV4, Connectivity, funding, ecotourism, wildlife
Abstract Tourism and conservation interact principally through public visitation to public protected areas. In addition, however, tourism can generate funding and political support for conservation in multiple-use areas, community conservancies or private reserves. These tenures are likely to prove increasingly important for conservation under growing pressure from human population growth and anthropogenic climate change. The most successful model seems to be through up-market wildlife-watching lodges in private reserves adjacent to larger public protected areas in developing countries. Private companies such as Conservation Corporation Africa and Wilderness Safaris, operating principally in sub-Saharan Africa, have developed successful business models which do also make significant net contributions to conservation of biological diversity.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 888 Serial 2566
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Author (up) Ollenburg, C.; Buckley, R.,
Title Farm tourism experiences in rural Australia: a continent-wide study of geographical distribution and socioeconomic characteristics of farm tourism operators Type
Year 2008 Publication Management for Protection and Sustainable Development Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 4 - Proceedings Issue Pages 262-262
Keywords MMV4, Nature tourism, rural tourism and experiences in recreational and protected areas
Abstract Worldwide changes in agricultural commodity prices and production systems, coupled with increasing demand for rural tourism in urbanized developed nations, have lead many farm landholders to turn to tourism operations as an alternative or additional source of income. The proportions of farmers and rural landholders who have made this move, however, differ considerably from one country to another, and between different areas in the same country. There is a great demand side interest to visit farms, but only some farm landholders provide a tourism experience. For the purpose of this paper tourism experiences on farms include accommodation and activities. A revealed preference approach was applied, at a continent-wide scale examining the geographical distribution and socio-economic characteristic of Australian farm tourism operators. Using multiple data sources, we inventoried, mapped and characterized all known Australian farm tourism enterprises, and examined patterns using both size-based and multi-criterion classifications. Results from revealed-preference analyses are congruent with stated-preference studies but yield considerable additional information and insights. There are clusters of farm tourism enterprises close to cities and gateways, and isolated operations in more remote areas. We identified four groups of farm tourism providers: full-time, part-time, retirement and lifestyle operators. Characteristics of the farm property and business, the farming family, and the farm tourism business differ significantly between groups. Most (88%) of these farm tourism operators offer nature-based as well as farm-based activities; and in aggregate, they use only four fifths of their land for farming, with the remaining fifth, presumably, potentially available for other recreational activities or conservation.
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 1006 Serial 2624
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Author (up) Trampetti, S., Di-Lonardo, S., Buckley, R., Raschi, A.,
Title Biodiversity and tourism: nature conservation in private protected areas in Italy Type
Year 2012 Publication The 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas: Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges Abbreviated Journal NULL
Volume MMV 6 - Proceedings Issue NULL Pages 194-195
Keywords MMV6
Abstract NULL
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 460 Serial 2904
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Author (up) Trampetti, S.; Buckley, R.,
Title Tourism and conservation on private land in taly Type
Year 2010 Publication Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 5 - Proceedings Issue Pages 183-184
Keywords MMV5, protected area, biodiversity, landscape, management
Call Number ILEN @ m.sokopp @ 150 Serial 2759
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