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Author Hochreutener, A.; Pachlatko, J.; Wyttenbach, M.; Boldt, A.; Rupf, R., pdf  url
  Title Aletsch Forest in the UNESCO natural World Heritage site Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch: changes of visitor flows and vegetation in the last ten years Type
  Year 2021 Publication The 10th MMV Conference: Managing outdoor recreation experiences in the Anthropocene – Resources, markets, innovations Abbreviated Journal  
  Volume MINA fagrapport Issue Pages 192-193  
  Keywords MMV10  
  Abstract The Aletsch Forest in Switzerland lies within the UNESCO natural World Heritage site Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch and is one of the oldest of its kind. The 410 ha large forest is protected as a cantonal forest and nature reserve as well as a federal wildlife reserve. The private nature conservation organization Pro Natura manages the area on behalf of the canton of Valais. Recreationists greatly value this pristine nature and each summer many people visit the forest. Management of the Aletsch Forest therefore faces the challenge of finding a balance between use and protection. Utmost priority has the undisturbed natural development of the forest. It is prohibited to leave official trails or resting areas. Still, a sustainable recreational use should be possible. To navigate between these demands and to make effective visitor management decisions, the area management needs empirical data to characterise recreationists (Clivaz et al. 2013) as well as the natural setting (Stankey et al. 1985).  
  Call Number (up) Serial 4286  
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