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Author Zega, M., Grmovsek, A.
Title Protecting & Evaluating Geoheritagein Slovenia – Today’s Issues & Challenges Type
Year 2016 Publication Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas – ABSTRACT BOOK Abbreviated Journal
Volume MMV 8 - Proceedings Issue Pages (down) 412-412
Keywords MMV8
Abstract Although Slovenia is a small country, it boasts with well-preserved diversity in natural and cultural resources.Many merits go to the first conscious and forward-looking individuals, which at the end of 19th century came up with theideaof protecting the worthiest parts of nature, one example isThe proposition for protection of the Triglav lakes valley, handed by A. Belar in 1908 to Austro-Hungarian government. Today, the worthiest parts of nature on the territory of Slovenia are protected under the Nature Conservation Act (NCA)and other accompanying regulations.NCA acknowledges two pillars of nature conservation: (1) natural valuable features protection preservation,and (2) biodiversity. Preservation of biodiversity is mostly provided through Natura 2000network and analogous approaches, while protection of natural valuable features covers the entire natural heritage in Slovenia. In nature these represent: palaeontological sites, karstic and glacier phenomena, waterfalls, lakes, forests, botanic parks… By the NCA they are sorted indifferent categories: geological, geomorphological, hydrological, dendrological, zoological, botanical, ecosystemic, designed and valuable landscape, minerals and fossils.
Call Number Serial 3990
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